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Artifact 25398316bc454b7f918ba63321eb965aef36fa3a563d92c86ea8ba9a5d83ca2d:

Wiki page [Web Services for Tcl (aka tclws)] by oehhar 2020-10-27 13:08:50.
D 2020-10-27T13:08:50.357
L Web\sServices\sfor\sTcl\s(aka\stclws)
P 55ecbdf768182a7df23bb2c3383fadaabb1b6d26ec638af022f34a9973c079b0
U oehhar
W 4685

The distribution provides both client side access to Web Services and server side creation of Web Services. Currently only document/literal and rpc/encoded with HTTP Soap transport are supported on the client side. The server side currently works with several web servers(see below).  It provides all services as document/literal over HTTP Soap transport. Documentation for the package, including examples can be found here. The distribution consist of several packages.

This project has the following public repositories:
<li>[|Core Tcl/Tk host] -- This is the main repository.  Please enter all tickets, checkin, etc here.
<li>[|Chisel App host]

Documentation for the  tclws package is available at the following links:
<li><a href="">Current Trunk</a>
<li><a href="">Version 2.7.1</a>

The client is known to work with several providers of  Web Services (your mileage may very).
Also these [clients] have been tested to work with the Web Services provided by the WS::Server (server side) package of tclws.

<h1>Web Servers</h1>

 The server side works with the following web servers (see [WebServerSettings| Web Server Settings] for known required options):
<li> [|TclHttpd]
 <li> Apache with [|Rivet]
 <li> [|AOLserver]
 <li> [|WUB]
 <li> [|wibble]
 <li> Embedded mode (see [Embedding])
 <li> Microsoft Internet Information Server


Release notes, ZIP and Tarball files are available at the [Downloads] page.


Standard BSD [license].

<h1>Packages Required</h1>

The following packages are used (minimum versions specified):
<li> [|Tcl 8.5] 
 <li> [|tdom 0.8.1]
 <li> [|tls]
 <li> log from [|TclLib]
 <li> uri from [|TclLib]
 <li> struct::set from [|TclLib]
 <li> http from [|Tcl] itself (min version 2.8.12 to have continue bug fixed [] (min Tcl 8.6.8), was needed for Microsoft WS)

Additionally, if you are running the [|TclHttpd] on Windows, it is highly recommended that you use the [|iocpsock] extension. 

Lastly the following packages are additionally used in Embedded mode:
 <li> base64 from [|TclLib]
 <li> html from [|TclLib]
 <li> ncgi from [|TclLib]
 <li> fileutil from [|TclLib]

TLS Support may be acheved by the presence of the following packages:
 <li> tcltls []
 <li> twapi from []. Tested version: 4.4.0


TCLWS implements a limited set of standards used under the keyword "Web-Service".

<h2>Implemented standards</h2>


WSDL describes an XML document (the WSDL file), which describes the methods and their parameters of the web service.

WSDL 1.1 is supported only. Spec: []


SOAP describes the format of the call and response XML messages.

SOAP 1.0 is supported only. Spec: []

<h2>Missing features compared to the standards</h2>

<h3>Webservice call does not support namespace prefixes in subelement if not unique</h3>

As TCLWS only supports global namespace prefixes, it copies any namespace prefix in a subelement to the root.
An error will rise if this causes an ambiguity.

Thus, the following WSDL will lead to an error:
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:q1="URI1" ...>
   <xs:element xmlns:q1="URI2" type="q1:MessageQ1"/>
While the following two are o.k.:
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:q1="URI1" ...>
   <xs:element xmlns:q1="URI1" type="q1:MessageQ1"/>
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:q1="URI1" ...>
   <xs:element xmlns:q2="URI2" type="q2:MessageQ1"/>

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