
Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 17cbc2f9681d977eaa224f8836266ee6c0e6bd976ac4fdaa0bffbdb3704778bc
Ticket: 1e62e46d271e6375c50c434cb22a2324b1951295
Result set leak
User & Date: anonymous 2020-02-07 13:52:22

  1. foundin changed to: "1.1.1 (latest trunk)"
  2. icomment:
    The DecrResultSetRefCount macro post-decrements the refcount when comparing to 0, so the test never succeeds (unless there is some bug that decrements result sets below 0).  If the test:
    if ((rs->refCount--) <= 0) {
    is changed to match the tdbcpostgres version:
    if (--(rs->refCount) <= 0) {
    Then the result sets are properly deleted (and the statement / connection structures' refcounts properly managed)
  3. login: "anonymous"
  4. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"
  5. private_contact changed to: "54152f94cb1628c0c148b4b5708ace53216227b0"
  6. severity changed to: "Severe"
  7. status changed to: "Open"
  8. title changed to: "Result set leak"
  9. type changed to: "Code_Defect"