Attachment "sign_test.tcl" to
ticket [3440115fff]
added by
2011-11-19 08:40:40.
package require pki
package require fileutil
# Use additions from Feature Request id 3440058
# or just comment all "fileutil::writeFile"
# commands
### Change this var if openssl is somewhere else
set path_to_openssl /usr/bin
# Checking if a key is already generated (save time)
puts -nonewline "Creating test key if it does not exist "
set t [clock milliseconds] ; flush stdout
set g $t
if {[file exist test_key.pem]} {
# Parse an existing key
set test_key [pki::pkcs::parse_key [fileutil::cat test_key.pem]]
} else {
# Generate key
set test_key [pki::rsa::generate 512]
# Write a pem version using privkey2pem
fileutil::writeFile test_key.pem [::pki::x509::privkey2pem $test_key]
# Some times, after generating the key, it throws an error:
# Unknown hashing algorithm: unknown
# while executing
# "::pki::verify $signature $cert_req_info_saved $keylist"
# which can be avoided by reparsing the key from the converted
# pem just by doing this:
#set test_key [pki::pkcs::parse_key [::pki::x509::privkey2pem $test_key]]
puts "in [format %.3f [expr ([clock milliseconds] - $t) / 1000.00]]s"
# Create request with some data
puts -nonewline "Creating the request to be signed "
set t [clock milliseconds] ; flush stdout
# Setting some data to populate the request
set dat(cn) "test"
set dat(ou) "test"
set dat(o) "test"
set dat(l) "Monterrey"
set dat(st) "Nuevo Leon"
set dat(c) "MX"
set dat(email) "[email protected]"
set d [list]
foreach x "c st l o ou cn" {
lappend d $x
lappend d $dat($x)
# Creating request
set test_req [::pki::pkcs::create_csr $test_key $d 1 sha1]
fileutil::writeFile test_req.pem $test_req
puts "in [format %.3f [expr ([clock milliseconds] - $t) / 1000.00]]s"
# Checking for existing CA and its key
# (is there a way to create a selfsigned CA with PKI package?)
if {![file exist ca_key.pem]} {
puts -nonewline "CA key does not exists, creating one "
set t [clock milliseconds] ; flush stdout
set o {genrsa -out ca_key.pem 4096}
eval catch \{exec [file join $path_to_openssl openssl] $o\} e
file delete ca_openssl.pem
puts "in [format %.3f [expr ([clock milliseconds] - $t) / 1000.00]]s"
if {![file exist ca_openssl.pem]} {
puts -nonewline "CA cert does not exists, creating one "
set t [clock milliseconds] ; flush stdout
set o {req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -days 3650 -subj "/CN=CA ROOT/O=catest/C=MX/ST=Nuevo Leon/L=Monterrey" -out ca_openssl.pem -key ca_key.pem}
eval catch \{exec [file join $path_to_openssl openssl] $o\} e
puts "in [format %.3f [expr ([clock milliseconds] - $t) / 1000.00]]s"
# Parsing CA and its key
puts -nonewline "Parsing CA and its key "
set t [clock milliseconds] ; flush stdout
set ca_key [pki::pkcs::parse_key [fileutil::cat ca_key.pem]]
set ca [::pki::x509::parse_cert [fileutil::cat ca_openssl.pem]]
puts "in [format %.3f [expr ([clock milliseconds] - $t) / 1000.00]]s"
# Signing request
puts -nonewline "Signing request "
set t [clock milliseconds] ; flush stdout
# Parsing request to tcl list style
set parsed_req [pki::pkcs::parse_csr $test_req]
# Signing the request
set ctime [clock seconds]
set fca [::pki::x509::create_cert $parsed_req "$ca $ca_key" 1 $ctime [clock add $ctime 3 year] 0 "" true]
fileutil::writeFile test.pem $fca
puts "in [format %.3f [expr ([clock milliseconds] - $t) / 1000.00]]s"
# Done
puts "[string repeat - 50]\ndone!! in [format %.3f [expr ([clock milliseconds] - $g) / 1000.00]]s"