Tcl Source Code

 * tcl.h --
 *	This header file describes the externally-visible facilities of the
 *	Tcl interpreter.
 * Copyright (c) 1987-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
 * Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Lucent Technologies.
 * Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Scriptics Corporation.
 * Copyright (c) 2002 by Kevin B. Kenny.  All rights reserved.
 * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
 * this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

#ifndef _TCL
#define _TCL

 * For C++ compilers, use extern "C"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * The following defines are used to indicate the various release levels.


 * When version numbers change here, must also go into the following files and
 * update the version numbers:
 * library/init.tcl	(1 LOC patch)
 * unix/	(2 LOC Major, 2 LOC minor, 1 LOC patch)
 * win/	(as above)
 * win/tcl.m4		(not patchlevel)
 *		(sections 0 and 2, with and without separator)
 * win/README		(not patchlevel) (sections 0 and 2)
 * unix/tcl.spec	(1 LOC patch)

#if !defined(TCL_MAJOR_VERSION)
#   define TCL_MAJOR_VERSION	9
#   define TCL_MINOR_VERSION	0

#   define TCL_VERSION		"9.0"
#   define TCL_PATCH_LEVEL	"9.0.1"
#endif /* TCL_MAJOR_VERSION */
#if defined(RC_INVOKED)
 * Utility macros: STRINGIFY takes an argument and wraps it in "" (double
 * quotation marks), JOIN joins two arguments.

#  define STRINGIFY(x) STRINGIFY1(x)
#  define STRINGIFY1(x) #x
#ifndef JOIN
#  define JOIN(a,b) JOIN1(a,b)
#  define JOIN1(a,b) a##b
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */

 * A special definition used to allow this header file to be included from
 * windows resource files so that they can obtain version information.
 * RC_INVOKED is defined by default by the windows RC tool.
 * Resource compilers don't like all the C stuff, like typedefs and function
 * declarations, that occur below, so block them out.

#ifndef RC_INVOKED

 * Special macro to define mutexes.

#define TCL_DECLARE_MUTEX(name) \
    static Tcl_Mutex name;

 * Tcl's public routine Tcl_FSSeek() uses the values SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, and
 * SEEK_END, all #define'd by stdio.h .
 * Also, many extensions need stdio.h, and they've grown accustomed to tcl.h
 * providing it for them rather than #include-ing it themselves as they
 * should, so also for their sake, we keep the #include to be consistent with
 * prior Tcl releases.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 2)
#   if defined(_WIN32) && defined(__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO) && __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO
#	define TCL_FORMAT_PRINTF(a,b) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__MINGW_PRINTF_FORMAT, a, b)))
#   else
#	define TCL_FORMAT_PRINTF(a,b) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, a, b)))
#   endif
#   define TCL_NORETURN __attribute__ ((noreturn))
#   define TCL_NOINLINE __attribute__ ((noinline))
#   define TCL_NORETURN1 __attribute__ ((noreturn))
#   define TCL_FORMAT_PRINTF(a,b)
#   if defined(_MSC_VER)
#	define TCL_NORETURN __declspec(noreturn)
#	define TCL_NOINLINE __declspec(noinline)
#   else
#	define TCL_NORETURN /* nothing */
#	define TCL_NOINLINE /* nothing */
#   endif
#   define TCL_NORETURN1 /* nothing */

 * Allow a part of Tcl's API to be explicitly marked as deprecated.
 * Used to make TIP 330/336 generate moans even if people use the
 * compatibility macros. Change your code, guys! We won't support you forever.

#if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ >= 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)))
#   if (__GNUC__ > 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5))
#	define TCL_DEPRECATED_API(msg)	__attribute__ ((__deprecated__ (msg)))
#   else
#	define TCL_DEPRECATED_API(msg)	__attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
#   endif
#   define TCL_DEPRECATED_API(msg)	/* nothing portable */

 * Macros used to declare a function to be exported by a DLL. Used by Windows,
 * maps to no-op declarations on non-Windows systems. The default build on
 * windows is for a DLL, which causes the DLLIMPORT and DLLEXPORT macros to be
 * nonempty. To build a static library, the macro STATIC_BUILD should be
 * defined.
 * Note: when building static but linking dynamically to MSVCRT we must still
 *       correctly decorate the C library imported function.  Use CRTIMPORT
 *       for this purpose.  _DLL is defined by the compiler when linking to
 *       MSVCRT.

