
Artifact [2a9affe802]

Artifact [2a9affe802]

EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA

Artifact 2a9affe802e6907714e62d7a40bf5727370098df:

Attachment "log.patch" to ticket [51ace7f534] added by patthoyts 2005-05-19 11:08:49.
Index: lib/log.tcl
RCS file: /cvsroot/tclhttpd/tclhttpd/lib/log.tcl,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -c -r1.14 log.tcl
*** lib/log.tcl	5 Sep 2004 05:10:14 -0000	1.14
--- lib/log.tcl	19 May 2005 11:02:54 -0000
*** 90,96 ****
  	    append result { } \[[clock format $now -format %d/%h/%Y:%T]\]
  	    append result { } $sock { } $reason { } $args
  	    if {[info exists data(url)]} {
! 		append result { } $data(url)
  	    catch { puts $Log(error_fd)  $result ; flush $Log(error_fd) }
--- 90,96 ----
  	    append result { } \[[clock format $now -format %d/%h/%Y:%T]\]
  	    append result { } $sock { } $reason { } $args
  	    if {[info exists data(url)]} {
! 		append result { } [LogValueRestricted $data(url)]
  	    catch { puts $Log(error_fd)  $result ; flush $Log(error_fd) }
Index: lib/logstd.tcl
RCS file: /cvsroot/tclhttpd/tclhttpd/lib/logstd.tcl,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -r1.5 logstd.tcl
*** lib/logstd.tcl	5 Sep 2004 05:10:14 -0000	1.5
--- lib/logstd.tcl	19 May 2005 11:02:54 -0000
*** 118,124 ****
      lappend result authuser [LogValue data(mime,auth-user)]
      lappend result username [LogValue data(mime,username)]
      lappend result time $now
!     lappend result http [LogValue data(line)]
      lappend result status [LogValue data(code)]
      lappend result filesize [LogValue data(file_size)]
      lappend result referer [LogValue data(mime,referer)]
--- 118,124 ----
      lappend result authuser [LogValue data(mime,auth-user)]
      lappend result username [LogValue data(mime,username)]
      lappend result time $now
!     lappend result http [LogValueRestricted data(line)]
      lappend result status [LogValue data(code)]
      lappend result filesize [LogValue data(file_size)]
      lappend result referer [LogValue data(mime,referer)]
*** 152,154 ****
--- 152,180 ----
+ # LogValueRestricted --
+ #
+ #	Generate a field or the default "null field" representation.
+ #	Ensure we don't log too much garbage when idiots try buffer overrun
+ #	attacks.
+ #
+ # Arguments:
+ #	var	The variable whose value to use, if any
+ #
+ # Results:
+ #	The value of the variable, or - as the default.
+ #
+ # Side Effects:
+ #	None
+ proc LogValueRestricted {var} {
+     upvar $var data
+     if {[info exists data]} {
+         if {[string length $data] >  160} {
+             set data "[string range $data 0 70]...[string range $data end-70 end]"
+         }
+ 	return $data
+     } else {
+        return -
+     }
+ }