Module: pop3 modules/pop3/pop3.test - tcltest 2.2.8 - pop3 1.6.3 - comm 4.3 Main @ 52584 Waiting for sub server to boot Subshell is "/opt/bin/tclsh8.4" Sub server @ 52585 [server: Pop3 Fake Server] ==== pop3-2.6.11 retrieval, retr 116 FAILED ==== Contents of test case: dialog::dialog_set {retrMessage $listflag $__messageA $len} set psock [pop3::open -retr-mode $mode localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]] set res [pop3::retrieve $psock 1] pop3::close $psock dialog::waitdone set res ---- Test generated error; Return code was: 1 ---- Return code should have been one of: 0 2 ---- errorInfo: error writing "sock6": broken pipe while executing "puts $chan $cmdstring" (procedure "::pop3::send" line 6) invoked from within "::pop3::send $chan "RETR $index"" ("retr" arm line 2) invoked from within "switch -exact -- $cstate(retr_mode) { retr { set sizeStr [::pop3::send $chan "RETR $index"] ::log::log debug "pop3 $chan retrieve ($sizeStr)..." (procedure "pop3::retrieve" line 46) invoked from within "pop3::retrieve $psock 1" invoked from within "set res [pop3::retrieve $psock 1]" ("uplevel" body line 4) invoked from within "uplevel 1 $script" ---- errorCode: POSIX EPIPE {broken pipe} ==== pop3-2.6.11 FAILED ==== pop3-2.7 fast retrieval, .-stuff border break, #528928 FAILED ==== Contents of test case: dialog::dialog_set {retrMessage 0 $__messageA 98} set psock [pop3::open -retr-mode retr localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]] set res [pop3::retrieve $psock 1] pop3::close $psock dialog::waitdone set res ---- Test generated error; Return code was: 1 ---- Return code should have been one of: 0 2 ---- errorInfo: while executing "error [string range $popRet 4 end]" (procedure "::pop3::send" line 13) invoked from within "::pop3::send $chan "RETR $index"" ("retr" arm line 2) invoked from within "switch -exact -- $cstate(retr_mode) { retr { set sizeStr [::pop3::send $chan "RETR $index"] ::log::log debug "pop3 $chan retrieve ($sizeStr)..." (procedure "pop3::retrieve" line 46) invoked from within "pop3::retrieve $psock 1" invoked from within "set res [pop3::retrieve $psock 1]" ("uplevel" body line 4) invoked from within "uplevel 1 $script" ---- errorCode: NONE ==== pop3-2.7 FAILED ==== pop3-5.0 get and delete all message, nano-client FAILED ==== Contents of test case: set res "" dialog::dialog_set deleDialog set psock [pop3::open -retr-mode slow localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]] set x [lindex [pop3::status $psock] 0] lappend res $x for {set i 0 } {$i < $x} {incr i} { set j [expr {$i + 1}] set msg [pop3::retrieve $psock $j] lappend res [string length $msg] pop3::delete $psock $j } pop3::close $psock set n 3 foreach t [dialog::waitdone] { if {![string match "<<*" $t]} {continue} # Ignore commands from the login interaction. if {$n} {incr n -1 ; continue} lappend res [lindex $t 1] } set res ---- Result was: 11 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 {TOP 1 1} QUIT ---- Result should have been (exact matching): 11 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 STAT LAST {RETR 1} LAST {DELE 1} LAST {RETR 2} LAST {DELE 2} LAST {RETR 3} LAST {DELE 3} LAST {RETR 4} LAST {DELE 4} LAST {RETR 5} LAST {DELE 5} LAST {RETR 6} LAST {DELE 6} LAST {RETR 7} LAST {DELE 7} LAST {RETR 8} LAST {DELE 8} LAST {RETR 9} LAST {DELE 9} LAST {RETR 10} LAST {DELE 10} LAST {RETR 11} LAST {DELE 11} QUIT ==== pop3-5.0 FAILED ==== pop3-6.0 last FAILED ==== Contents of test case: dialog::dialog_set lastFailed set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]] catch {pop3::last $psock} msg pop3::close $psock dialog::waitdone set msg ---- Test generated error; Return code was: 1 ---- Return code should have been one of: 0 2 ---- errorInfo: POP3 LOGIN ERROR: while executing "error "POP3 LOGIN ERROR: $errorStr"" (procedure "pop3::open" line 81) invoked from within "pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]" invoked from within "set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]" ("uplevel" body line 3) invoked from within "uplevel 1 $script" ---- errorCode: NONE ==== pop3-6.0 FAILED Sub server @ 52585 Shutting down ...