Tcl Source Code

Timer Events

Source Files

Public Interface

Private Interface

Directly Depends On Public Interface

Directly Depends On Private Interface of


The private dependency is on TclThreadDataKeyGet which appears easily convertible to Tcl_GetThreadData.

The private routine TclCreateAbsoluteTimerHandler appears to exist just so that Tcl_LimitSetTime doesnt have to pass through milliseconds (and the loss of precision implicit in that conversion). Since Tcl_Time values are already in the public Tcl interface, this would be a good routine to make public, though perhaps with a name change.

It was observed on TCLCORE that the use of long fields within the Tcl_Time struct, rather than time_t is surprising to at least some programmers.

Unless something is using it from the private stubs table, the only callers of TclServiceIdle are Tcl_DoOneEvent and Tcl_ServiceAll, so that connection might be resolved by redrawing module boundaries.