#ifdef _WIN32
#   ifdef STATIC_BUILD
#       define DLLIMPORT
#       define DLLEXPORT
#       ifdef _DLL
#           define CRTIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#       else
#           define CRTIMPORT
#       endif
#   else
#       define DLLIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#       define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#       define CRTIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#   endif
#   define DLLIMPORT
#   if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ > 3
#       define DLLEXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
#   else
#       define DLLEXPORT
#   endif
#   define CRTIMPORT

 * These macros are used to control whether functions are being declared for
 * import or export. If a function is being declared while it is being built
 * to be included in a shared library, then it should have the DLLEXPORT
 * storage class. If is being declared for use by a module that is going to
 * link against the shared library, then it should have the DLLIMPORT storage
 * class. If the symbol is being declared for a static build or for use from a
 * stub library, then the storage class should be empty.
 * The convention is that a macro called BUILD_xxxx, where xxxx is the name of
 * a library we are building, is set on the compile line for sources that are
 * to be placed in the library. When this macro is set, the storage class will
 * be set to DLLEXPORT. At the end of the header file, the storage class will
 * be reset to DLLIMPORT.

#ifdef BUILD_tcl
#   ifdef USE_TCL_STUBS
#      define TCL_STORAGE_CLASS
#   else
#   endif

#if !defined(CONST86) && !defined(TCL_NO_DEPRECATED)
#      define CONST86 const

 * Make sure EXTERN isn't defined elsewhere.

#ifdef EXTERN
#   undef EXTERN
#endif /* EXTERN */

#ifdef __cplusplus
#   define EXTERN extern "C" TCL_STORAGE_CLASS
#   define EXTERN extern TCL_STORAGE_CLASS

 * Miscellaneous declarations.

typedef void *ClientData;

 * Darwin specific configure overrides (to support fat compiles, where
 * configure runs only once for multiple architectures):

#ifdef __APPLE__
#   ifdef __LP64__
#	define TCL_CFG_DO64BIT 1
#    else /* !__LP64__ */
#	undef TCL_CFG_DO64BIT
#    endif /* __LP64__ */
#    undef HAVE_STRUCT_STAT64
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

/* Cross-compiling 32-bit on a 64-bit platform? Then our
 * configure script does the wrong thing. Correct that here.
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__LP64__)

 * Define Tcl_WideInt to be a type that is (at least) 64-bits wide, and define
 * Tcl_WideUInt to be the unsigned variant of that type (assuming that where
 * we have one, we can have the other.)
 * Also defines the following macros:
 * TCL_WIDE_INT_IS_LONG - if wide ints are really longs (i.e. we're on a
 *	LP64 system such as modern Solaris or Linux ... not including Win64)
 * Tcl_WideAsLong - forgetful converter from wideInt to long.
 * Tcl_LongAsWide - sign-extending converter from long to wideInt.
 * Tcl_WideAsDouble - converter from wideInt to double.
 * Tcl_DoubleAsWide - converter from double to wideInt.
 * The following invariant should hold for any long value 'longVal':
 *	longVal == Tcl_WideAsLong(Tcl_LongAsWide(longVal))

#if !defined(TCL_WIDE_INT_TYPE) && !defined(TCL_WIDE_INT_IS_LONG) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__)
 * Don't know what platform it is and configure hasn't discovered what is
 * going on for us. Try to guess...
#   include <limits.h>
#   if defined(LLONG_MAX) && (LLONG_MAX == LONG_MAX)
#   endif

#   define TCL_WIDE_INT_TYPE		long long
#endif /* !TCL_WIDE_INT_TYPE */

typedef TCL_WIDE_INT_TYPE		Tcl_WideInt;
typedef unsigned TCL_WIDE_INT_TYPE	Tcl_WideUInt;

#   if defined(_WIN32) && (!defined(__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO) || !__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO)
#	define TCL_LL_MODIFIER	"I64"
#   else
#	define TCL_LL_MODIFIER	"ll"
#   endif
#endif /* !TCL_LL_MODIFIER */
#   if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_WIN32)
#	define TCL_Z_MODIFIER	"z"
#   elif defined(_WIN64)
#   else
#	define TCL_Z_MODIFIER	""
#   endif
#endif /* !TCL_Z_MODIFIER */
#   if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_WIN32)
#	define TCL_T_MODIFIER	"t"
#   elif defined(_WIN64)
#   else
#   endif
#endif /* !TCL_T_MODIFIER */

