Attachment "parseMimeValue.tcl" to
ticket [2907556fff]
added by
2009-12-02 22:51:53.
# ::ncgi::parseMimeValue
# Parse a MIME header value, which has the form
# value; param=value; param2="value2"; param3='value3'
# Arguments:
# value The mime header value. This does not include the mime
# header field name, but everything after it.
# Results:
# A two-element list, the first is the primary value,
# the second is in turn a name-value list corresponding to the
# parameters. Given the above example, the return value is
# {
# value
# {param value param2 value param3 value3}
# }
proc ::ncgi::parseMimeValue {value} {
regexp {^[^;]*} $value part0 ;# matches at least the empty string => part0 is defined
set results [list [string trim $part0]]
set paramList [list]
set params [regexp -inline -all -start [string length $part0] \
{;([^=]+)=("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^;]*)} $value]
foreach {_ key val} $params {
set key [string trim [string tolower $key]]
set val [string trim $val]
# Allow single as well as double quotes
if {[regexp -- {^["']} $val quote]} { ;# need a " for balance
if {[regexp -- ^${quote}(\[^$quote\]*)$quote $val x val2]} {
# Trim quotes and any extra crap after close quote
set val $val2
lappend paramList $key $val
if {[llength $paramList]} {
lappend results $paramList
return $results