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Ticket UUID: a8579d906a28127d541ba23f7c1223259f97b123
Title: 'argument with no name' calling proc with args built in different frame
Type: Bug Version: tcl8.6.9+
Submitter: russell-tcl Created on: 2021-10-06 21:57:42
Subsystem: 18. Commands M-Z Assigned To: pooryorick
Priority: 5 Medium Severity: Important
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2021-10-11 14:35:43
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: jan.nijtmans
    Closed on: 2021-10-11 14:35:43
The bug will probably not show up if the args list is 
constructed in a single frame. The code below uses an 
external proc to create each arg which are then lappended 
to the final list used, with or without a default value. 

The first version of tcl where this shows up is 8.6.9, 
when the trampoline code started to be used. I've tested 
every released version of tcl since, compiling from source.

The error occurs in 8.6.9,10,11 8.7a5 and 9.0a3.
The error does not occur in 8.6.8,7,6,5 8.5.19 or 8.4.20.

The main platform is Ubuntu: uname -a
5.11.0-37-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I tried following the process with gdb/VS Code and in working and
non-working versions, the objv bytes is 0x0 when the proc commands

Here's what makes the bug go away:

In the helper proc or in the main proc call:
llength $argName on each arg.

In the main proc:
puts $argsList

If you catch the error with proc, you can still make the bug
go away using the above calls. If you just repeat the same call
the bug is still there.

I have not found a way to repeat the bug without a helper proc.

Here's the simplified code which shows the bug:

proc splitArg {argSpec {splitChar !} {ArrayName ""}} {

    set firstPart [lindex $argSpec 0]
    set first [string first $splitChar $firstPart]

    if {$first > -1} {
        set argName [string range $firstPart 0 [expr {$first - 1}]]
        set extra [string range $firstPart [expr {$first + 1}] end]
    if {$ArrayName eq ""} {
        set ArrayName $argName 
    upvar $ArrayName ArgNameArray 

    array set ArgNameArray [lindex $argSpec 1]
    return $argName

proc testProc {procName argSpecs body} {

    set argList [list] 
    foreach argSpec $argSpecs {
        if {[array exists specArray]} {
            array unset specArray
        set argName [splitArg $argSpec ! specArray]
        if {[info exists specArray(default)]} {
            lappend argList [list $argName $specArray(default)]
        } else {
            lappend argList [list $argName]


    proc $procName $argList $body

testProc myproc {{arg1!type1 {default "It Works, no bug in "}}}\
    {puts -nonewline $arg1;puts tcl[info patchlevel]}

User Comments: jan.nijtmans added on 2021-10-11 14:35:43: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
Fix is now merged to 8.7 and 9.0 branches as well.

pooryorick added on 2021-10-08 19:51:39: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
A more concise script to reproduce the issue is:

proc p1 [list [list [expr {1 + 2}] default]] {}

The issue is that to determine the length of the string,
<code>TclCreateProc()</code> was only checking the size of any existing string
repesentation of a value without taking into the consideration that the string
representation might not be current.

Fixed in [75a9777184741e05]

dgp added on 2021-10-07 20:25:55:
Bisecting locates the behavior change of this script to

Assigning for further review.