#define Tcl_WideAsLong(val)	((long)((Tcl_WideInt)(val)))
#define Tcl_LongAsWide(val)	((Tcl_WideInt)((long)(val)))
#define Tcl_WideAsDouble(val)	((double)((Tcl_WideInt)(val)))
#define Tcl_DoubleAsWide(val)	((Tcl_WideInt)((double)(val)))

    typedef int Tcl_Size;
#   define TCL_SIZE_MAX ((int)(((unsigned int)-1)>>1))
#   define TCL_SIZE_MODIFIER ""
    typedef ptrdiff_t Tcl_Size;
#   define TCL_SIZE_MAX ((Tcl_Size)(((size_t)-1)>>1))
#endif /* TCL_MAJOR_VERSION */

#ifdef _WIN32
#   if TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 || defined(_WIN64) || defined(_USE_64BIT_TIME_T)
	typedef struct __stat64 Tcl_StatBuf;
#   elif defined(_USE_32BIT_TIME_T)
	typedef struct _stati64	Tcl_StatBuf;
#   else
	typedef struct _stat32i64 Tcl_StatBuf;
#   endif
#elif defined(__CYGWIN__)
    typedef struct {
	unsigned st_dev;
	unsigned short st_ino;
	unsigned short st_mode;
	short st_nlink;
	short st_uid;
	short st_gid;
	/* Here is a 2-byte gap */
	unsigned st_rdev;
	/* Here is a 4-byte gap */
	long long st_size;
	struct {long tv_sec;} st_atim;
	struct {long tv_sec;} st_mtim;
	struct {long tv_sec;} st_ctim;
    } Tcl_StatBuf;
    typedef struct stat Tcl_StatBuf;
 * Data structures defined opaquely in this module. The definitions below just
 * provide dummy types.

typedef struct Tcl_AsyncHandler_ *Tcl_AsyncHandler;
typedef struct Tcl_Channel_ *Tcl_Channel;
typedef struct Tcl_ChannelTypeVersion_ *Tcl_ChannelTypeVersion;
typedef struct Tcl_Command_ *Tcl_Command;
typedef struct Tcl_Condition_ *Tcl_Condition;
typedef struct Tcl_Dict_ *Tcl_Dict;
typedef struct Tcl_EncodingState_ *Tcl_EncodingState;
typedef struct Tcl_Encoding_ *Tcl_Encoding;
typedef struct Tcl_Event Tcl_Event;
typedef struct Tcl_Interp Tcl_Interp;
typedef struct Tcl_InterpState_ *Tcl_InterpState;
typedef struct Tcl_LoadHandle_ *Tcl_LoadHandle;
typedef struct Tcl_Mutex_ *Tcl_Mutex;
typedef struct Tcl_Pid_ *Tcl_Pid;
typedef struct Tcl_RegExp_ *Tcl_RegExp;
typedef struct Tcl_ThreadDataKey_ *Tcl_ThreadDataKey;
typedef struct Tcl_ThreadId_ *Tcl_ThreadId;
typedef struct Tcl_TimerToken_ *Tcl_TimerToken;
typedef struct Tcl_Trace_ *Tcl_Trace;
typedef struct Tcl_Var_ *Tcl_Var;
typedef struct Tcl_ZLibStream_ *Tcl_ZlibStream;

 * Definition of the interface to functions implementing threads. A function
 * following this definition is given to each call of 'Tcl_CreateThread' and
 * will be called as the main fuction of the new thread created by that call.

#if defined _WIN32
typedef unsigned (__stdcall Tcl_ThreadCreateProc) (void *clientData);
typedef void (Tcl_ThreadCreateProc) (void *clientData);

 * Threading function return types used for abstracting away platform
 * differences when writing a Tcl_ThreadCreateProc. See the NewThread function
 * in generic/tclThreadTest.c for it's usage.

#if defined _WIN32
#   define Tcl_ThreadCreateType		unsigned __stdcall
#   define TCL_THREAD_CREATE_RETURN	return 0
#   define Tcl_ThreadCreateType		void

 * Definition of values for default stacksize and the possible flags to be
 * given to Tcl_CreateThread.

#define TCL_THREAD_STACK_DEFAULT (0)    /* Use default size for stack. */
#define TCL_THREAD_NOFLAGS	 (0000) /* Standard flags, default
					 * behaviour. */
#define TCL_THREAD_JOINABLE	 (0001) /* Mark the thread as joinable. */

 * Flag values passed to Tcl_StringCaseMatch.

#define TCL_MATCH_NOCASE	(1<<0)

 * Flag values passed to Tcl_GetRegExpFromObj.

