bgcolor # mtime type status subsystem title _comments #f2dcdc a4d7f2a64f 2010-04-17 22:32:56 Documentation Open documentation for statement getSql missing The statement object has a method "getSql" which is not document:

set statement [$db_name prepare {select PATH_ID from PATHS where PATH=:path and parent_id is null}]


(bin) 71 % $statement getSql

select PATH_ID from PATHS where PATH=:path and parent_id is null

(bin) 72 % #f2dcdc a2ad232bf6 2010-04-17 22:51:05 Feature_Request Open feature request: add a getSql method to the resultset object The statement object currently has an (undocumented) method yielding the underlying sql statement used for the construction of the specific statement object. (using bind variables notation). request: add a similar method for the resultset object, showing the substituted values. Using the example from the man page:

package require tdbc::sqlite3

tdbc::sqlite3::connection create db phonebook.sqlite3

set statement [db prepare {

select phone_num from directory where first_name = :firstname and last_name = :lastname


set firstname Fred

set lastname Flintstone

$statement getSql gives:

select phone_num from directory where first_name = :firstname and last_name = :lastname

set rs [$statement execute]


$rs getSql would give:

select phone_num from directory where first_name = 'Fred' and last_name = 'Flintstone'

Motivation: this feature would be very helpfull in debugging.. #f2dcdc d1ad7f4948 2017-12-15 21:48:27 Code_Defect Open not_specified odbc::sqlite table subcommand has trailing space in type value #f2dcdc b6ac73ed3b 2012-11-29 16:25:04 Feature_Request Open tdbc::sqlite3 does not return described error states #f2dcdc 05d96953e1 2012-11-29 16:33:41 Feature_Request Open tdbc::sqlite3 tdbc::sqlite3 does not support schematas #f2dcdc fbcd8d40f1 2015-04-27 00:58:31 Code_Defect Open not_specified tdbc consults INFORMATION_SCHEMA without filtering for the target table's schema (foreignkeys, primarykeys methods affected) #f2dcdc 6af4223559 2015-07-08 14:55:44 Code_Defect Open not_specified if [package require tdbc::*] fails to load a DLL, it should clean up #f2dcdc 907989fb78 2015-11-19 04:01:26 Code_Defect Open tdbcpostgres.tcl namespace eval #f2dcdc 0302d63e13 2017-02-22 02:07:26 Documentation Open documentation of tdbc::statement paramtype is incorrect #f2dcdc 6827edbee9 2018-04-25 08:10:59 Code_Defect Open tdbc::odbc incorrect value returned from tdbc::odbc #f2dcdc d6c4db2556 2019-08-30 08:19:16 Build_Problem Open tdbc compile tdbcStubLib.c with -DTCL_USE_STUBS to not make tdbcodbc.dll dependent on tcl86t.dll #f2dcdc 38d73b590f 2019-10-22 15:32:55 Feature_Request Open Retrieving something comparable to ResultSetMetaData (JDBC) with TDBC #f2dcdc 1a26b401c2 2020-02-07 11:25:21 Documentation Open tdbc::connection documentation missing text for tables and columns commands #f2dcdc 41bc4f77ba 2020-02-07 11:27:47 Documentation Open Documentation for tdbc::mysql contains extraneous commands in synopsis #f2dcdc 219e90475a 2023-06-23 06:47:39 Code_Defect Open pkgIndex.tcl for non-shared build #f2dcdc 2e1e5de4e1 2023-12-15 18:53:03 Build_Problem Open configure warnings in tcl/pkgs setting