TIP 366: Variable Sized Indicators for Menubuttons

Author:         Russell Davidson <[email protected]>
State:          Rejected
Type:           Project
Vote:           Done
Created:        29-Apr-2010
Keywords:       Tk
Tcl-Version:    9.0
Tk-Branch:      tip-366
Vote-Summary:   Rejected 1/1/1
Votes-For:      KW
Votes-Against:  JN
Votes-Present:  SL


This TIP is to allow custom sizing of menubutton indicators using -indwidth and -indheight as options.


Currently there is no way to vary the size of the indicator for a classic Unix menubutton widget. Adding the ability to control this via configuration options will give the coder more control over a GUI's appearance for when such fine control is required.


The following options are proposed to be added to the ::menubutton widget:

The -indwidth option allows the specification of the width of the indicator in 10ths of a mm (will be converted to an integer number of pixels).

The -indheight option allows the specification of the height of the indicator in 10ths of a mm (will be converted to an integer number of pixels).


A patch exists in Tk branch tip-366 or SourceForge Feature Request 2996760.


This document has been placed in the public domain.