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Ticket UUID: c7e4c4586d917b42dccb9bc0edc5bac06ec5f39e
Title: TIP #609 - required Tcl_ThreadAlert() skipped with nested event loop
Type: Bug Version: 9.0
Submitter: apnadkarni Created on: 2024-12-07 17:01:54
Subsystem: - New Builtin Commands Assigned To: nobody
Priority: 5 Medium Severity: Important
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2024-12-07 17:02:58
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: apnadkarni
    Closed on: 2024-12-07 17:02:58

Placeholder to track ticket 9e69e2c602e logged against the Thread package though the culprit is really Tcl.

TL;DR In the case of nested event loops, the TCL_QUEUE_ALERT_IF_EMPTY does not trigger a Tcl_ThreadAlert even though it should. See above link for details.

User Comments: apnadkarni added on 2024-12-07 17:02:58:
Fixed in [81c759724b].