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Ticket UUID: 1dc8bc566ad971c5fdd0aad107151bf8ccf10f02
Title: "?" not recognized as a string in lsearch
Type: Bug Version: 8.6.9
Submitter: hant Created on: 2019-06-13 06:40:25
Subsystem: 17. Commands I-L Assigned To: nobody
Priority: 5 Medium Severity: Important
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2019-06-13 08:12:08
Resolution: Invalid Closed By: sebres
    Closed on: 2019-06-13 08:12:08
"?" is not recognized in:
lsearch list "?"
lsearch {a b c} "?"
==> 0
lsearch {a ? c} "?"
==> 0
lsearch -all {a b c} "?"
==> 0 1 2
User Comments: sebres added on 2019-06-13 08:12:08:

As the documentation for lsearch says:

If all matching style options are omitted, the default matching style is -glob.
So use option -exact to avoid this:
% lsearch -exact {a ? c} "?"