Changes On Branch release-2-branch
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Changes In Branch release-2-branch Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 99fea512e2 to ad845b9acd

2021-03-24 16:40
Embedded.tcl 2.7.2 Fix bug: pfx subject had added ")". Ticket [bbfbe4faa6] Leaf check-in: ad845b9acd user: oehhar tags: release-2-branch
2021-03-23 14:22
Embedded.tcl 3.3.1 Fix bug: pfx subject had added ")". Ticket [bbfbe4faa6] check-in: aa19d1e7ed user: oehhar tags: trunk
2020-10-27 12:51
Ticket [53f35f55f7]: fix memory leak in embedded server. check-in: 2aff37215d user: oehhar tags: release-2-branch, Release_2.7.1
2020-10-26 16:52
Ticket [f614f366c9]: Changes: - add -timeout parameter to any geturl call - add option queryTimeout to client and utility package - trap timeout http status - start to use TCL 8.6 only feature {*} and require TCL 8.6 check-in: fdd9042a38 user: oehhar tags: trunk
2020-10-26 08:57
For embedded server, use https for location when TLS is used. Ticket [70a5c5c435] partly resolved. check-in: 99fea512e2 user: oehhar tags: trunk, Release_2.7.0
2020-10-24 16:42
Embedded server: Ticket [36a1bc3c8d]: introduced error corrected: method get has no request Content-Type header field. In addition, TWAPI TLS support was added to the embedded server. check-in: dae721d01c user: oehhar tags: trunk

Changes to Embedded.tcl.

Changes to pkgIndex.tcl.