Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [00b76725cf]

Artifact 00b76725cf465af6dd6de57ddd2ec34e97bcceba:

Attachment "diff.txt" to ticket [439016ffff] added by nobody 2001-07-06 18:38:22.
diff -cb d:/devtools/tcl.gen/tcllib0.8/textutil/tabify.tcl ./tabify.tcl
*** d:/devtools/tcl.gen/tcllib0.8/textutil/tabify.tcl	Thu Nov  2 14:19:04 2000
--- ./tabify.tcl	Sun Jul  1 01:11:28 2001
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,58 ----
+ #
+ # As the author of the procs 'tabify2' and 'untabify2' I suggest that the
+ # comments explaining their behaviour be kept in this file.
+ # 1) Beginners in any programming language (I am new to Tcl so I know what I
+ #    am talking about) can profit enormously from studying 'correct' code.
+ #    Of course comments will help a lot in this regard.
+ # 2) Many problems newbies face can be solved by directing them towards
+ #    available libraries - after all, libraries have been written to solve
+ #    recurring problems. Then they can just use them, or have a closer look
+ #    to see and to discover how things are done the 'Tcl way'.
+ # 3) And if ever a proc from a library should be less than perfect, having
+ #    comments explaining the behaviour of the code will surely help.
+ #
+ # This said, I will welcome any error reports or suggestions for improvements
+ # (especially on the 'doing things the Tcl way' aspect).
+ #
+ # Use of these sources is licensed under the same conditions as is Tcl.
+ #
+ # June 2001, Helmut Giese ([email protected])
+ #
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #
+ # The original procs 'tabify' and 'untabify' each work with complete blocks
+ # of $num spaces ('num' holding the tab size). While this is certainly useful
+ # in some circumstances, it does not reflect the way an editor works:
+ # 	Counting columns from 1, assuming a tab size of 8 and entering '12345'
+ #   followed by a tab, you expect to advance to column 9. Your editor might
+ #   put a tab into the file or 3 spaces, depending on its configuration.
+ #	Now, on 'tabifying' you will expect to see those 3 spaces converted to a
+ #	tab (and on the other hand expect the tab *at this position* to be
+ #	converted to 3 spaces).
+ #
+ #	This behaviour is mimicked by the new procs 'tabify2' and 'untabify2'.
+ #   Both have one feature in common: They accept multi-line strings (a whole
+ #   file if you want to) but in order to make life simpler for the programmer,
+ #   they split the incoming string into individual lines and hand each line to
+ #   a proc that does the real work.
+ #
+ #   One design decision worth mentioning here:
+ #      A single space is never converted to a tab even if its position would
+ #      allow to do so.
+ #   Single spaces occur very often, say in arithmetic expressions like
+ #   [expr (($a + $b) * $c) < $d]. If we didn't follow the above rule we might
+ #   need to replace one or more of them to tabs. However if the tab size gets
+ #   changed, this expression would be formatted quite differently - which is
+ #   probably not a good idea.
+ #
+ #   'untabifying' on the other hand might need to replace a tab with a single
+ #   space: If the current position requires it, what else to do?
+ #   As a consequence those two procs are unsymmetric in this aspect, but I
+ #   couldn't think of a better solution. Could you?
+ #
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #
  namespace eval ::textutil {

      namespace eval tabify {
*** 6,23 ****
  	variable TabLen  8
  	variable TabStr  [ $StrRepeat " " $TabLen ]

! 	namespace export tabify untabify

  	# This will be redefined later. We need it just to let
  	# a chance for the next import subcommand to work
  	proc tabify   { string { num 8 } } { }
  	proc untabify { string { num 8 } } { }


!     namespace import -force tabify::tabify tabify::untabify
!     namespace export tabify untabify


--- 61,90 ----
  	variable TabLen  8
  	variable TabStr  [ $StrRepeat " " $TabLen ]

! 	namespace export tabify untabify tabify2 untabify2

  	# This will be redefined later. We need it just to let
  	# a chance for the next import subcommand to work
  	proc tabify    { string { num 8 } } { }
  	proc untabify  { string { num 8 } } { }
+ 	proc tabify2   { string { num 8 } } { }
+ 	proc untabify2 { string { num 8 } } { }

+ 	# The proc 'untabify2' uses the following variables for efficiency.
+ 	# Since a tab can be replaced by 1 up to 'tab size' spaces, it is handy
+ 	# to have the appropriate 'space strings' available. This is the use of
+ 	# the array 'Spaces', where 'Spaces(n)' contains just 'n' spaces.
+ 	# The variable 'TabLen2' remembers the last tab size used.
+ 	variable TabLen2 0
+ 	variable  Spaces
+ 	array set Spaces {0 ""}

