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22 check-ins that include changes to files matching 'Examples/*'

2021-10-18 08:03
Ticket [9254392138]: added wibble examples check-in: a776ee8dba user: oehhar tags: trunk
2018-07-20 15:25
Removed execute flags (again) check-in: 50b6c37ac6 user: andy tags: trunk
2015-11-09 16:17
::WS::Utils::geturl_followRedirects : limit to 5 redirects, plug http package memory leak, add redirect test scripts check-in: a18130bfaf user: oehhar tags: trunk
2015-11-03 17:42
Fixed outdated example EchoEmbeddedService. Ticket [0e2728fadd] check-in: 1610455cee user: oehhar tags: trunk
2012-10-31 06:36
Roll version number to 2.3.0. check-in: 89802893d0 user: gerald tags: trunk
2012-10-31 06:08
Fix for: [9143f6d463[ -- Missing square brackets in Examples/Math/CallMathWebService.tcl check-in: 27148df0f2 user: gerald tags: trunk
2012-01-26 02:36
Fixes for: [6067c10a0f] - WSDL's with XML comments fail to parse [323b93d3bd] - extra tns in parseComplexType check-in: 2fa421983d user: gerald tags: trunk, Release_2.2.3
2012-01-06 03:54
Fixes to Embedded Server mode/package and to Utils package. check-in: 468f6b66dc user: gerald tags: trunk, Release_2.1.3
2012-01-03 02:05
Partial fix of Embedded code. check-in: fb1d392a79 user: gerald tags: trunk
2011-06-25 20:15
Fix for [359aeceb30]. check-in: a7bcb1e2a3 user: gerald tags: trunk
2011-03-18 05:58
Version 1.4.0 migration from https://code.google.com/p/tclws/ check-in: b8dd0cb7ba user: [email protected] tags: proposed-main
2011-03-16 00:12
Relative WSDL imports Leaf check-in: 35337d7260 user: gerald tags: trunk, Relative_WSDL_Imports
2011-02-26 05:40
Version 1.4.0 migration from https://code.google.com/p/tclws/ check-in: 36a93e0054 user: gerald tags: Release_1.4.0
2010-12-17 01:19
Add AOLserver to package index file, plus math example

git-svn-id: http://tclws.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@102 4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc check-in: f45231b3d7 user: [email protected]@4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc tags: proposed-main

2010-12-01 19:17
Fix package ifneeded/provide version mismatch

Also removed commented out code.

git-svn-id: http://tclws.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@99 4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc check-in: e3cdaeed2e user: [email protected]@4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc tags: proposed-main

2010-12-01 18:54
Added AOLserver support and example of use.

git-svn-id: http://tclws.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@98 4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc check-in: 062fea597e user: [email protected]@4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc tags: proposed-main

2010-11-17 04:35
Added Wub support

git-svn-id: http://tclws.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@90 4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc check-in: 81cee77135 user: gerald.lester@4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc tags: proposed-main

2010-11-15 22:23
Corrects for issue #6

git-svn-id: http://tclws.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@77 4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc check-in: a5b81fcab3 user: gerald.lester@4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc tags: proposed-main

2010-11-15 22:20
update service name to match the non-Rivet example

git-svn-id: http://tclws.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@76 4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc check-in: d5babcfb74 user: [email protected]@4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc tags: proposed-main

2010-11-12 18:08
change eol-style to native

git-svn-id: http://tclws.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@65 4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc check-in: 1a39cd9cf0 user: [email protected]@4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc tags: proposed-main

2010-11-12 17:38
Add support for Apache Rivet (mod_rivet) server environment (Issue 9)

git-svn-id: http://tclws.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@64 4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc check-in: 3ce59f10af user: [email protected]@4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc tags: proposed-main

2008-01-04 23:30

git-svn-id: http://tclws.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2 4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc check-in: 12835ca719 user: gerald.lester@4eab59b1-ed42-0410-973d-ab9b78d4c8bc tags: proposed-main