#define	TCL_REG_BASIC		000000	/* BREs (convenience). */
#define	TCL_REG_EXTENDED	000001	/* EREs. */
#define	TCL_REG_ADVF		000002	/* Advanced features in EREs. */
#define	TCL_REG_ADVANCED	000003	/* AREs (which are also EREs). */
#define	TCL_REG_QUOTE		000004	/* No special characters, none. */
#define	TCL_REG_NOCASE		000010	/* Ignore case. */
#define	TCL_REG_NOSUB		000020	/* Don't care about subexpressions. */
#define	TCL_REG_EXPANDED	000040	/* Expanded format, white space &
					 * comments. */
#define	TCL_REG_NLSTOP		000100  /* \n doesn't match . or [^ ] */
#define	TCL_REG_NLANCH		000200  /* ^ matches after \n, $ before. */
#define	TCL_REG_NEWLINE		000300  /* Newlines are line terminators. */
#define	TCL_REG_CANMATCH	001000  /* Report details on partial/limited
					 * matches. */

 * Flags values passed to Tcl_RegExpExecObj.

#define	TCL_REG_NOTBOL	0001	/* Beginning of string does not match ^. */
#define	TCL_REG_NOTEOL	0002	/* End of string does not match $. */

 * Structures filled in by Tcl_RegExpInfo. Note that all offset values are
 * relative to the start of the match string, not the beginning of the entire
 * string.

typedef struct Tcl_RegExpIndices {
    Tcl_Size start;		/* Character offset of first character in
				 * match. */
    Tcl_Size end;		/* Character offset of first character after
				 * the match. */
    long start;
    long end;
} Tcl_RegExpIndices;

typedef struct Tcl_RegExpInfo {
    Tcl_Size nsubs;		/* Number of subexpressions in the compiled
				 * expression. */
    Tcl_RegExpIndices *matches;	/* Array of nsubs match offset pairs. */
    Tcl_Size extendStart;	/* The offset at which a subsequent match
				 * might begin. */
    long extendStart;
    long reserved;		/* Reserved for later use. */
} Tcl_RegExpInfo;

 * Picky compilers complain if this typdef doesn't appear before the struct's
 * reference in tclDecls.h.

typedef Tcl_StatBuf *Tcl_Stat_;
typedef struct stat *Tcl_OldStat_;

 * When a TCL command returns, the interpreter contains a result from the
 * command. Programmers are strongly encouraged to use one of the functions
 * Tcl_GetObjResult() or Tcl_GetStringResult() to read the interpreter's
 * result. See the SetResult man page for details. Besides this result, the
 * command function returns an integer code, which is one of the following:
 * TCL_OK		Command completed normally; the interpreter's result
 *			contains the command's result.
 * TCL_ERROR		The command couldn't be completed successfully; the
 *			interpreter's result describes what went wrong.
 * TCL_RETURN		The command requests that the current function return;
 *			the interpreter's result contains the function's
 *			return value.
 * TCL_BREAK		The command requests that the innermost loop be
 *			exited; the interpreter's result is meaningless.
 * TCL_CONTINUE		Go on to the next iteration of the current loop; the
 *			interpreter's result is meaningless.
 * Integer return codes in the range TCL_CODE_USER_MIN to TCL_CODE_USER_MAX are
 * reserved for the use of packages.

#define TCL_OK			0
#define TCL_ERROR		1
#define TCL_RETURN		2
#define TCL_BREAK		3
#define TCL_CONTINUE		4
#define TCL_CODE_USER_MAX	0x3fffffff /*  1073741823 */

 * Flags to control what substitutions are performed by Tcl_SubstObj():

#define TCL_SUBST_ALL		007

 * Forward declaration of Tcl_Obj to prevent an error when the forward
 * reference to Tcl_Obj is encountered in the function types declared below.

struct Tcl_Obj;

