TIP 674: a new multiple expression command

Author:         René Zaumseil <[email protected]>
State:          Draft
Type:           Project
Vote:           Pending
Tcl-Version:    9.1


This TIP tries to address some of the [expr] command shortcomings. It was inspired by discussion on [tip-672] and the syntax of the switch command.


Tcl has already a expr command with a special syntax to do mathematical calculations. Due to the choosen syntax the usage is sometimes cumbersome and it is not possible to change this. The new command tries to fill this gap.


The let command has the following syntax:

	let ?-local? { var expr ?var expr? .. }

The command will sucessively set the var to the value of the next expr. If var is equal = then the value of the expr will be appended to the return value of the let command. If the -local switch is given then all used var are local to the let command.



Multi arg version:

let a {$x + 20} b {$x - 20}

Single arg version is fragile because of mistakes with whitespaces:

let {a $x + 20}

Only single var on start of version:

let var expr ?expr?
I still prefer two separate commands, and names separate from expressions:
	let a {$x + 20} b {$x - 20}
	.canvas enclosed {*}[calc {$x + 20} {$x - 20} {$y + 20} {$y - 20}]
If the number of arguments supplied to [let] are odd, the last argument could be the unnamed procedure body to evaluate:
	set result [let a {$x + 20} b {$x - 20} {
		# do stuff with $a and $b
		set c something
		return {some result}
	# a b and c does not exist at this point


    # expr
	set x [expr {1+2}]
    set y [expr {3*4}]
    set z [expr {$x+$y}]
    # let
	let {x 1+2 y 3*4 z $x+$y}
	canvas .c
	set x 10
	set y 10
	# = x,y coord
	# expr
	.c create text [expr {$x+1}] [expr {$y+1}] -text a
	# let
	.c create text {*}[let {= $x+1 = $y+1}] -a
	# = coord list
	# expr
	.c create text [list [expr {$x+1}] [expr {$y+1}]] -text b
	# let
	.c create text [let {= $x+1 = $y+1}] -b
	set i 0.5;
	# expr
	set x [expr {sin($i)}]
	set y [expr {cos($i)+$x}]
	set z [expr {$x+$y}]
	# let
	let {x sin($i) y cos($i)+$x z $x+$y}
	let {
	  x sin($i)
	  y cos($i)+$y
	  z $x+$y


The real implementation should be done in C. The following implementation can be seen as proof of concept. Especially a proper error handling is missing.

	proc let {args} {
      if {[llength $args] == 2} {
        lassign $args mySwitch myList
        if {$mySwitch ne {-local}} {
          error "wrong switch: $mySwitch"
      } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
        lassign $args myList mySwitch
      } else {
        error {wrong #args, should be: let ?-local? "var expr .."}
	  set myRet {}
      set myVars {}
	  foreach {var exp} $myList {
        if {$var eq {=}} {
	      lappend myRet [uplevel 1 expr [list $exp]]
        } else {
	      uplevel 1 set $var \[expr [list $exp]\]
          lappend myVars $var
        if {$mySwitch eq {-local}} {
          uplevel 1 unset -nocomplain {*}$myVars
	  return $myRet



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