Changes On Branch soap-header
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Changes In Branch soap-header Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 01f9053e79 to ecbb5e058a

2018-09-03 17:26
Changed WS:Utils package version to 2.6.1 check-in: 2a9f30c6aa user: oehhar tags: trunk
2018-07-24 04:47
Preliminary hacks working towards custom SOAP headers. Ticket [7c2ae385da] Leaf check-in: ecbb5e058a user: andy tags: soap-header
2018-07-24 02:47
Remove extra colon in namespace delimiter check-in: 01f9053e79 user: andy tags: trunk
2018-07-24 02:42
Clean up end-of-line whitespace check-in: 178aaf8434 user: andy tags: trunk

Changes to ClientSide.tcl.

Changes to Utilities.tcl.