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Ticket UUID: 97b8e1d54ba6f9a0b7f0712310f79faf70788a49
Title: -mdynamic-no-pic not supported on Apple Silicon
Type: Bug Version: 8.6
Submitter: ilg-ul Created on: 2021-11-27 22:29:49
Subsystem: 53. Configuration and Build Tools Assigned To: jan.nijtmans
Priority: 5 Medium Severity: Minor
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2021-12-09 12:05:57
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: chrstphrchvz
    Closed on: 2021-12-09 12:05:57
The macOS configure script always adds -mdynamic-no-pic to the build, but this option is not available on Apple Silicon:


It appears that clang silently ignores it, and GCC will probably too, but it would be still preferable for the configure script to not issue it at all.
User Comments: chrstphrchvz added on 2021-12-09 12:05:57: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
For anyone curious, MacPorts was able to build Tcl 8.6.12 and various extensions for macOS 10.6 Snow Leopard on 32-bit Intel: []

jan.nijtmans added on 2021-11-28 22:07:08: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
Although very unlikely that Tcl 8.6.12 still works on 32-bit intel Mac (or even earlier), fixed now for Tcl 8.7. I see that a workaround for (Darwin) gcc is already implemented, so there is no urge to fix it in 8.6 too. But knowing that there no longer will be support for this option, better removed it for 8.7. Done now.

Thanks for the report!