Tcl Source Code

View Ticket
Ticket UUID: 1565751
Title: [TIP#275] unsigned field flag for binary scan
Type: Patch Version: TIP Implementation
Submitter: patthoyts Created on: 2006-09-26 13:54:33
Subsystem: 12. ByteArray Object Assigned To: patthoyts
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2006-10-06 21:18:40
Resolution: Accepted Closed By: patthoyts
    Closed on: 2006-10-06 14:18:40
This patch adds a format field flag to mark fields to
be read as unsigned. The flag must come between the
type identifier and the count (if any). For instance
 % binary scan \xff\xff cuc a b; list $a $b
 255 1-
User Comments: patthoyts added on 2006-10-06 21:18:40:
Logged In: YES 

Added dgp's fix and some more tests. Updated the manual page
and committed.

dgp added on 2006-10-02 23:34:40:

File Added - 196205: 1565751.patch

Logged In: YES 

Revised patch corrects those failures.

dgp added on 2006-10-02 22:49:58:
Logged In: YES 

Failures on LP64 system:

==== binary-29.10 Tcl_BinaryObjCmd: scan FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    catch {unset arg1 arg2}
    list [binary scan \xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff iui
arg1 arg2] $arg1 $arg2

---- Result was:
2 -1 -1
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
2 4294967295 -1
==== binary-29.10 FAILED

==== binary-29.11 Tcl_BinaryObjCmd: scan FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    catch {unset arg1 arg2}
    list [binary scan \xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff iiu
arg1 arg2] $arg1 $arg2

---- Result was:
2 -1 -1
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
2 -1 4294967295
==== binary-29.11 FAILED

==== binary-29.12 Tcl_BinaryObjCmd: scan FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    catch {unset arg1 arg2}
    list [binary scan \x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80 iuiu
arg1 arg2] $arg1 $arg2

---- Result was:
2 128 -2147483648
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
2 128 2147483648
==== binary-29.12 FAILED

==== binary-30.10 Tcl_BinaryObjCmd: scan FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    catch {unset arg1 arg2}
    list [binary scan \xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff IuI
arg1 arg2] $arg1 $arg2

---- Result was:
2 -1 -1
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
2 4294967295 -1
==== binary-30.10 FAILED

==== binary-30.11 Tcl_BinaryObjCmd: scan FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    catch {unset arg1 arg2}
    list [binary scan \xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff IIu
arg1 arg2] $arg1 $arg2

---- Result was:
2 -1 -1
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
2 -1 4294967295
==== binary-30.11 FAILED

==== binary-30.12 Tcl_BinaryObjCmd: scan FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    catch {unset arg1 arg2}
    list [binary scan \x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80 IuIu
arg1 arg2] $arg1 $arg2

---- Result was:
2 -2147483648 128
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
2 2147483648 128
==== binary-30.12 FAILED

==== binary-39.9 ScanNumber: no sign extension FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    catch {unset arg1}
    list [binary scan
iu5 arg1] $arg1

---- Result was:
1 {33620225 16843137 16876033 25297153 -2130640639}
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
1 {33620225 16843137 16876033 25297153 2164326657}
==== binary-39.9 FAILED

==== binary-39.10 ScanNumber: no sign extension FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    catch {unset arg1}
    list [binary scan
Iu5 arg1] $arg1

---- Result was:
1 {16843010 -2130640639 25297153 16876033 16843137}
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
1 {16843010 2164326657 25297153 16876033 16843137}
==== binary-39.10 FAILED

patthoyts added on 2006-09-29 04:32:06:

File Deleted - 195333:

patthoyts added on 2006-09-29 04:31:32:

File Added - 195702: binary_flag.patch

Logged In: YES 

Ensure unsigned results from 32bit longs and wide values.
Avoid caching unsigned longs to avoid confusion with signed
values from the cached Tcl_Objs. Added tests.

patthoyts added on 2006-09-26 20:54:33:

File Added - 195333: binary_flag.patch
