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50 most recent check-ins
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13:38 | (cherry-pick): Typo: there is no libucrt.lib Leaf check-in: 01a5dc3be7 user: jan.nijtmans tags: thread-2-8-branch | |
13:36 | Typo: there is no libucrt.lib Leaf check-in: 281362e52b user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk, main | |
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15:37 | version -> 3.0.2, for next release preparation check-in: a952f461b8 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk, main | |
15:23 | Merge 2.8 check-in: 7e7201d56a user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk, main | |
15:19 | Re-generate "configure". Update check-in: e01e293ec7 user: jan.nijtmans tags: thread-2-8-branch | |
15:17 |
Re-generate "configure". Update
Let's close this branch: Better go from 2.8 to 3.0 directly. Closed-Leaf check-in: 3ca6bf6d4b user: jan.nijtmans tags: thread-2-branch | |
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22:07 | merge segfault fix for [43acb96e678a66ef]: avoid access to freed memory in TpoolRelease check-in: 8a249d6ff8 user: sebres tags: trunk, main | |
22:04 | merge segfault fix for [43acb96e678a66ef]: avoid access to freed memory in TpoolRelease check-in: e1e66c50ed user: sebres tags: thread-2-branch | |
22:01 | small amend check-in: 22b87113da user: sebres tags: thread-2-8-branch | |
21:47 | fixes segfault [43acb96e678a66ef]: avoid access to freed memory in TpoolRelease check-in: ab74bce8e3 user: sebres tags: thread-2-8-branch | |
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11:58 | Call native tclsh from Makefile and some cleanup Leaf check-in: 37b67651e1 user: apn tags: bug-cb338c130b8f | |
11:08 | zip cross-compilation bug check-in: ff1c7d8b35 user: apn tags: bug-cb338c130b8f | |
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07:29 | Fix hang. Do not queue error event to self. Leaf check-in: 483eae17c7 user: apnadkarni tags: bug-ea413868a4 | |
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13:19 | Merge mark check-in: 630906017b user: apnadkarni tags: trunk, main, thread-3-0-1 | |
13:15 | Fix [f32864af] - thread::eval hang check-in: e182ce32b1 user: apnadkarni tags: thread-2-branch | |
13:13 | Fix [f32864af] - thread::eval hang check-in: 4b531c66e6 user: apnadkarni tags: thread-2-8-branch | |
13:02 | Fix [f32864af] - thread::eval hang check-in: 578ae1c881 user: apnadkarni tags: trunk, main | |
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06:02 | Proposed fix for [f32864af] Closed-Leaf check-in: a3d5e61d26 user: apnadkarni tags: bug-f32864af | |
05:56 | Add test for bug-f32864afe3 check-in: 3d4ecb5b41 user: apnadkarni tags: trunk, main | |
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06:28 | Fix zip dependency [f36e5b33], ttrace load failures [aa8e96b4], [4527e21f]. check-in: 2da84647b5 user: apn tags: trunk, main | |
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15:44 | Merge trunk. Re-generate configure with latest autoconf Closed-Leaf check-in: f9a8187069 user: jan.nijtmans tags: apn-remove-zip-dependence | |
03:12 | Fix [0c206e3a9b] - versions in manpages. check-in: a04d3c337c user: apnadkarni tags: trunk, main | |
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16:24 | Fix [aa8e96bf4c] - wrong zipfs mount syntax. check-in: 8406516e11 user: apnadkarni tags: trunk, main | |
16:18 | Fix [4527e21fcd]. ttrace load fails in second thread check-in: eb30c534a1 user: apnadkarni tags: apn-remove-zip-dependence | |
15:31 | Merge pkgIndex fixes check-in: 6fa7454e04 user: apnadkarni tags: apn-remove-zip-dependence | |
15:22 | Fix path to thread library within zip Closed-Leaf check-in: 622e176f6b user: apnadkarni tags: bug-aa8e96bf4c | |
15:16 | Forgot to commit configure check-in: aa663218a0 user: apnadkarni tags: apn-remove-zip-dependence | |
15:09 | Fix zipfs mount syntax in check-in: bdc2a38d69 user: apnadkarni tags: bug-aa8e96bf4c | |
10:56 | Take a stab at using Tcl built-in zipping facility check-in: 3b03fa1e7f user: apnadkarni tags: apn-remove-zip-dependence | |
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14:41 | Fix [7a56471157]: Consider tip#609 for version >= 3.0.0 check-in: 9690c4877b user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk, main | |
14:35 | Simple fix for [f36e5b333c]: minizip: No such file or directory check-in: 8e483d70e0 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk, main | |
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16:11 | Merge 2.9 check-in: e42618701c user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk, main | |
16:11 | Merge 2.8 check-in: ad883f3802 user: jan.nijtmans tags: thread-2-branch | |
16:10 | Update to latest TEA files check-in: 116ca6c7c3 user: jan.nijtmans tags: thread-2-8-branch, thread-2-8-11 | |
16:04 | merge 2.9 (fixes segfault [d4ba38d00d06ebba]) check-in: 6d006ca6ae user: sebres tags: trunk, main | |
16:01 | merge point (no changes) check-in: 149973dc57 user: sebres tags: thread-2-branch | |
15:58 | adjust package name (Thread in 2.8 vs. thread in 2.9+) check-in: 27c993784d user: sebres tags: thread-2-8-branch | |
15:57 | fixes segfault [d4ba38d00d06ebba]: only main interpreter used as default thread interpreter (stored in its TSD); cherry-picked from thread-2-branch check-in: d6a3e5460d user: sebres tags: thread-2-8-branch | |
15:50 | fixes segfault [d4ba38d00d06ebba]: only main interpreter used as default thread interpreter (stored in its TSD) check-in: a4ce9c6f1c user: sebres tags: thread-2-branch | |
15:47 | fixes segfault [d4ba38d00d06ebba]: only main interpreter used as default thread interpreter (stored in its TSD) Closed-Leaf check-in: 41d29711e3 user: sebres tags: bug-d4ba38d00d-sf-on-2nd-interp | |
15:46 | test coverage for segfault [d4ba38d00d06ebba] check-in: 40a7b87d41 user: sebres tags: bug-d4ba38d00d-sf-on-2nd-interp | |
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14:10 | sync nmakehlp.c check-in: bf72f71e38 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk, main | |
14:09 | sync nmakehlp.c check-in: 84dbd6575c user: jan.nijtmans tags: thread-2-branch | |
14:04 | -single_module is obsolete in macOS check-in: 3212cae427 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk, main | |
14:03 | -single_module is obsolete in macOS check-in: bc24a68b8c user: jan.nijtmans tags: thread-2-branch | |
14:02 | -single_module is obsolete in macOS check-in: b1a00b3227 user: jan.nijtmans tags: thread-2-8-branch | |
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12:06 | Version -> 3.0.1 check-in: fe9c3fdce2 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk, main | |
11:21 | Merge 2.9. Merge release check-in: 3ce8f5f60c user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk, main | |
11:14 | Merge 2.8 check-in: d4ea909f16 user: jan.nijtmans tags: thread-2-branch | |
11:04 | Version -> 2.8.11 check-in: 724ee87b97 user: jan.nijtmans tags: thread-2-8-branch | |