
View Ticket
08:29 Ticket [430e4ff9df] Segmentation fault if field name is NULL (mariadb C client 3.2.7) status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: 03ba78144d user: oehhar
08:28 Closed ticket [78b1ea5622]: Crash using libmariadb.dll > 3.1.xx plus 5 other changes artifact: 82410e4513 user: oehhar
22:03 Ticket [78b1ea5622]: 3 changes artifact: d479e3aa4f user: anonymous
16:40 Ticket [78b1ea5622]: 4 changes artifact: c9352df2cc user: oehhar
16:37 Ticket [151518a1f8] MariaDb changed the return value of mysql_get_client_version(), breaking tdbc::mysql. status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: edefec29db user: oehhar
15:23 Ticket [78b1ea5622] Crash using libmariadb.dll > 3.1.xx status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: dff76322af user: oehhar
14:47 Ticket [78b1ea5622]: 3 changes artifact: d95ad36720 user: anonymous
07:03 Ticket [78b1ea5622]: 7 changes artifact: 59d5fe3986 user: oehhar
02:24 New ticket [78b1ea5622]. artifact: 2d468d1474 user: anonymous

Ticket Hash: 78b1ea5622dc2f1a8ad2d2e040d087e35a734886
Title: Crash using libmariadb.dll > 3.1.xx
Status: Closed Type: Build_Problem
Severity: Severe Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: not_specified Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2022-08-23 08:28:03
Version Found In: 1.1.2
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2022-08-18 02:24:32:
# Win32 - tdbc 1.1.2 - tcl/tk 8.6.11

testing this script (parameters are not real, of course):

package require tdbc::mysql

tdbc::mysql::connection create test_conn -user test_admin -passwd test_passw -db test -host -port 3306
set consulta "SELECT * FROM entes"
set sentencia [test_conn prepare $consulta ]
$sentencia foreach row {
puts $row
$sentencia close
test_conn close

I get this
>Exit code: 3221225477

However, using this

puts [test_conn evaldirect $consulta ]

i get the right lists.

After testing several versions of libmariadb.dll, i can confirm that only 3.1.17 works, both 3.2.7 and 3.3.1 fails.

oehhar added on 2022-08-18 07:03:36:

Thank you for the ticket.

The current version in the repository claims to be 1.1.4.

Did you try to compile this and test it ?

If this is not feasable for you, may I provide you with updated packages, so you can test it.

Is your TCL 32 or 64 bit ?

Thanks and take care, Harald

anonymous added on 2022-08-18 14:47:05:
i'm working on win32.
If you can send me a compiled package of the new version, i will test it.

oehhar added on 2022-08-18 15:23:51:

Package sent ;-)

oehhar added on 2022-08-18 16:40:20:

Please look to ticket [151518a1f8] . Might this solve your issue ?

I will send you a package to test.

Thanks, Harald

anonymous added on 2022-08-18 22:03:57:
Ok, I wait for the package.

oehhar added on 2022-08-23 08:28:03:

Thanks for the message by private E-Mail, that [d5b25cf1d5] solves your isse and runs with libmariadb.dll (3.1.17, 3.27 and 3.3.1) on 32 bit Windows tcl.

I asked you via private E-Mail to also test [80aeb55ab2]. If this test is successful, I will merge the branch.

I close this ticket now, as ticket [430e4ff9df] provides the solution. So, it is a duplicate of this. Further discussion should be done there.

Thank you and take care, Harald