!     namespace import -force tabify::tabify tabify::untabify \
! 			tabify::tabify2 tabify::untabify2
!     namespace export tabify untabify tabify2 untabify2


*** 50,53 ****
--- 117,271 ----

      return $TabStr
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #
+ # tabifyLine: Works on a single line of text, replacing 'spaces at correct
+ # 		positions' with tabs. $num is the requested tab size.
+ #		Returns the (possibly modified) line.
+ #
+ # 'spaces at correct positions': Only spaces which 'fill the space' between
+ # an arbitrary position and the next tab stop can be replaced. The proc works
+ # backwards:
+ #	- Set the position to start the search from ('lastPos') to 'end'.
+ #	- Find the last occurrence of ' ' in 'line' with respect to 'lastPos'.
+ #	- Calculate the next and the previous tab stop with respect to this ' ',
+ #	  and define the starting point for the next search.
+ #	- The ' ' is only a candidate for replacement if
+ #	  1) it is just one position before a tab stop *and*
+ #	  2) there is at least one space at its left (see comment above on not
+ #	     touching an isolated space).
+ #	  Continue, if any of these conditions is not met.
+ #	- Determine where to put the tab (that is: how many spaces to replace?)
+ #	  by stepping backwards until
+ #		-- you hit a non-space or
+ #		-- you are at the previous tab position
+ #	- Do the replacement and continue.
+ #
+ proc ::textutil::tabify::tabifyLine { line num } {
+ 	set lastPos end
+ 	while { $lastPos > 0 } {
+ 		set currPos [string last " " $line $lastPos]
+ 		if { $currPos == -1 } {
+ 			# no more spaces
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		set nextTab [expr ($currPos + $num) - ($currPos % $num)]
+ 		set prevTab [expr $nextTab - $num]
+ 		# prepare for next round: continue at 'previous tab stop - 1'
+ 		set lastPos [expr $prevTab - 1]
+ 		if { [expr ($currPos + 1) != $nextTab] } {
+ 			continue											;# crit. (1)
+ 		}
+ 		if { [string index $line [expr $currPos - 1]] != " " } {
+ 			continue											;# crit. (2)
+ 		}
+ 		# now step backwards while there are spaces
+ 		for {set pos [expr $currPos - 2]} {$pos >= $prevTab} {incr pos -1} {
+ 			if { [string index $line $pos] != " " } {
+ 				break;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		# ... and replace them
+ 		set line [string replace $line [expr $pos + 1] $currPos \t]
+ 	}
+ 	return $line
+ }
+ #
+ # Helper proc for 'untabifyLine': Checks if all needed elements of array
+ # 'Spaces' exist and creates the missing ones if needed.
+ #
+ proc ::textutil::tabify::checkArr { num } {
+ 	variable TabLen2
+ 	variable Spaces
+ 	variable StrRepeat
+ 	if { $num > $TabLen2 } {
+ 		for { set i [expr $TabLen2 + 1] } { $i <= $num } { incr i } {
+ 			set Spaces($i) [$StrRepeat " " $i]
+ 		}
+ 		set TabLen2 $num
+ 	}
+ }
+ # untabifyLine: Works on a single line of text, replacing tabs with enough
+ #		spaces to get to the next tab position.
+ #		Returns the (possibly modified) line.
+ #
+ # The procedure is straight forward:
+ #	- Find the next tab.
+ #	- Calculate the next tab position following it.
+ #	- Delete the tab and insert as many spaces as needed to get there.
+ #
+ proc ::textutil::tabify::untabifyLine { line num } {
+ 	variable Spaces
+ 	set currPos 0
+ 	while { 1 } {
+ 		set currPos [string first \t $line $currPos]
+ 		if { $currPos == -1 } {
+ 			# no more tabs
+ 			break
+ 		}
+ 		# how far is the next tab position ?
+ 		set dist [expr $num - ($currPos % $num)]
+ 		# replace '\t' at $currPos with $dist spaces
+ 		set line [string replace $line $currPos $currPos $Spaces($dist)]
+ 		# set up for next round (not absolutely necessary but maybe a trifle
+ 		# more efficient)
+ 		incr currPos $dist
+ 	}
+ 	return $line
+ }
+ # tabify2: Replace all 'appropriate' spaces as discussed above with tabs.
+ #	'string' might hold any number of lines, 'num' is the requested tab size.
+ #	Returns (possibly modified) 'string'.
+ #
+ proc ::textutil::tabify::tabify2 { string { num 8 } } {
+ 	# split string into individual lines
+ 	set inLst [split $string \n]
+ 	# now work on each line
+ 	foreach line $inLst {
+ 		lappend outLst [tabifyLine $line $num]
+ 	}
+ 	# return all as one string
+ 	return [join $outLst \n]
+ }
+ # untabify2: Replace all tabs with the appropriate number of spaces.
+ #	'string' might hold any number of lines, 'num' is the requested tab size.
+ #	Returns (possibly modified) 'string'.
+ #
+ proc ::textutil::tabify::untabify2 { string { num 8 } } {
+ 	# assure array 'Spaces' is set up 'comme il faut'
+ 	checkArr $num
+ 	set inLst [split $string \n]
+ 	foreach line $inLst {
+ 		lappend outLst [untabifyLine $line $num]
+ 	}
+ 	return [join $outLst \n]
diff -cb d:/devtools/tcl.gen/tcllib0.8/textutil/tabify.test ./tabify.test
*** d:/devtools/tcl.gen/tcllib0.8/textutil/tabify.test	Thu Nov  2 14:19:04 2000
--- ./tabify.test	Sun Jul  1 00:50:20 2001
*** 40,42 ****
--- 40,124 ----
      ::textutil::untabify "\t   hello,\t   world\t   " 5
  } "        hello,        world        "

