


Many hyperlinks are disabled.
Use anonymous login to enable hyperlinks.

3 descendants of 192b2e9d603061f2

Converted the last of the lassign-brent calls to straight-up lassign Adapted the http::compat to be user selectable as far as how far back we intend to support Adding a qwiki object called MAIN to the default httpd thread Fixed the examples of Taourl so far to now employ the "puts" to buffer architecture. Merging in upsteam changes from tao Broke out the base security system and urls into layers Leaf check-in: ffc189660f user: hypnotoad tags: 4_0
Added more documentation Renamed the cookieSet method to httpdCookieSet, and moved it to httpd.meta Moved httpdHostName it to httpd.meta Implemented logins using encrypted password hashes Added a module to store javascript password hashing routines. Added a "cat" command to dump files Added the pageHeader and pageFooter methods to httpd.meta Community and its decendents now render pages in bootstrap/jquery. Added jquery to our bootstrap distribution check-in: 80751cdeac user: hypnotoad tags: 4_0
Added the pageHeader and pageFooter methods to httpd.meta Community and its decendents now render pages in bootstrap/jquery. Leaf check-in: 6174565fef user: hypnotoad tags: private
Implemented logins using encrypted password hashes Added a module to store javascript password hashing routines. Added a "cat" command to dump files check-in: 192b2e9d60 user: hypnotoad tags: private