
Update of "Building TDBC"

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Artifact ID: 0674ee36204cb71b9c8b45c48ce03af4b16f22cb
Page Name:Building TDBC
Date: 2008-10-23 16:13:00
Original User: kbk
Parent: b95bf4ddefab39d2899b1ecdc3d754d30dcfbbc2 (diff)
Next c3a94e948f71b9cdb44a1c8a97341e185f6d8b13

To build TDBC, you need either Tcl 8.5 plus the 'oo' extension from the Tcl project at SourceForge or Tcl 8.6. Right now, the build system can't quite cope with both at the same time. There is a workaround, which is to copy the file '' into the $tcl_library directory.

Once you've done that, you can go to the 'tdbc' directory and configure it with the configure script there (Use 'chmod +x' if you need to). 'make', 'make test' and 'make install' should all work, although the installer bails out because it can't find the (nonexistent so far) man page.

The 'tdbcodbc' module should also be buildable. I've not tried any compilers other than mingw and gcc (4.2.3). At the moment, its configurator needs --with-tdbc=/path/to/tcl/lib/Tdbc0.1a1. That's a bug.

The 'tdbcsqlite3' module doesn't yet have a configurator/builder, partly because it seems like overkill for a single Tcl script. You can test it by running the tempTest.tcl script in its directory. I promise to get an installer going for it Real Soon Now.