Tcl Source Code

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Ticket UUID: 675746
Title: Dialog-box crashes on Tcl/Tk Aqua 8.4.1 / Iwidgets
Type: Bug Version: obsolete: 8.4.1
Submitter: peoplestank Created on: 2003-01-27 21:40:44
Subsystem: 68. Mac Classic (obsolete) Assigned To: das
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2003-02-04 06:35:20
Resolution: None Closed By: peoplestank
    Closed on: 2003-02-03 23:35:20
Version: Tcl/Tk Aqua 8.4.1 
OS: OS X 10.2 (Jaguar)
Extensions: Itcl/Itk/Iwidgets supplied with Aqua version

Many of my dialog boxes that were created using 
iwidgets dialogshell and contain other iwidgets crash 
sometime during the activation process (e.g., "$ds 
activate" where $ds is the variable assigned the dialog 
box widget).  The dialog box itself appears, but it seems 
to crash during the drawing of its component widgets.
There is no core dump file, the application just closes 
inexplicably.  It occurs on virtually all such dialog boxes 
in the scripts that I have tried.   I have tried setting the 
dialog boxes to be both modal and modeless, with no 
change in behavior.

The file in which this occurs is quite large, but it is from 
another SourceForge-hosted project OpenSoundWorld, I 
am happy to send to whomever is handling this request.

I have tried unsuccessfully to isolate the problem using 
puts statements and strategic "commenting out" of 
lines to no avail.

Since it appears to happen in Tcl scripts and I can't 
isolate it to a particular Tk issue, I'll try here first.  If 
someone knows this to be a Tk issue, I'll happily refer it 
on to that project.

Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks!
[email protected]
User Comments: peoplestank added on 2003-02-04 06:35:20:
Logged In: YES 

Moved to Tk

davygrvy added on 2003-02-02 19:10:47:
Logged In: YES 

Please move this bug to the Tk project.  Tcl contains no 
graphical elements.