Ticket Change Details
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA

Artifact ID: 73620e737e056dad16858c4c637ec85a52af3de30ae559c14d07ebc8f992ef7f
Ticket: 6da6e5f4cd88a8497fba183a740875e112702826
openssl 3 support
User & Date: bohagan on 2024-05-28 01:06:59

  1. icomment:
    This issue is fixed by the changes in [54c35183c2d1427d] and OBE by the changes in [d3d16ea77fa810d8].
  2. login: "bohagan"
  3. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"
  4. priority changed to: "Immediate"
  5. resolution changed to: "Open"
  6. status changed to: "Closed"