D 2012-06-11T23:54:55.343 L WSClient\sClient\sSide P 1129fc076458e7b46e07b0b35157f1e2b3bf699b U gwlester W 18662

Calling a Web Service from Tcl



The Webservices Client package provides a several ways to define what operations a remote Web Services Server provides and how to call those operations. It also includes several ways to call an operation.

The following ways are provided to define remote operations:

  • Defining a REST based service by hand
  • The parsed format is much more compact than the XML of a WSDL.

    The following ways are provided to directly call an operation of a Web Service Server:

    This package makes use of the log package from TclLib. In particular the following levels are used:

    Loading the Webservices Client Package

    To load the webservices server package, do:

     package require WS::Client

    This command will only load the utilities the first time it is used, so it causes no ill effects to put this in each file using the utilties.

    Quering a remote Web Services Server for its WSDL and parsing it

    Procedure Name : ::WS::Client::GetAndParseWsdl

    Description :

    Arguments :

         url     - The url of the WSDL
         headers - Extra headers to add to the HTTP request. This
                     is a key value list argument. It must be a list with
                     an even number of elements that alternate between
                     keys and values. The keys become header field names.
                     Newlines are stripped from the values so the header
                     cannot be corrupted.
                     This is an optional argument and defaults to {}.
         serviceAlias - Alias (unique) name for service.
                         This is an optional argument and defaults to the name of the
                         service in serviceInfo.

    Returns : The parsed service definition

    Side-Effects : None

    Exception Conditions : None

    Pre-requisite Conditions : None

    Parsing a saved WSDL

    Procedure Name : ::WS::Client::ParseWsdl

    Description : Parse a WSDL

    Arguments :

         wsdlXML - XML of the WSDL

    Optional Arguments:

         -createStubs 0|1 - create stub routines for the service
                                 NOTE -- Webservice arguments are position
                                         independent, thus the proc arguments
                                         will be defined in alphabetical order.
         -headers         - Extra headers to add to the HTTP request. This
                            is a key value list argument. It must be a list with
                            an even number of elements that alternate between
                            keys and values. The keys become header field names.
                            Newlines are stripped from the values so the header
                            cannot be corrupted.
                            This is an optional argument and defaults to {}.
         -serviceAlias - Alias (unique) name for service.
                          This is an optional argument and defaults to the name of the
                          service in serviceInfo.

    Returns : The parsed service definition

    Side-Effects : None

    Exception Conditions :None

    Pre-requisite Conditions : None

    Loading a pre-parsed WSDL

    Procedure Name : ::WS::Client::LoadParsedWsdl

    Description : Load a saved service definition in

    Arguments :

         serviceInfo - parsed service definition, as returned from
                       ::WS::Client::ParseWsdl or ::WS::Client::GetAndParseWsdl
         headers     - Extra headers to add to the HTTP request. This
                         is a key value list argument. It must be a list with
                         an even number of elements that alternate between
                         keys and values. The keys become header field names.
                         Newlines are stripped from the values so the header
                         cannot be corrupted.
                         This is an optional argument and defaults to {}.
         serviceAlias - Alias (unique) name for service.
                         This is an optional argument and defaults to the name of the
                         service in serviceInfo.

    Returns : The name of the service loaded

    Side-Effects : None

    Exception Conditions : None

    Pre-requisite Conditions : None

    Defining a REST based service by hand

    Service Definition

    Procedure Name : ::WS::Client::CreateService

    Description : Define a REST service

    Arguments :

         serviceName - Service name to add namespace to
         type        - The type of service, currently only REST is supported.
         url          - URL of namespace.
         args         - Optional arguments:
                                This is an optional argument and defaults to the name of the
                                    -header httpHeaderList.

    Returns : The local alias (tns)

    Side-Effects : None

    Exception Conditions : None

    Pre-requisite Conditions : None

    Method Definition

    Procedure Name : ::WS::Client::DefineRestMethod

    Description : Define a method on a REST service

    Arguments :

         serviceName - Service name to add namespace to
         objectName  - The name of the object the method is on
         methodName  - The name of the method to add.
         returnType  - The type, if any returned by the procedure.  Format is:
                               xmlTag typeInfo.
         inputArgs   - List of input argument definitions where each argument
                               definition is of the format: name typeInfo.
        where, typeInfo is of the format {type typeName comment commentString}

    Returns : The current service definition

    Side-Effects : None

    Exception Conditions : None

    Pre-requisite Conditions : None

    Defining Transforms

    Procedure Name : ::WS::Client::SetServiceTransforms

    Description : Define a service's transforms

                   Transform signature is:
                       cmd serviceName operationName transformType xml {url {}} {argList {}}
                   where transformType is REQUEST or REPLY
                   and url and argList will only be present for transformType == REQUEST

    Arguments :

         serviceName  - The name of the Webservice
         inTransform  - Input transform cmd, defaults to {}
         outTransform - Output transformcmd, defaults to {}

    Returns : None

    Side-Effects : None

    Exception Conditions : None

    Pre-requisite Conditions : Service must have been defined.

