# Auto generated test cases for badssl.csv
# Load Tcl Test package
if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
package require tcltest
namespace import ::tcltest::*
set auto_path [concat [list [file dirname [file dirname [info script]]]] $auto_path]
package require tls
# Constraints
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] common.tcl]
# Helper functions
proc badssl {url} {
set port 443
lassign [split $url ":"] url port
if {$port eq ""} {
set port 443
set cmd [list tls::socket -autoservername 1 -require 1]
if {[info exists ::env(SSL_CERT_FILE)]} {
lappend cmd -cafile $::env(SSL_CERT_FILE)
lappend cmd $url $port
set ch [eval $cmd]
if {[catch {tls::handshake $ch} err]} {
close $ch
return -code error $err
} else {
close $ch
# BadSSL.com Tests
test BadSSL-1.1 {1000-sans} -body {
badssl 1000-sans.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "certificate has expired"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.2 {10000-sans} -body {
badssl 10000-sans.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: excessive message size} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.3 {3des} -body {
badssl 3des.badssl.com
} -match {glob} -result {handshake failed: * alert handshake failure} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.4 {captive-portal} -constraints {old_api} -body {
badssl captive-portal.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "Hostname mismatch"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.5 {captive-portal} -constraints {new_api} -body {
badssl captive-portal.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "hostname mismatch"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.6 {cbc} -body {
badssl cbc.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.7 {client-cert-missing} -body {
badssl client-cert-missing.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.8 {client} -body {
badssl client.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.9 {dh-composite} -constraints {old_api} -body {
badssl dh-composite.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.10 {dh-composite} -constraints {new_api} -body {
badssl dh-composite.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: dh key too small} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.11 {dh-small-subgroup} -body {
badssl dh-small-subgroup.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.12 {dh480} -constraints {old_api} -body {
badssl dh480.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: dh key too small} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.13 {dh480} -constraints {new_api} -body {
badssl dh480.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: modulus too small} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.14 {dh512} -constraints {old_api} -body {
badssl dh512.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: dh key too small} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.15 {dh512} -constraints {mac} -body {
badssl dh512.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: unknown security bits} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.16 {dh1024} -constraints {old_api} -body {
badssl dh1024.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.17 {dh1024} -constraints {new_api} -body {
badssl dh1024.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: dh key too small} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.18 {dh2048} -body {
badssl dh2048.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.19 {dsdtestprovider} -body {
badssl dsdtestprovider.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "unable to get local issuer certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.20 {ecc256} -body {
badssl ecc256.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.21 {ecc384} -body {
badssl ecc384.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.22 {edellroot} -body {
badssl edellroot.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "unable to get local issuer certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.23 {expired} -body {
badssl expired.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "certificate has expired"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.24 {extended-validation} -body {
badssl extended-validation.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "certificate has expired"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.25 {hsts} -body {
badssl hsts.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.26 {https-everywhere} -body {
badssl https-everywhere.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.27 {incomplete-chain} -body {
badssl incomplete-chain.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "unable to get local issuer certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.28 {invalid-expected-sct} -body {
badssl invalid-expected-sct.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "unable to get local issuer certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.29 {long-extended-subdomain-name-containing-many-letters-and-dashes} -body {
badssl long-extended-subdomain-name-containing-many-letters-and-dashes.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.30 {longextendedsubdomainnamewithoutdashesinordertotestwordwrapping} -body {
badssl longextendedsubdomainnamewithoutdashesinordertotestwordwrapping.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.31 {mitm-software} -body {
badssl mitm-software.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "unable to get local issuer certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.32 {no-common-name} -body {
badssl no-common-name.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "certificate has expired"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.33 {no-sct} -body {
badssl no-sct.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "unable to get local issuer certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.34 {no-subject} -body {
badssl no-subject.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "certificate has expired"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.35 {null} -body {
badssl null.badssl.com
} -match {glob} -result {handshake failed: * alert handshake failure} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.36 {pinning-test} -body {
badssl pinning-test.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.37 {preact-cli} -body {
badssl preact-cli.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "unable to get local issuer certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.38 {preloaded-hsts} -body {
badssl preloaded-hsts.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.39 {rc4-md5} -body {
badssl rc4-md5.badssl.com
} -match {glob} -result {handshake failed: * alert handshake failure} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.40 {rc4} -body {
badssl rc4.badssl.com
} -match {glob} -result {handshake failed: * alert handshake failure} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.41 {revoked} -body {
badssl revoked.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "certificate has expired"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.42 {rsa2048} -body {
badssl rsa2048.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.43 {rsa4096} -body {
badssl rsa4096.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.44 {rsa8192} -body {
badssl rsa8192.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.45 {self-signed} -constraints {old_api} -body {
badssl self-signed.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "self signed certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.46 {self-signed} -constraints {new_api} -body {
badssl self-signed.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "self-signed certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.47 {sha1-2016} -body {
badssl sha1-2016.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "unable to get local issuer certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.48 {sha1-2017} -constraints {old_api} -body {
badssl sha1-2017.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "certificate has expired"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.49 {sha1-2017} -constraints {new_api} -body {
badssl sha1-2017.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "CA signature digest algorithm too weak"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.50 {sha1-intermediate} -body {
badssl sha1-intermediate.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "unable to get local issuer certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.51 {sha256} -body {
badssl sha256.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.52 {sha384} -body {
badssl sha384.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "certificate has expired"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.53 {sha512} -body {
badssl sha512.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "certificate has expired"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.54 {static-rsa} -body {
badssl static-rsa.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.55 {subdomain.preloaded-hsts} -constraints {old_api} -body {
badssl subdomain.preloaded-hsts.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "Hostname mismatch"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.56 {subdomain.preloaded-hsts} -constraints {new_api} -body {
badssl subdomain.preloaded-hsts.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "hostname mismatch"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.57 {superfish} -body {
badssl superfish.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "unable to get local issuer certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.58 {tls-v1-0:1010} -constraints {tls1 old_api} -body {
badssl tls-v1-0.badssl.com:1010
test BadSSL-1.59 {tls-v1-0:1010} -constraints {tls1 new_api} -body {
badssl tls-v1-0.badssl.com:1010
} -result {handshake failed: unsupported protocol} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.60 {tls-v1-1:1011} -constraints {tls1.1 old_api} -body {
badssl tls-v1-1.badssl.com:1011
test BadSSL-1.61 {tls-v1-1:1011} -constraints {tls1.1 new_api} -body {
badssl tls-v1-1.badssl.com:1011
} -result {handshake failed: unsupported protocol} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.62 {tls-v1-2:1012} -constraints {tls1.2} -body {
badssl tls-v1-2.badssl.com:1012
test BadSSL-1.63 {untrusted-root} -constraints {old_api} -body {
badssl untrusted-root.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "self signed certificate in certificate chain"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.64 {untrusted-root} -constraints {new_api} -body {
badssl untrusted-root.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "self-signed certificate in certificate chain"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.65 {upgrade} -body {
badssl upgrade.badssl.com
test BadSSL-1.66 {webpack-dev-server} -body {
badssl webpack-dev-server.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "unable to get local issuer certificate"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.67 {wrong.host} -constraints {old_api} -body {
badssl wrong.host.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "Hostname mismatch"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.68 {wrong.host} -constraints {new_api} -body {
badssl wrong.host.badssl.com
} -result {handshake failed: certificate verify failed due to "hostname mismatch"} -returnCodes {1}
test BadSSL-1.69 {mozilla-modern} -body {
badssl mozilla-modern.badssl.com
# Cleanup