Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [6b4aac6828]

Artifact 6b4aac6828b8f4be18f7f75faa48181fc622ea7a:

Attachment "STProxy" to ticket [1777399fff] added by fanwang 2007-08-20 10:35:51. Also attachment "STProxy" to ticket [1777399fff] added by fanwang 2007-08-20 10:27:51. Also attachment "STProxy" to ticket [1777399fff] added by fanwang 2007-08-20 10:14:34.
package require ftp
package require md5

#			FTP

proc ftp_start {args} {
		array set myarr $args
		set server $myarr(-server)
		set account $myarr(-account)
		set passwd $myarr(-passwd)
		set timeout $myarr(-timeout)
		set file $myarr(-file)
		set md5 $myarr(-md5)
		set i 0
		while {1} {
			after 2000
			catch {ftp::Open $server $account $passwd -timeout $timeout} ch
			if {$ch=="-1"} {
				puts "[clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S]=============can't open ftp session"
			catch {ftp::Get $ch $file $file} ret
			if {!$ret} {
				puts "[clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S]===========can't get file"
				catch {ftp::Close $ch}
			catch {ftp::Close $ch}
			puts [info vars ::ftp::*]	        
			if {[string compare -nocase [md5::md5 -hex -file ${file} $md5]!=0} {
				puts "[clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S]============there is a data loss: $file"


set ftp_server
set timeout 30
set file 2M
set md5ck(2M) "3fdd51e2744a4d4fd09b4ddd8c70a883"

ftp_start -server $ftp_server -account "ftpuser" -passwd "123" -timeout $timeout -file $file -md5 $md5ck($file)]