Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [8b062feb93]

Artifact 8b062feb935e266601b342d3de4c968d535e470669a3df705c7cf1d443d85cc2:

Attachment "tooltip.diff" to ticket [35027a47f7] added by emiliano 2024-06-12 16:17:20.
Index: modules/tooltip/tooltip.tcl
--- modules/tooltip/tooltip.tcl
+++ modules/tooltip/tooltip.tcl
@@ -750,10 +750,11 @@
     variable G
     # re-enable the 'Enter' binding. it is saved by `enableTag`, and cleared by `tagTip`.
     $w tag bind $tag <Enter> $G(enterBinding,$w,$tag)
     # have we really left ? if the cursor is _in_ the tooltip we haven't.
+    createToplevel
     lassign [split [wm geometry $G(TOPLEVEL)] "x+"] w h xT yT
     lassign [winfo pointerxy "."] x y
     if {($x >= $xT) && ($x <= ($xT + $w)) &&
 	($y >= $yT) && ($y <= ($yT + $h))} return