View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 953b97ccc62e04b7b6dc14b5ab47323a8b589e06
Title: make install fails
Status: Closed Type: Build Problem
Severity: Minor Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2024-06-29 01:58:10
Version Found In: 1.8
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2024-05-11 14:15:36:

make install fails with

Installing ../doc/*.n
../tclconfig/install-sh: ../doc/*.n does not exist.
make: *** [Makefile:244: install-doc] Error 1

(There are no *.n files)

Either the target should be removed, the html copied or a nested if test -f $(srcdir)/$$p added before the copy.

Brian added on 2024-05-27 22:59:27:

This should be fixed in tls-1.8 and crypto branches with [e3da75f05f].

bohagan added on 2024-05-27 23:08:03:
This is fixed in the tls-1.8 and crypto branches with [e3da75f05f468901].

bohagan added on 2024-06-29 01:58:10:

Issue has been fixed.