Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [2e4f773d1f]

Artifact 2e4f773d1f1d60837a55bb7f1660c2d1674bb77d:

Attachment "smtp_error_body_text_sent.txt" to ticket [1376323fff] added by andreas_kupries 2005-12-09 00:10:20.

------------------------INCLUDED TEXT------------------------

      1: #!/usr/local/bin/wish
      2: #!/usr/local/ActiveTcl/bin/wish
      3: #
      4: # vf - View File ( file reader with many nice features )
      5: #
      6: set globs(VERSION)      4.1.16
      7: #
      8: #
      9: # The next line stops doctcl and tophelp scan, and sets tabs and version #:
     10: #<<doctcl -t 4 -v 0.0d
     11: #
     12: # Change History:
     13: #       Date            Name            Version         Description
     14: #       2005.08.18      Robert Joy      4.1.16          Fixed; Searching for the literal text \t and \n.
     15: #                                                       Added; Make tool windows transparent to Options menu. (Windows only)
     16: #                                                       Added; Tools on top functions and options.
     17: #       2005.08.17      Robert Joy      4.1.15          Fixed; Got the "keep search tool above main" working.
     18: #                                                       Changed; Search tool is now a "toolwindow" in windows.
     19: #       2005.08.16      Robert Joy      4.1.14          Fixed; I forgot to add the new filtering stuff to the Apply button.
     20: #                                                               I ended up moving the actual go to line X to the saveSearchValues
     21: #                                                               function.
     22: #       2005.08.15      Robert Joy      4.1.13          Changed; The way filtering returns to normal. It now tries to
     23: #                                                               get the user to the line that was at the top of the screen.
     24: #                                                       Added; -sbt and ver options and functionality.
     25: #       2005.08.10      Robert Joy      4.1.12          Fixed; a problem when selecting search filtering when the
     26: #               `                                               expression is an empty string
     27: #                                                       Added; Visibility event should keep search tool on top of . but
     28: #                                                               it's not working on windows. (this has been removed for now)
     29: #                                                       Added; showState now changes cursor to watch when msg != "" (this has been removed)
     30: #       2005.08.05      Robert Joy      4.1.11          Added; b3Popup menu now includes adding selection to search.
     31: #                                                       Fixed; Done button on cmd processor was not returning the original
     32: #                                                               file to the viewer.
     33: #       2005.08.05      Robert Joy      4.1.10          Changed; spawn of wordpad is now in background.
     34: #                                                       Added; File, Screen, and Selection menu to print function.
     35: #                                                       Fixed; Filenames are now added to filemenu when opened from
     36: #                                                               the "Open file in this VF instance" function of the b3Popup.
     37: #                                                       Changed; Selecting 0, 1, or - on search filter are now applied immediately.
     38: #       2005.08.04      Robert Joy      4.1.9           Fixed; Issue related to STDIN.
     39: #       2005.08.03      Robert Joy      4.1.8           Changed; to version 8.4.11 of gdi.dll to fix crashing issue.
     40: #       2005.08.02      Robert Joy      4.1.8           Changed; to version 8.4.11 of printer.dll to fix crashing bug on machines
     41: #                                                               did not have the msvcr70.dll.
     42: #                                                       Added; Support of mousewheel in directory browser and other text windows and lists.
     43: #                                                       Fixed; absolute path file highlight open feature so it works with windows.
     44: #       2005.07.22      Robert Joy      4.1.1           Changed; Made several changes so VF would work on a window platform.
     45: #
     46: # Start old history format ----------------------------------------------------------
     47: #
     48: #       2004.11.08      Robert Joy      Changed; MATI search preset
     49: #       2004.07.30      Robert Joy      Added; Email capability.
     50: #       2004.06.29      Robert Joy      Added; follow, son, soff, page up/down from cmd proc
     51: #                                               mutation of ls cmd to show multicolumn.
     52: #       2004.06.23      Robert Joy      Added; cmds command and "Release Cmd" button and logic.
     53: #       2004.06.22      Robert Joy      Added; x, y, width, height commands.
     54: #       2004.06.17      Robert Joy      Added; help and raise commands to CMD PROC.
     55: #       2004.06.16      Robert Joy      Added; done and return commands for CMD PROC.
     56: #       2004.06.11      Robert Joy      Fixed; Issue with ALIASES variable not being initialized.
     57: #       2004.06.09      Robert Joy      Added; Ctrl-x switches from viewer to cmd processor.
     58: #       2004.06.07      Robert Joy      Fixed; An issue with the cmd proc that caused stderr to be sent to the
     59: #                                               term window that spawned VF.
