Artifact [368ba5e1ae]

Artifact 368ba5e1ae3fc15383ed9402ae162c661fba045ab211427caf42295c24b4f046:

#------------------------------------------------------------- -*- makefile -*-
# Makefile for TCL TLS extension
# Basic build, test and install
#   nmake /f INSTALLDIR=c:\path\to\tcl TCLDIR=c:\path\to\tcl\sources
#   nmake /f INSTALLDIR=c:\path\to\tcl TCLDIR=c:\path\to\tcl\sources test
#   nmake /f INSTALLDIR=c:\path\to\tcl TCLDIR=c:\path\to\tcl\sources install
# For other build options (debug, static etc.),
# See TIP 477 ( for
# detailed documentation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

# Project specific information

# The name of the package

!include ""

# Define the object files and resource file that make up the extension.
# Note the resource file does not makes sense if doing a static library build
# hence it is under that condition. TMP_DIR is the output directory
# defined by rules for object files.
PRJ_OBJS = $(TMP_DIR)\tls.obj \
	$(TMP_DIR)\tlsBIO.obj \
	$(TMP_DIR)\tlsIO.obj \

# Define any additional project include flags
# SSL_INSTALL_FOLDER = with the OpenSSL installation folder following.

# Define any additional compiler flags that might be required for the project

# SSL Libs:
#    1. ${LIBCRYPTO}.dll
#    2. ${LIBSSL}.dll
# Where LIBCRYPTO (#1.) and LIBSSL (#2.) are defined as follows:
#    v1.1: libcrypto-1.1-x64.dll and libssl-1.1-x64.dll
#    v3: libcrypto-3-x64.dll and libssl-3-x64.dll
# On *nix* and* (where suffix is a version indicator).
	"$(SSL_INSTALL_FOLDER)\lib\libssl.lib" \
	"$(SSL_INSTALL_FOLDER)\lib\libcrypto.lib" \
	User32.Lib WS2_32.Lib Gdi32.Lib AdvAPI32.Lib Crypt32.Lib

# Define the standard targets which calls
!include ""

.SUFFIXES: .c .obj .res .man

# Project specific targets

# Implicit rule to generate html from man files
# NOTE: this requires doctools from tcllib hence it is not intended
# to be run during install. Rather, use it to generate a new version
# of HTML docs to be stored in the repository.
TCLSH = "$(_INSTALLDIR)\..\bin\tclsh.exe"
DTPLITE = "$(_INSTALLDIR)\..\bin\dtplite.tcl"

	"$(TCLSH)" "$(DTPLITE)" -o "$(ROOT)\doc\$(PROJECT).html" html "$(ROOT)\doc\$(PROJECT).man"

	"$(TCLSH)" "$(DTPLITE)" -o "$(ROOT)\doc\$(PROJECT).n" nroff "$(ROOT)\doc\$(PROJECT).man"

	"$(TCLSH)" "$(DTPLITE)" -o "$DOCDIR" html "$(ROOT)\doc"
	"$(TCLSH)" "$(DTPLITE)" -o "$DOCDIR" nroff "$(ROOT)\doc"

docs: make-docs-n make-docs-html

all: setup default-target

clean: default-clean

realclean: default-hose

# Explicit dependency rules
$(PRJ_OBJS): $(TMP_DIR)\tls.tcl.h $(TMP_DIR)\tlsUuid.h

# We must define a pkgindex target that will create a pkgIndex.tcl
# file in the $(OUT_DIR) directory. We can just redirect to the
# default-pkgindex target for our sample extension.
pkgindex: default-pkgindex-tea

# Create a C source file version of the script resources for inclusion in the
# build so that only the compiled library file is needed for this extension to
# load and operate.
$(TMP_DIR)\tls.tcl.h: $(LIBDIR)\tls.tcl
	"$(TCLSH)" << $(LIBDIR)\tls.tcl >$(TMP_DIR)\tls.tcl.h
	set in [open [lindex $$argv 0] r]
	while {[gets $$in line] != -1} {
	    switch -regexp -- $$line "^$$" - {^\s*#} continue
	    regsub -all {\\} $$line {\\\\} line
	    regsub -all {"} $$line {\"} line
	    puts "\"$$line\\n\""

# Use manifest file which defines fossil/git commit id for build-info command
!IF EXIST($(ROOT)\manifest.uuid)
	@copy "$(ROOT)\manifest.uuid" "$(TMP_DIR)\manifest.uuid"
!IF EXIST($(ROOT)\.git)
	@copy "$(WIN_DIR)\" "$(TMP_DIR)\manifest.uuid"
	@git rev-parse HEAD >>$(TMP_DIR)\manifest.uuid || echo unknown >>$(TMP_DIR)\manifest.uuid
	@echo unknown >$(TMP_DIR)\manifest.uuid

$(TMP_DIR)\tlsUuid.h:	$(TMP_DIR)\manifest.uuid
	@copy $(WIN_DIR)\$(TMP_DIR)\manifest.uuid $(TMP_DIR)\tlsUuid.h
	@echo: >>$(TMP_DIR)\tlsUuid.h

# The default install target only installs binaries and scripts so add
# an additional target for our documentation. Note this *adds* a target
# since no commands are listed after it. The original targets for
# install (from will remain.
install: pkgindex default-install default-install-docs-html
!IF EXIST($(SSL_INSTALL_FOLDER)\bin\libcrypto-*-x64.dll)
	@xcopy /c /y "$(SSL_INSTALL_FOLDER)\bin\libcrypto-*-x64.dll" "$(PRJ_INSTALL_DIR)"
!IF EXIST($(SSL_INSTALL_FOLDER)\bin\libssl-*-x64.dll)
	@xcopy /c /y "$(SSL_INSTALL_FOLDER)\bin\libssl-*-x64.dll" "$(PRJ_INSTALL_DIR)"

# Test package
test: default-test