
Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 434b61b1277ae0a61d8c0d373635ec76414875d54d833de537b748daabc5fb33
Ticket: a1e76ad92f66d02fa7eb75b4d0d1231a382677ca
columns metadata method always reports column names in lower case
User & Date: chw 2020-05-26 16:03:04

  1. foundin changed to: "current"
  2. icomment:
    The connection method "columns" reports the column names of a given table but
    the column names are reformatted to lower case with "string tolower".
    When data later is retrieved, that reformat on column names is not performed,
    i.e. the dict receiving the row data of a result set can have mixed case
    column names. Why is this asymmetric behavior? Would it be symmetric, the
    column method could easily be used to construct SQL programmatically, e.g.
    to build up the bind parameter names for an INSERT statement which then map
    to the dict keys of a row of a result set. Or am I missing a subtle detail?
  3. login: "chw"
  4. mimetype: "text/plain"
  5. private_contact changed to: "0b3aff16612e1e9f3b675963fa64e01bd1d89307"
  6. severity changed to: "Important"
  7. status changed to: "Open"
  8. title changed to:
    columns metadata method always reports column names in lower case
  9. type changed to: "Code_Defect"