/* * This program demonstrates a bug in NSFontManager which causes it not * to recognize the name of the default monospaced system font. * * Save this file as fontbug.m and compile with the command: * clang -o fontbug fontbug.m -framework Cocoa * * Run the demo by typing: ./fontbug */ #import #import #include int main(int argc, char** argv) { NSFontManager *manager = [NSFontManager sharedFontManager]; NSFont *nsFont, *systemFont; printf("Creating a monospaced system font ... \n"); systemFont = [NSFont monospacedSystemFontOfSize:11 weight:NSFontWeightRegular]; printf("Created a font with familyName: %s\n", [systemFont familyName].UTF8String); printf("Requesting a font with the same familyName from the font manager ...\n\n"); nsFont = [manager fontWithFamily:[systemFont familyName] traits:NSFixedPitchFontMask weight:5 size:11]; printf("\nReceived the font: %s\n", [nsFont displayName].UTF8String); }