Attachment "" to
ticket [1752755fff]
added by
2007-07-12 23:36:50.
#attempt to reproduce the error described here:
package require BWidget
#create a ListBox in a ScrolledWindow
#Note: without -selectfill true, there is no error!
ScrolledWindow .sw
ListBox -selectfill true
.sw setwidget
button .b -command {testBug} -text "Show Bug!"
#drop the button and listbox on a grid, make the column resizable
grid .sw -column 0 -row 0 -sticky we
grid .b -column 1 -row 0 -sticky we
#without this, there is no error:
grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1
#for some reason, it does not happen at the default size.
wm minsize . 500 100
#Note: attempting to insert an item named "a:" causes a
#'parent namespace does not exist' error during insert.
#Same with anything that inclusdes "::" in the name. insert end "a1" -text "a" selection set {a1}
proc testBug { } {
#remove selected item delete [ selection get]
#now cause a resize of the listbox by enlarging the button text
.b configure -text "[.b cget -text]aaaa"