OverviewThe Webservices Client and Server packages make use of the following options:
The attributes can be retrieved and set using ::WS::Utils::SetOption. If called by the client side, the following options are overwritten and restored on any call:
Loading the Webservices Utilities PackageTo load the webservices server package, do: package require WS::Utils This command will only load the utilities the first time it is used, so it causes no ill effects to put this in each file using the utilties. Access RoutineProcedure Name : ::WS::Utils::SetOption Description : Retrieve or set an option Arguments : option - name of the option value - value of the option (optional) Returns : The value of the option Side-Effects : None Exception Conditions :None Pre-requisite Conditions : None genOutAttr - generate attributes on outbound tagsThe genOutAttr option, if set to a "true" value, will convert all dictionary keys of the entry for a given field tag to attribute value pairs of the tag in the outbound XML. For attributes in the "" url, the key will be the attribute name prepended with two colons (e.g. ::type) and the value will be the value of the attribute. For attributes other than those in the "" url, the key will be the attribute name and the value will be the value of the attribute. The value of the tag will have a key determined by the valueAttrCompatiblityMode. The default value, "0", is for this option to be turned off. includeDirectory - disk directory to use for XSD includes when they can not be accessed via the Web.The includeDirectory option, if set, instructs TclWs to look in the specified directory for any XSD includes that can not be found via the web. The default value, "{}", is for this option to be turned off. nsOnChangeOnly - only put namespace prefix when namespaces changeThe nsOnChangeOnly option, if set to a "true" value, will only place namespace prefixes when the namespaces change. This option is only relevant, if the option UseNS is set. The default value, "0", is for this option to be turned off. parseInAttr - parse attributes on inbound tagsThe parseInAttr option, if set to a "true" value, will convert all attributes of inbound field tags to dictionary entries for that tag. For attributes in the "" url, the key will be the attribute name prepended with two colons (e.g. ::type) and the value will be the value of the attribute. For attributes other than those in the "" url, the key will be the attribute name and the value will be the value of the attribute. The value of the tag will have a key determined by the valueAttrCompatiblityMode. The default value, "0", is for this option to be turned off. queryTimeout - set http(s) query timeoutTimeout to any network query in ms. The client side package has an option with the same functionality, which is used, when there is a call option context. Default value: 60000 (1 minuite). StrictMode - WSDL processing modeThe StrictMode option determines what happens when an error is detected in parsing a WSDL. The legal values are:
If the StrictMode is set to debug or warning, a message is logged using the ::log package at that level and the error is then ignored. If the StrictMode is set to any value other than debug or warning, a message is logged using the ::log package at the error level and exception is generated. The default value is error. A major use of this is to ignore namespace imports in a WDSL that do not actually import any definitions. UseNS - put namespaces on field tagsThe UseNS option, if set to a "true" value, will put a namespace alias on all field tags. The default value, "1", is for this option to be turned on. useTypeNs - use type's namespace prefix as prefix of elementsThe useTypeNs option, if set to a "true" value, will use the prefix of the type's namespace instead of the prefix of the element's namespace. This option is only relevant, if the option UseNS is set. The default value, "0", is for this option to be turned off. suppressNS - do not put a given namespace prefix.The suppressNS option, if set, will cause the given namespace to never be used as a prefix (i.e. tags that would normally have had the given prefix will not have any prefix). This option is only relevant, if the option UseNS is set. The default value, "{}", is for this option to be turned off. valueAttrCompatiblityMode - specify dictionary key for value when attributes are in useThis option is only meaningful when the parseInAttr or genOutAttr option is set to a "true" value. When set to a "true" value, the value of the tag will have a key of the null string (i.e. {}). When set to a "false" value, the value of the tag will have a key of ::value. The default value, "0", is for this option to be turned off. |