Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [65d00f9e85]

Artifact 65d00f9e8532813cc252b88f90c1de80f06ebb45:

Attachment "tkchat.patch" to ticket [467835ffff] added by patthoyts 2001-10-04 18:37:43.
*** tkchat.tcl.orig	Thu Oct 04 12:35:46 2001
--- tkchat.tcl	Thu Oct 04 12:34:36 2001
*** 30,35 ****
--- 30,38 ----
      # Everything will eventually be namespaced
      variable MessageHooks
      array set MessageHooks {}
+     variable HEADUrl {}
+     variable rcsid   {$Id$}
  set ::DEBUG 1
*** 68,73 ****
--- 71,125 ----
      return $auth
+ # Retrieve the lastest version of tkchat from the SourceForge CVS.
+ # This code is (almost) entirely ripped from TkCon. - PT.
+ proc tkchat::Retrieve {} {
+     variable HEADUrl
+     set rcsVersion {}
+     set defExt ""
+     if {[string match "windows" $::tcl_platform(platform)]} {
+ 	set defExt ".tcl"
+     }
+     set file [tk_getSaveFile -title "Save Latest TkChat to ..." \
+ 		  -defaultextension $defExt \
+ 		  -initialdir [file dirname $::argv0] \
+ 		  -initialfile [file tail $::argv0] \
+ 		  -parent . \
+ 		  -filetypes {{"Tcl Files" {.tcl .tk}} {"All Files" {*.*}}}]
+     if {[string compare $file ""]} {
+ 	set token [::http::geturl $HEADUrl -headers [buildProxyHeaders] -timeout 30000]
+ 	::http::wait $token
+ 	set code [catch {
+ 	    if {[::http::status $token] == "ok"} {
+ 		set fid [open $file w]
+ 		fconfigure $fid -translation binary
+ 		set data [::http::data $token]
+ 		puts -nonewline $fid $data
+ 		close $fid
+ 		regexp {Id: tkchat.tcl,v (\d+\.\d+)} $data -> rcsVersion
+ 	    }
+ 	} err]
+ 	::http::cleanup $token
+ 	if {$code} {
+ 	    tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error \
+ 		-title "Error retrieving tkchat from CVS" \
+ 		-message $err
+ 	} else {
+ 	    set resource? [tk_messageBox -type yesno -icon info \
+ 			       -title "Retrieved tkchat $rcsVersion" \
+ 			       -message "Successfully retrieved v$rcsVersion.\
+                                    Do you want to reload from the new version?"]
+ 	    if {${resource?} == "yes"} {
+ 		uplevel \#0 [list source $file]
+ 		tk_messageBox -message "Script has been reloaded!"
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
  proc msgSend {str {user ""}} {
      global Options
      set qry [::http::formatQuery \
*** 800,805 ****
--- 852,859 ----
  	    -command [list ::tkchat::debug reload]
      $m add comman -label "Restart Script" \
  	    -command [list ::tkchat::debug restart]
+     $m add comman -label "Retrieve Script" \
+ 	    -command [list ::tkchat::debug retrieve]
      $m add comman -label "Evaluate Selection" \
  	    -command [list ::tkchat::debug evalSel]
      $m add comman -label "Purge Chat Window" \
*** 1214,1219 ****
--- 1268,1276 ----
  	    eval font delete [font names]
  	    unset ::Options
+ 	}
+ 	retrieve {
+ 	    Retrieve
  	purge {
  	    pause on 0