Index: tls.htm
--- tls.htm
+++ tls.htm
@@ -101,11 +101,18 @@
This is a helper function that utilizes the underlying
commands (tls::import). It behaves
exactly the same as the native Tcl socket
command except that the options can include any of the
applicable tls:import
- options.
+ options with one additional option:
+ - -autoservername bool
+ - Automatically send the -servername as the host argument
+ (default: false)
tls::handshake channel
Forces handshake to take place, and returns 0 if
handshake is still in progress (non-blocking), or 1 if
the handshake was successful. If the handshake failed
Index: tls.tcl
--- tls.tcl
+++ tls.tcl
@@ -60,55 +60,90 @@
# Helper function - behaves exactly as the native socket command.
proc tls::socket {args} {
variable socketCmd
variable defaults
+ # server,option,variable,args
+ set usageRules {
+ {0 -async sopts 0}
+ {* -myaddr sopts 1}
+ {0 -myport sopts 1}
+ {* -type sopts 1}
+ {* -cadir iopts 1}
+ {* -cafile iopts 1}
+ {* -certfile iopts 1}
+ {* -cipher iopts 1}
+ {* -command iopts 1}
+ {* -dhparams iopts 1}
+ {* -keyfile iopts 1}
+ {* -password iopts 1}
+ {* -request iopts 1}
+ {* -require iopts 1}
+ {0 -autoservername discardOpts 1}
+ {* -servername iopts 1}
+ {* -ssl2 iopts 1}
+ {* -ssl3 iopts 1}
+ {* -tls1 iopts 1}
+ {* -tls1.1 iopts 1}
+ {* -tls1.2 iopts 1}
+ }
set idx [lsearch $args -server]
if {$idx != -1} {
set server 1
set callback [lindex $args [expr {$idx+1}]]
set args [lreplace $args $idx [expr {$idx+1}]]
set usage "wrong # args: should be \"tls::socket -server command ?options? port\""
- set options "-cadir, -cafile, -certfile, -cipher, -command, -dhparams, -keyfile, -myaddr, -password, -request, -require, -servername, -ssl2, -ssl3, -tls1, -tls1.1 or -tls1.2"
} else {
set server 0
set usage "wrong # args: should be \"tls::socket ?options? host port\""
- set options "-async, -cadir, -cafile, -certfile, -cipher, -command, -dhparams, -keyfile, -myaddr, -myport, -password, -request, -require, -servername, -ssl2, -ssl3, -tls1, -tls1.1 or -tls1.2"
+ }
+ # Create several structures from our list of options
+ ## 1. options: a text representation of the valid options for the current
+ ## server type
+ ## 2. argSwitchBody: Switch body for processing arguments
+ set options [list]
+ set argSwitchBody [list]
+ foreach usageRule $usageRules {
+ set ruleServer [lindex $usageRule 0]
+ set ruleOption [lindex $usageRule 1]
+ set ruleVarToUpdate [lindex $usageRule 2]
+ set ruleVarArgsToConsume [lindex $usageRule 3]
+ if {![string match $ruleServer $server]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ lappend options $ruleOption
+ switch -- $ruleVarArgsToConsume {
+ 0 { set argToExecute {lappend @VAR@ $arg; set argsArray($arg) true} }
+ 1 { set argToExecute {set argValue [lindex $args [incr idx]]; lappend @VAR@ $arg $argValue; set argsArray($arg) $argValue} }
+ default { return -code error "Internal argument construction error" }
+ }
+ lappend argSwitchBody $ruleServer,$ruleOption [string map [list @VAR@ $ruleVarToUpdate] $argToExecute]
+ set options [join $options {, }]
+ lappend argSwitchBody {*,-*} {return -code error "bad option \"$arg\": must be one of $options"}
+ lappend argSwitchBody default break
+ # Combine defaults with current options
+ set args [concat $defaults $args]
set argc [llength $args]
set sopts {}
- set iopts [concat [list -server $server] $defaults] ;# Import options
+ set iopts [list -server $server]
+ array set argsArray [list]
for {set idx 0} {$idx < $argc} {incr idx} {
set arg [lindex $args $idx]
- switch -glob -- $server,$arg {
- 0,-async {lappend sopts $arg}
- 0,-myport -
- *,-type -
- *,-myaddr {lappend sopts $arg [lindex $args [incr idx]]}
- *,-cadir -
- *,-cafile -
- *,-certfile -
- *,-cipher -
- *,-command -
- *,-dhparams -
- *,-keyfile -
- *,-password -
- *,-request -
- *,-require -
- *,-servername -
- *,-ssl2 -
- *,-ssl3 -
- *,-tls1 -
- *,-tls1.1 -
- *,-tls1.2 {lappend iopts $arg [lindex $args [incr idx]]}
- -* {return -code error "bad option \"$arg\": must be one of $options"}
- default {break}
- }
- }
+ switch -glob -- $server,$arg $argSwitchBody
+ }
if {$server} {
if {($idx + 1) != $argc} {
return -code error $usage
set uid [incr ::tls::srvuid]
@@ -120,12 +155,22 @@
#set sopts [linsert $sopts 0 -server [list tls::_accept $uid $callback]]
} else {
if {($idx + 2) != $argc} {
return -code error $usage
set host [lindex $args [expr {$argc-2}]]
set port [lindex $args [expr {$argc-1}]]
+ # If an "-autoservername" option is found, honor it
+ if {[info exists argsArray(-autoservername)] && $argsArray(-autoservername)} {
+ if {![info exists argsArray(-servername)]} {
+ set argsArray(-servername) $host
+ lappend iopts -servername $host
+ }
+ }
lappend sopts $host $port
# Create TCP/IP socket