     60: #                                       Fixed; bgerror when trying to print a non-existant file.
     61: #                                       Fixed; Handling variable names. ei; echo $SHELL
     62: #       2004.06.04      Robert Joy      Fixed; I added a catch around the exec which was extracting the aliases
     63: #                                               from the user's shell rc file.
     64: #       2004.06.02      Robert Joy      Added; The ability to open a filename from the file text that is either
     65: #                                               relative to the CWD or to the open file's path using the highlight
     66: #                                               and right click mechanism.
     67: #       2004.06.01      Robert Joy      Added; SaveAs file menu item.
     68: #       2003.11.04      Robert Joy      Added; Command processor tool.
     69: #       2003.10.09      Robert Joy      Fixed; A bug that was causing vf to become sluggish. The problem was
     70: #                                               the proc cancelGetting. globs(AFTER) was not being reset so
     71: #                                               the list continued to grow over time.
     72: #       2003.09.22      Robert Joy      Modified; MABS regexp for fail to include new SYSTEM msgs.
     73: #       2003.09.11      Robert Joy      Fixed; MABS regexp for pass and fail.
     74: #                                       Fixed; call to UNIX file command was /bin/file now /usr/bin/file
     75: #       2003.07.10      Robert Joy      Changed; The preset for MATI.
     76: #                                       Fixed; The regexp for "Select file name within VF".
     77: #       2003.06.13      Robert Joy      Added; Select file name within VF and right click to open in new instance of VF.
     78: #                                       Updated; Help info.
     79: #       2003.06.12      Robert Joy      Fixed; Some functions would cause getmore to be more than once, creating multiple
     80: #                                               getmore loops.
     81: #       2003.06.11      Robert Joy      Added; Marking (history).
     82: #       2003.06.09      Robert Joy      Fixed; When piping output from fast processes VF would get "hung" reading
     83: #                                               the input. Added fconfigure -blocking 0 to fix it.
     84: #       2003.06.06      Robert Joy      Added; TECHSUPP search preset.
     85: #                                       Added; Now accepts piped data.
     86: #       2003.05.15      Robert Joy      Added; General wildcard recognition on Browse File from Files menu.
     87: #       2003.05.14      Robert Joy      Added; Flashing icon when match is made.
     88: #                                       Added; -icon option.
     89: #       2003.05.07      Robert Joy      Added; Select All to Edit menu.
     90: #       2003.04.17      Robert Joy      Fixed; Search tool is withdrawn now instead of destroyed.
     91: #                                               This was done because construction of search can be slow at times.
     92: #       2003.03.25      Robert Joy      Fixed; Removed bindings for text navigation via main widget.
     93: #       2003.02.13      Robert Joy      Fixed; changeFile now clears the screen.
     94: #                                       Added; Create/Delete/Modify/Load/Save file set functions.
     95: #       2003.01.30      Robert Joy      Added; Delete Files Menu Entries to files menu.
     96: #       2003.01.28      Robert Joy      Added; New Instance to file menu.
     97: #                                       Fixed; When LOGNAME and actual user were different VF would read and fail
     98: #                                               writing to the LOGNAME's vf.rc file.
     99: #                                       Fixed; Vertical scrollbar was not being placed properly when a smaller file
    100: #                                               was being loaded after a larger file.
    101: #       2003.01.27      Robert Joy      Changed; Moved File info display to file menu and added some more info.
    102: #       2003.01.26      Robert Joy      Fixed; The text window now retains it's postion when a processing function
    103: #                                               causes a re-read of the file.
    104: #       2003.01.24      Robert Joy      Changed; Improved the NLN and NCI behavior to make it faster.
    105: #                                       Added; -ntc option and "No tab conversion" entry on Options menu.
    106: #       2003.01.22      Robert Joy      Added; -tab option and tab menu.
    107: #                                       Added; vf.cfg file.
    108: #       2003.01.20      Robert Joy      Added; Detab of tabs.
    109: #       2003.01.17      Robert Joy      Added; No color indicator option.
    110: #       2003.01.10      Robert Joy      Added; Filter inversion and "Always display non-matching lines" feature.
    111: #       2003.01.09      Robert Joy      Added; Accelerators to several menu items.
    112: #                                       Added; New option -tmode allows the user to specify the starting time mode.
    113: #                                       Added; "No line numbers" to Options menu.
    114: #                                       Added; Ability for user to set end time on the fly for remaining time mode.
    115: #                                       Fixed; editFile with filters so it does something reasonable with line numbers.
    116: #                                       Changed; Location of some of the menus and moved "Modify Print Header..." to Edit
    117: #                                               menu and changed item name to "Print Header..."