Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [ddd94790de]

Artifact ddd94790dee036a12d3e92f29d9ec446fc8dcb4d:

Attachment "" to ticket [520279ffff] added by patthoyts 2002-02-20 08:55:39.
[manpage_begin dns n 1.0]
[moddesc   {dns}]
[titledesc {Tcl Domain Name Service Client}]
[require Tcl 8.2]
[require dns [opt 1.0]]

The dns package provides a Tcl only Domain Name Service client. You should
refer to RFC 1034 and RFC 1035 for information about the DNS protocol or
read resolver(3) to find out how the C library resolves domain names.

The intention of this package is to insulate Tcl scripts
from problems with using the system library resolver for slow name servers.
It may or may not be of practical use.

The package also extend the [cmd uri] package to support DNS
URIs or the form or
dns://my.nameserver/ The [cmd dns::resolve] command can
handle DNS URIs or simple domain names as a query.

[section COMMANDS]

[list_begin definitions]

[call [cmd ::dns::resolve] [arg query] [opt [arg "options"]]]

Resolve a domain name using the [strong DNS] protocol. [arg query] is
the domain name to be lookup up. This should be either a fully
qualified domain name or a DNS URI.

[list_begin definitions]
[lst_item "[cmd -nameserver] [arg hostname] or [cmd -server] [arg hostname]"]
  Specify an alternative name server for this request.
[lst_item "[cmd -protocol] [arg tcp|udp]"]
  Specify the network protocol to use for this request. Can be one of
  [arg tcp] or [arg udp]. However only tcp is currently implemented in the
[lst_item "[cmd -port] [arg portnum]"]
  Specify an alternative port.
[lst_item "[cmd -search] [arg domainlist]"]
[lst_item "[cmd -timeout] [arg milliseconds]"]
  Override the default timeout.
[lst_item "[cmd -type] [arg TYPE]"]
  Specify the type of DNS record you are interested in. Valid values are A, NS, MD
  MAILA and *. See RFC1035 for details about the return values.
[lst_item "[cmd -class] [arg CLASS]"]
  Specify the class of domain name. This is usually IN but may be one of IN for 
  internet domain names, CS, CH, HS or * for any class.
[lst_item "[cmd -recurse] [arg boolean]"]
  Set to [arg false] if you do not want the name server to recursively act upon
  your request. Normally set to [arg true].
[lst_item "[cmd -command] [arg procname]"]
  Set a procedure to be called upon request completion. The procedure will be
  passed the token as its only argument.

[call [cmd ::dns::configure] [opt [arg "options"]]]

The ::dns::configure command is used to setup the dns package. The server to
query, the protocol and domain search path are all set via this command. If
no arguments are provided then a list of all the current settings is returned.
If only one argument then it must the the name of an option and the value for
that option is returned.

[list_begin definitions]
[lst_item "[cmd -nameserver] [arg hostname]"]
  Set the default name server to be used by all queries. The default is
[lst_item "[cmd -protocol] [arg tcp|udp]"]
  Set the default network protocol to be used. Defaults to tcp.
[lst_item "[cmd -port] [arg portnum]"]
  Set the default port to use on the name server. The default is 53.
[lst_item "[cmd -search] [arg domainlist]"]
  Set the domain search list. This is currently not used.
[lst_item "[cmd -timeout] [arg milliseconds]"]
  Set the default timeout value for DNS lookups. Defaults to 30 seconds.

[call [cmd ::dns::name] [arg token]]
  Returns a list of all domain names returned as an answer to your query.

[call [cmd ::dns::address] [arg token]]
  Returns a list of the address records that match your query.

[call [cmd ::dns::cname] [arg token]]
  Returns a list of canonical names (usually just one) matching your query.

[call [cmd ::dns::status] [arg token]]
  Returns the status flag. For a successfully completed query this will be
  [emph ok]. May be [emph error] or [emph timeout] or [emph eof].
  See also [cmd ::dns::error]

[call [cmd ::dns::error] [arg token]]
  Returns the error message provided for requests whose status is [emph error].
  If there is no error message then an empty string is returned.

[call [cmd ::dns::reset] [arg token]]
  Reset or cancel a DNS query.

[call [cmd ::dns::wait] [arg token]]
  Wait for a DNS query to complete and return the status upon completion.

[call [cmd ::dns::cleanup] [arg token]]
  Remove all state variables associated with the request.


[section EXAMPLES]

[example {
% set tok [dns::resolve]
% dns::status $tok
% dns::address $tok
% dns::name $tok

Using DNS URIs as queries:
[example {
% set tok [dns::resolve ";type=MX"]
% set tok [dns::resolve "dns://"]

[see_also resolver(5)]
[section AUTHORS]
Pat Thoyts

[keywords DNS resolver {domain name service}]