The Tao package is a framework built on top of TclOO. Classes and objects created in Tao are 100% compadible with standard TclOO.
Tao adds a host of features that is not available in vanilla TclOO They include the following:
Tao is maintained at If you are viewing this file from within tclhttpd's sources, you are viewing a snapshot that is periodically updated from the mainstream sources.
Tao was built, designed, and maintained by Sean Woods [email protected].
Major Concepts
- All tao framework objects decend from the Mother of all Classes
- Tao classes are built using the ::tao::class keyword, instead of ::oo::class create
- Tao classes can be modified using the ::tao::class keyword, instead of ::oo::define
- A method in <brackets> indicates that the method is actually being forwarded to another object.
- ::tao::class is a pre-parser, which adds additional keywords and modifies the behavior of the constructor and destructor