Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 89316938d80391dcaceb0d1030b1f2dc8f007fd8cc645c214233112b80f43c04
Ticket: 1a26b401c23755153e1ba4f1280b19bd776054fe
tdbc::connection documentation missing text for tables and columns commands
User & Date: apnadkarni 2020-02-07 11:25:21

  1. icomment:
    The documentation for the tables and columns commands in the tdbc::connection manpage contains the following text:
    "It may contain the SQL wild-card characters '%' and and whose values are subdictionaries."
    I think it should read
    "It may contain the SQL wild-card characters WHICH ONES?  The result of the command is a dictionary whose keys are table names and whose values are subdictionaries."
    (WHICH ONES to be replaced by the wild card chars that are supported.)
    Above for the tables command. Analogous issue exists for the columns command.
  2. login: "apnadkarni"
  3. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"
  4. severity changed to: "Minor"
  5. status changed to: "Open"
  6. title changed to:
    tdbc::connection documentation missing text for tables and columns commands
  7. type changed to: "Documentation"