+ #
+ # Tests for version 2 of (un)tabify
+ #
+ #
+ # tests 2.1 - 2.3: see how a single space (after 'hello') is not converted
+ # to a tab
+ #
+ test tabify-2.1 {version 2: tabify, tab size 3} {
+     ::textutil::tabify2 "hello    world" 3
+ } "hello \tworld"
+ test tabify-2.2 {version 2: tabify, tab size 3, more spaces than needed} {
+     ::textutil::tabify2 "hello      world" 3
+ } "hello \t  world"
+ test tabify-2.3 {version 2: tabify, tab size 3, less spaces than needed} {
+     ::textutil::tabify2 "hello   world" 3
+ } "hello   world"
+ test tabify-2.4 {version 2: tabify, tab size 8} {
+     ::textutil::tabify2 "hello   world"
+ } "hello\tworld"
+ test tabify-2.5 {version 2: tabify, tab size 8, more spaces than needed} {
+     ::textutil::tabify2 "hello     world"
+ } "hello\t  world"
+ test tabify-2.6 {version 2: tabify, tab size 8, less spaces than needed} {
+     ::textutil::tabify2 "hello  world"
+ } "hello  world"
+ #
+ # tests 2.7 & 2.8: 'end of line' (\n or not) of last line is preserved
+ #
+ test tabify-2.7 {version 2: tabify, tab size 8, multi line} {
+     ::textutil::tabify2 "line 1  \n        line 2\nline 3  \n        line 4"
+ } "line 1\t\n\tline 2\nline 3\t\n\tline 4"
+ test tabify-2.8 {version 2: tabify, tab size 8, multi line} {
+     ::textutil::tabify2 "line 1  \n        line 2\nline 3  \n        line 4\n"
+ } "line 1\t\n\tline 2\nline 3\t\n\tline 4\n"
+ #
+ # untabify
+ #
+ test tabify-3.1 {version 2: untabify, tab size 3} {
+     ::textutil::untabify2 "hello \tworld" 3
+ } "hello    world"
+ test tabify-3.2 {version 2: untabify, tab size 3, tab to single space} {
+     ::textutil::untabify2 "hello\t\tworld" 3
+ } "hello    world"
+ #
+ # The change in tab size from 3 to 8 (silently) results in building the
+ # appropriate 'Spaces' strings (in 3.5 'Spaces(6)' is needed)
+ #
+ test tabify-3.3 {version 2: untabify, tab size 8} {
+     ::textutil::untabify2 "hello\tworld"
+ } "hello   world"
+ test tabify-3.4 {version 2: untabify, tab size 8, mix of tab and spaces} {
+     ::textutil::untabify2 "hello  \tworld"
+ } "hello   world"
+ test tabify-3.5 {version 2: untabify, tab size 8, requires 'long' space string} {
+     ::textutil::untabify2 "hello\tmy\tworld"
+ } "hello   my      world"
+ #
+ # tests 3.6 & 3.7: 'end of line' (\n or not) of last line is preserved
+ #
+ test tabify-3.6 {version 2: untabify, tab size 8, multi line} {
+     ::textutil::untabify2 "line 1\t\n\tline 2\nline 3\t\n\tline 4"
+ } "line 1  \n        line 2\nline 3  \n        line 4"
+ test tabify-3.7 {version 2: untabify, tab size 8, multi line} {
+     ::textutil::untabify2 "line 1\t\n\tline 2\nline 3\t\n\tline 4\n"
+ } "line 1  \n        line 2\nline 3  \n        line 4\n"