View Ticket
Ticket Hash: c6b35cf0e3cdd56b9f560dd7ff013a08abae3506
Title: Test tls-bug58-1.0 fails on FreeBSD
Status: Open Type: Code Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2023-11-20 02:12:27
Version Found In: 1.7.22
User Comments:
doofus added on 2023-11-20 02:12:27:

The test expects the connection to fail -- which it does, but the error message does not match the test's expectation:

---- Result was:
handshake failed: unsupported protocol
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
handshake failed: wrong version number

This is on FreeBSD-13.x with OpenSSL 1.1.1q-freebsd 5 Jul 2022...

Relaxing the matching requirement helps:

@@ -2027,5 +2028,5 @@
 } {{} 0 {} 0 {}}

-test tls-bug58-1.0 {test protocol negotiation failure} {socket} {
+test tls-bug58-1.0 {test protocol negotiation failure} -constraints {socket} -body {
     # Following code is based on what was reported in bug #58. Prior
     # to fix the program would crash with a segfault.
@@ -2062,5 +2063,5 @@
     set ::done
-} {handshake failed: wrong version number}
+} -result {handshake failed: *} -match glob

 # cleanup