 * Function types defined by Tcl:

typedef int (Tcl_AppInitProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp);
typedef int (Tcl_AsyncProc) (void *clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
	int code);
typedef void (Tcl_ChannelProc) (void *clientData, int mask);
typedef void (Tcl_CloseProc) (void *data);
typedef void (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc) (void *clientData);
typedef int (Tcl_CmdProc) (void *clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
	int argc, const char *argv[]);
typedef void (Tcl_CmdTraceProc) (void *clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
	int level, char *command, Tcl_CmdProc *proc,
	void *cmdClientData, int argc, const char *argv[]);
typedef int (Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc) (void *clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
	int level, const char *command, Tcl_Command commandInfo, int objc,
	struct Tcl_Obj *const *objv);
typedef void (Tcl_CmdObjTraceDeleteProc) (void *clientData);
typedef void (Tcl_DupInternalRepProc) (struct Tcl_Obj *srcPtr,
	struct Tcl_Obj *dupPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_EncodingConvertProc) (void *clientData, const char *src,
	int srcLen, int flags, Tcl_EncodingState *statePtr, char *dst,
	int dstLen, int *srcReadPtr, int *dstWrotePtr, int *dstCharsPtr);
typedef void (Tcl_EncodingFreeProc) (void *clientData);
typedef int (Tcl_EventProc) (Tcl_Event *evPtr, int flags);
typedef void (Tcl_EventCheckProc) (void *clientData, int flags);
typedef int (Tcl_EventDeleteProc) (Tcl_Event *evPtr, void *clientData);
typedef void (Tcl_EventSetupProc) (void *clientData, int flags);
typedef void (Tcl_ExitProc) (void *clientData);
typedef void (Tcl_FileProc) (void *clientData, int mask);
typedef void (Tcl_FileFreeProc) (void *clientData);
typedef void (Tcl_FreeInternalRepProc) (struct Tcl_Obj *objPtr);
typedef void (Tcl_IdleProc) (void *clientData);
typedef void (Tcl_InterpDeleteProc) (void *clientData,
	Tcl_Interp *interp);
typedef void (Tcl_NamespaceDeleteProc) (void *clientData);
typedef int (Tcl_ObjCmdProc) (void *clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
	int objc, struct Tcl_Obj *const *objv);
typedef int (Tcl_ObjCmdProc2) (void *clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
	Tcl_Size objc, struct Tcl_Obj *const *objv);
typedef int (Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc2) (void *clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
	Tcl_Size level, const char *command, Tcl_Command commandInfo, Tcl_Size objc,
	struct Tcl_Obj *const *objv);
typedef void (Tcl_FreeProc) (void *blockPtr);
#define Tcl_ExitProc Tcl_FreeProc
#define Tcl_FileFreeProc Tcl_FreeProc
#define Tcl_FileFreeProc Tcl_FreeProc
#define Tcl_EncodingFreeProc Tcl_FreeProc
#define Tcl_ObjCmdProc2 Tcl_ObjCmdProc
#define Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc2 Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc
typedef void (Tcl_FreeProc) (char *blockPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_LibraryInitProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp);
typedef int (Tcl_LibraryUnloadProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp, int flags);
typedef void (Tcl_PanicProc) (const char *format, ...);
typedef void (Tcl_TcpAcceptProc) (void *callbackData, Tcl_Channel chan,
	char *address, int port);
typedef void (Tcl_TimerProc) (void *clientData);
typedef int (Tcl_SetFromAnyProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp, struct Tcl_Obj *objPtr);
typedef void (Tcl_UpdateStringProc) (struct Tcl_Obj *objPtr);
typedef char * (Tcl_VarTraceProc) (void *clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
	const char *part1, const char *part2, int flags);
typedef void (Tcl_CommandTraceProc) (void *clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
	const char *oldName, const char *newName, int flags);
typedef void (Tcl_CreateFileHandlerProc) (int fd, int mask, Tcl_FileProc *proc,
	void *clientData);
typedef void (Tcl_DeleteFileHandlerProc) (int fd);
typedef void (Tcl_AlertNotifierProc) (void *clientData);
typedef void (Tcl_ServiceModeHookProc) (int mode);
typedef void *(Tcl_InitNotifierProc) (void);
typedef void (Tcl_FinalizeNotifierProc) (void *clientData);
typedef void (Tcl_MainLoopProc) (void);
/* Abstract List functions */
typedef Tcl_Size (Tcl_ObjTypeLengthProc) (struct Tcl_Obj *listPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_ObjTypeIndexProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp, struct Tcl_Obj *listPtr,
	Tcl_Size index, struct Tcl_Obj** elemObj);
typedef int (Tcl_ObjTypeSliceProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp, struct Tcl_Obj *listPtr,
	Tcl_Size fromIdx, Tcl_Size toIdx, struct Tcl_Obj **newObjPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_ObjTypeReverseProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp,
	struct Tcl_Obj *listPtr, struct Tcl_Obj **newObjPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_ObjTypeGetElements) (Tcl_Interp *interp,
	struct Tcl_Obj *listPtr, Tcl_Size *objcptr, struct Tcl_Obj ***objvptr);
typedef	struct Tcl_Obj *(Tcl_ObjTypeSetElement) (Tcl_Interp *interp,
	struct Tcl_Obj *listPtr, Tcl_Size indexCount,
	struct Tcl_Obj *const indexArray[], struct Tcl_Obj *valueObj);
typedef int (Tcl_ObjTypeReplaceProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp,
	struct Tcl_Obj *listObj, Tcl_Size first, Tcl_Size numToDelete,
	Tcl_Size numToInsert, struct Tcl_Obj *const insertObjs[]);
typedef int (Tcl_ObjTypeInOperatorProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp,
	struct Tcl_Obj *valueObj, struct Tcl_Obj *listObj, int *boolResult);

