Tcl Source Code

View Ticket
Ticket UUID: 1586860
Title: TIP 287: [chan pendinginput] and [chan pendingoutput]
Type: RFE Version: None
Submitter: cleverly Created on: 2006-10-29 21:38:44
Subsystem: 24. Channel Commands Assigned To: andreas_kupries
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2006-12-01 22:56:12
Resolution: Accepted Closed By: dgp
    Closed on: 2006-12-01 15:56:12
Attached is a patch to implement the [chan available]
subcommand proposed by TIP #287.
User Comments: dgp added on 2006-12-01 22:56:12:
Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

patch committed for 8.5b1

cleverly added on 2006-11-22 12:54:39:

File Added - 203926: tip287-revised-revised.patch

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

Modified to implement "chan pending input $channelId" and "chan pending output $channelId" (suggested by Donald Porter and Joe English on the tcl-core mailing list).

cleverly added on 2006-11-06 07:03:34:

File Added - 201502: tip287-revised.patch

Logged In: YES 

Following suggestions from Donald Arseneau and Donal Fellows
on c.l.t. I've revised the TIP to call for the addition of
two subcommands: [chan pendinginput] (corresponds to my
original [chan available]) and a new [chan pendingoutput]
(added for symmetrys sake).  I'm attaching a revised patch
(code, docs and test cases).

cleverly added on 2006-11-01 11:01:43:

File Added - 200918: chan.test.patch

cleverly added on 2006-11-01 11:01:42:
Logged In: YES 

Attaching a patch for chan.test that includes a test for
event-driven socket I/O.

cleverly added on 2006-10-30 04:38:44:

File Added - 200550: tip287.patch
