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Comment: | Fix for [25cdcb7e8fb381fb]: Incomplete utf-8 sequence followed by eofchar results in failed assertion. |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk | main |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA3-256: |
a02c5b9f8b6877aaca48efe8dbfab0ab |
User & Date: | pooryorick 2023-04-18 22:00:10.106 |
| ||
22:01 | • Pending ticket [25cdcb7e8f]: incomplete utf-8 sequence followed by eofchar results in failed assertion plus 4 other changes artifact: 4bbe3b2bfc user: pooryorick | |
| ||
18:13 | sync with trunk. Fix lseq size bugs. check-in: a48444ee91 user: griffin tags: bug-fa00fbbbabe | |
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22:35 | In DoReadChars() reset CHANNEL_ENCODING_ERROR instead of CHANNEL_BLOCKED. check-in: 883464ea32 user: pooryorick tags: trunk, main | |
22:00 | Fix for [25cdcb7e8fb381fb]: Incomplete utf-8 sequence followed by eofchar results in failed asserti... check-in: a02c5b9f8b user: pooryorick tags: trunk, main | |
21:16 | Eliminate unnecessary clearance of CHANNEL_STICKY_EOF flag. check-in: af256f4469 user: pooryorick tags: trunk, main | |
Changes to generic/tclIO.c.
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6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 | assert(bufPtr->nextPtr == NULL || BytesLeft(bufPtr->nextPtr) == 0 || (statePtr->inputEncodingFlags & TCL_ENCODING_END) == 0); code = Tcl_ExternalToUtf(NULL, encoding, src, srcLen, flags, &statePtr->inputEncodingState, dst, dstLimit, &srcRead, &dstDecoded, &numChars); | | > > > > > | 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 6313 6314 6315 6316 6317 6318 6319 6320 6321 6322 6323 6324 6325 | assert(bufPtr->nextPtr == NULL || BytesLeft(bufPtr->nextPtr) == 0 || (statePtr->inputEncodingFlags & TCL_ENCODING_END) == 0); code = Tcl_ExternalToUtf(NULL, encoding, src, srcLen, flags, &statePtr->inputEncodingState, dst, dstLimit, &srcRead, &dstDecoded, &numChars); if (code == TCL_CONVERT_UNKNOWN || code == TCL_CONVERT_SYNTAX || ( code == TCL_CONVERT_MULTIBYTE && GotFlag(statePtr, CHANNEL_EOF )) ) { SetFlag(statePtr, CHANNEL_ENCODING_ERROR); code = TCL_OK; } /* * Perform the translation transformation in place. Read no more than * the dstDecoded bytes the encoding transformation actually produced. |
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Changes to tests/io.test.
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9322 9323 9324 9325 9326 9327 9328 9329 9330 | removeFile io-75.8 } -result {41 1 {}} test io-75.8.eoflater {invalid utf-8 encoding eof handling (-profile strict)} -setup { set res {} set fn [makeFile {} io-75.8] set f [open $fn w+] fconfigure $f -encoding binary # \x81 is invalid in utf-8. -eofchar is not detected, because it comes later. | > | < | > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 9322 9323 9324 9325 9326 9327 9328 9329 9330 9331 9332 9333 9334 9335 9336 9337 9338 9339 9340 9341 9342 9343 9344 9345 9346 9347 9348 9349 9350 9351 9352 9353 9354 9355 9356 9357 9358 9359 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 9365 9366 9367 9368 9369 9370 9371 9372 9373 9374 9375 9376 9377 9378 9379 9380 | removeFile io-75.8 } -result {41 1 {}} test io-75.8.eoflater {invalid utf-8 encoding eof handling (-profile strict)} -setup { set res {} set fn [makeFile {} io-75.8] set f [open $fn w+] # This also configures the channel encoding profile as strict. fconfigure $f -encoding binary # \x81 is invalid in utf-8. -eofchar is not detected, because it comes later. puts -nonewline $f A\x81\x81\x1A flush $f seek $f 0 fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8 -buffering none -eofchar \x1A \ -translation lf -profile strict } -body { set status [catch {read $f} cres copts] lappend res $status lappend res [eof $f] chan configure $f -encoding iso8859-1 lappend res [read $f 1] chan configure $f -encoding utf-8 catch {read $f 1} cres lappend res $cres close $f set res } -cleanup { removeFile io-75.8 } -match glob -result "1 0 \x81 {error reading \"*\":\ invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character}" test io-strict-multibyte-eof { incomplete utf-8 sequence immediately prior to eof character See issue 25cdcb7e8fb381fb } -setup { set res {} set chan [file tempfile]; fconfigure $chan -encoding binary puts -nonewline $chan \x81\x1A flush $chan seek $chan 0 chan configure $chan -encoding utf-8 -profile strict } -body { set status [catch {read $chan 1} cres] lappend res $status $cres } -cleanup { close $chan unset res } -match glob -result {1 {error reading "*":\ invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character}} test io-75.9 {unrepresentable character write passes and is replaced by ?} -setup { set fn [makeFile {} io-75.9] set f [open $fn w+] fconfigure $f -encoding iso8859-1 -profile strict } -body { catch {puts -nonewline $f "A\u2022"} msg |
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