Ticket UUID: | 29e8848eb9766b81413989ad8125b0c22d1d2c7e | |||
Title: | calling an imported alias in a deletion trace on the alias causes Tcl to cycle on routine resolution | |||
Type: | Bug | Version: | ||
Submitter: | pooryorick | Created on: | 2020-08-10 14:03:11 | |
Subsystem: | - New Builtin Commands | Assigned To: | nobody | |
Priority: | 5 Medium | Severity: | Minor | |
Status: | Open | Last Modified: | 2020-08-17 16:39:55 | |
Resolution: | Fixed | Closed By: | nobody | |
Closed on: | ||||
Description: |
A command is typically available while its deletion is in progress:
However, in the case of an imported alias, the result is instead an infinite loop in command dispatch:
What's happening here is that
A script-level workaround is to lookup up the alias and call it directly:
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User Comments: |
pooryorick added on 2020-08-12 08:00:13:
To put the difference succinctly, sebres' fix treats a deletion trace on a routine as a post-deletion action, and my fix treats it as a pre-deletion action. sebres added on 2020-08-11 18:33:56: Although I've "fixed" this new test in the manner how the branch work - invocation of deleting command in trace is prohibited; test case namespace-57.1 is covering "attempt to invoke a deleted command" now, I'm confused a bit. Related to Tcl 8.6 (before [7eed2baf73fbb1f9]) the fix that Nathan provided for this is rather a regression, because this test-case works exactly so as in my branch ("attempt to invoke a deleted command"). But related to Tcl 8.5 rather old 8.6th handling (and my branch) would be a regression (there it's possible to invoke the command in trace during a deletion)... So I'd really like to listen the opinion of TCT about the issue. pooryorick added on 2020-08-11 17:39:05:
If the caller of sebres added on 2020-08-11 10:22:24: I'm agree, just I'm trying to follow where is this new flag CMD_DEAD really expected. For instance see my alternative branch (without CMD_DEAD at all). Everything works, the new test "namespace-57.0" is passed too. So either CMD_DEAD is completely superfluous at the moment or the test "namespace-57.0" is missing something yet (so would work within your commit and would fail in my branch bug-29e8848eb976-alt). At the moment I can still not follow from the test why this CMD_DEAD is expected at all. pooryorick added on 2020-08-11 09:39:37:
I think my initial report answers that question: A command should be available
for calling in any deletion traces that are evaluated during the course of its
deletion. sebres added on 2020-08-11 08:01:54:
Sure, just I don't see why in pooryorick added on 2020-08-10 19:56:27:
Yes, I created the new sebres added on 2020-08-10 19:31:09: Here is alternative branch without new (unneeded?) flag CMD_DEAD. sebres added on 2020-08-10 19:17:53: @Nathan: Is the fix [7eed2baf73] really fulfilled? Looks a bit strange. Because a new flag In this case alternative diff (doing the same as your code without new flag CMD_DEAD) relative previous version would be something like that:
Just... |