    Synchronous Call returning a dictionary object

    Procedure Name : ::WS::Client::DoCall

    Description : Call an operation of a web service

    Arguments :

         serviceName     - The name of the Webservice
         operationName   - The name of the Operation to call
         argList         - The arguements to the operation as a dictionary object
                           This is for both the Soap Header and Body messages.
         headers         - Extra headers to add to the HTTP request. This
                           is a key value list argument. It must be a list with
                           an even number of elements that alternate between
                           keys and values. The keys become header field names.
                           Newlines are stripped from the values so the header
                           cannot be corrupted.
                           This is an optional argument and defaults to {}.

    Returns :

         The return value of the operation as a dictionary object.
           This includes both the return result and any return headers.

    Side-Effects : None

    Exception Conditions :

         WSCLIENT HTTPERROR      - if an HTTP error occured
         others                  - as raised by called Operation

    Pre-requisite Conditions : Service must have been defined.

    Asynchronous Call with separate success and error callbacks

    Procedure Name : ::WS::Client::DoAsyncCall

    Description : Call an operation of a web service asynchronously

    Arguments :

         serviceName     - The name of the Webservice
         operationName   - The name of the Operation to call
         argList         - The arguements to the operation as a dictionary object
                           This is for both the Soap Header and Body messages.
         succesCmd       - A command prefix to be called if the operations
                           does not raise an error.  The results, as a dictionary
                           object are concatinated to the prefix. This includes
                           both the return result and any return headers.
         errorCmd        - A command prefix to be called if the operations
                           raises an error.  The error code and stack trace
                           are concatinated to the prefix.
         headers         - Extra headers to add to the HTTP request. This
                           is a key value list argument. It must be a list with
                           an even number of elements that alternate between
                           keys and values. The keys become header field names.
                           Newlines are stripped from the values so the header
                           cannot be corrupted.
                           This is an optional argument and defaults to {}.

    Returns : Nothing.

    Side-Effects : None

    Exception Conditions :

         WSCLIENT HTTPERROR      - if an HTTP error occured
         others                  - as raised by called Operation

    Pre-requisite Conditions : Service must have been defined.

    Creation of stub Tcl procedures to make synchronous calls

    Procedure Name : ::WS::Client::CreateStubs

    Description : Create stubs routines to make calls to Webservice Operations.

                 All routines will be create in a namespace that is the same
                 as the service name.  The procedure name will be the same
                 as the operation name.
                 NOTE -- Webservice arguments are position independent, thus
                         the proc arguments will be defined in alphabetical order.

    Arguments :

         serviceName     - The service to create stubs for

    Returns : A string describing the created procedures.

    Side-Effects : Existing namespace is deleted.

    Exception Conditions : None

    Pre-requisite Conditions : Service must have been defined.

    Synchronous Call returning the raw XML

    Procedure Name : ::WS::Client::DoRawCall

    Description : Call an operation of a web service

    Arguments :

         serviceName     - The name of the Webservice
         operationName   - The name of the Operation to call
         argList         - The arguements to the operation as a dictionary object
                           This is for both the Soap Header and Body messages.
         headers         - Extra headers to add to the HTTP request. This
                           is a key value list argument. It must be a list with
                           an even number of elements that alternate between
                           keys and values. The keys become header field names.
                           Newlines are stripped from the values so the header
                           cannot be corrupted.
                           This is an optional argument and defaults to {}.

    Returns :

         The XML of the operation.

    Side-Effects : None

    Exception Conditions :

         WSCLIENT HTTPERROR      - if an HTTP error occured

    Pre-requisite Conditions : Service must have been defined.

    Configuring a Service

    Procedure Name : ::WS::Client::Config

    Description : Configure a service's information

    Arguments :

         serviceName     - The name of the Webservice
         item   - The item to configure.  Must be one of
         value         - Optional, the new value.

    Returns :

         The value of the item.

    Side-Effects : None

    Exception Conditions  : None

    Pre-requisite Conditions : Service must have been defined.

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