D 2016-12-08T04:14:51.050 L TclTLS N text/x-markdown P 5ad39313c78645edfec3eff273e9dc25e7a704ad U rkeene W 587 TclTLS ====== Primary Links ------------- * [Documentation](/wiki/Documentation) * [File Distributions](/wiki/Download) * [Bug Database](/rptview?rn=1) * [Browse Fossil Repository](/dir?ci=trunk) [Tcl Developer Xchange](http://www.tcl.tk/) --------------------- This is the primary site for Tcl users. There is lots of information here, and this is the primary site to find all the Tcl/Tk releases. A lot of Tcl discussion also occurs on the news:comp.lang.tcl newsgroup. If you do not have newsgroup access, this newsgroup can be accessed via Google Groups. Z 13bc8a67e8f9e3885745f29c3b097b95