#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
package require tls
set dir [file join [file dirname [info script]] ../tests/certs]
set OPTS(-cafile) [file join $dir ca.pem]
set OPTS(-cert) [file join $dir server.pem]
set OPTS(-key) [file join $dir server.key]
set OPTS(-port) 2468
set OPTS(-debug) 1
set OPTS(-require) 1
foreach {key val} $argv {
if {![info exists OPTS($key)]} {
puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 ?options?\
\n\t-debug boolean Debugging on or off ($OPTS(-debug))\
\n\t-cafile file Cert. Auth. File ($OPTS(-cafile))\
\n\t-cert file Server Cert ($OPTS(-cert))\
\n\t-key file Server Key ($OPTS(-key))\
\n\t-require boolean Require Certification ($OPTS(-require))\
\n\t-port num Port to listen on ($OPTS(-port))"
set OPTS($key) $val
# Catch any background errors.
proc bgerror {msg} { puts stderr "BGERROR: $msg" }
# debugging helper code
proc shortstr {str} {
return "[string replace $str 10 end ...] [string length $str]b"
proc dputs {msg} { if {$::OPTS(-debug)} { puts stderr $msg ; flush stderr } }
# As a response we just echo the data sent to us.
proc respond {chan} {
if {[catch {read $chan} data]} {
#dputs "EOF $chan ([shortstr $data)"
catch {close $chan}
#if {$data != ""} { dputs "got $chan ([shortstr $data])" }
if {[eof $chan]} {
# client gone or finished
dputs "EOF $chan"
close $chan ;# release the port
puts -nonewline $chan $data
flush $chan
#dputs "sent $chan ([shortstr $data])"
# Once connection is established, we need to ensure handshake.
proc handshake {s cmd} {
if {[eof $s]} {
dputs "handshake eof $s"
close $s
} elseif {[catch {tls::handshake $s} result]} {
# Some errors are normal. Specifically, I (hobbs) believe that
# TLS throws EAGAINs when it may not need to (or is inappropriate).
dputs "handshake error $s: $result"
} elseif {$result == 1} {
# Handshake complete
dputs "handshake complete $s"
fileevent $s readable [list $cmd $s]
# Callback proc to accept a connection from a client.
proc accept { chan ip port } {
dputs "[info level 0] [fconfigure $chan]"
fconfigure $chan -blocking 0
fileevent $chan readable [list handshake $chan respond]
tls::init -cafile $OPTS(-cafile) -certfile $OPTS(-cert) -keyfile $OPTS(-key)
set chan [tls::socket -server accept -require $OPTS(-require) $OPTS(-port)]
puts "Server waiting connection on $chan ($OPTS(-port))"
puts [fconfigure $chan]
vwait __forever__