#   define Tcl_PackageInitProc Tcl_LibraryInitProc
#   define Tcl_PackageUnloadProc Tcl_LibraryUnloadProc

 * The following structure represents a type of object, which is a particular
 * internal representation for an object plus a set of functions that provide
 * standard operations on objects of that type.

typedef struct Tcl_ObjType {
    const char *name;		/* Name of the type, e.g. "int". */
    Tcl_FreeInternalRepProc *freeIntRepProc;
				/* Called to free any storage for the type's
				 * internal rep. NULL if the internal rep does
				 * not need freeing. */
    Tcl_DupInternalRepProc *dupIntRepProc;
				/* Called to create a new object as a copy of
				 * an existing object. */
    Tcl_UpdateStringProc *updateStringProc;
				/* Called to update the string rep from the
				 * type's internal representation. */
    Tcl_SetFromAnyProc *setFromAnyProc;
				/* Called to convert the object's internal rep
				 * to this type. Frees the internal rep of the
				 * old type. Returns TCL_ERROR on failure. */
    size_t version;		/* Version field for future-proofing. */

    /* List emulation functions - ObjType Version 1 */
    Tcl_ObjTypeLengthProc *lengthProc;
				/* Return the [llength] of the AbstractList */
    Tcl_ObjTypeIndexProc *indexProc;
				/* Return a value (Tcl_Obj) at a given index */
    Tcl_ObjTypeSliceProc *sliceProc;
				/* Return an AbstractList for
				 * [lrange $al $start $end] */
    Tcl_ObjTypeReverseProc *reverseProc;
				/* Return an AbstractList for [lreverse $al] */
    Tcl_ObjTypeGetElements *getElementsProc;
				/* Return an objv[] of all elements in the list */
    Tcl_ObjTypeSetElement *setElementProc;
				/* Replace the element at the indicies with the
				 * given valueObj. */
    Tcl_ObjTypeReplaceProc *replaceProc;
				/* Replace sublist with another sublist */
    Tcl_ObjTypeInOperatorProc *inOperProc;
				/* "in" and "ni" expr list operation.
				 * Determine if the given string value matches
				 * an element in the list. */
} Tcl_ObjType;

#   define TCL_OBJTYPE_V0 0, \
	   0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0	/* Pre-Tcl 9 */
#   define TCL_OBJTYPE_V1(a) offsetof(Tcl_ObjType, indexProc), \
	   a,0,0,0,0,0,0,0	/* Tcl 9 Version 1 */
#   define TCL_OBJTYPE_V2(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) sizeof(Tcl_ObjType),  \
	   a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h	/* Tcl 9 - AbstractLists */
#   define TCL_OBJTYPE_V0 /* just empty */
#   define TCL_OBJTYPE_V1(a) /* just empty */
#   define TCL_OBJTYPE_V2(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) /* just empty */

 * The following structure stores an internal representation (internalrep) for
 * a Tcl value. An internalrep is associated with an Tcl_ObjType when both
 * are stored in the same Tcl_Obj.  The routines of the Tcl_ObjType govern
 * the handling of the internalrep.

typedef union Tcl_ObjInternalRep {	/* The internal representation: */
    long longValue;		/*   - an long integer value. */
    double doubleValue;		/*   - a double-precision floating value. */
    void *otherValuePtr;	/*   - another, type-specific value, */
				/*     not used internally any more. */
    Tcl_WideInt wideValue;	/*   - an integer value >= 64bits */
    struct {			/*   - internal rep as two pointers. */
	void *ptr1;
	void *ptr2;
    } twoPtrValue;
    struct {			/*   - internal rep as a pointer and a long, */
	void *ptr;		/*     not used internally any more. */
	unsigned long value;
    } ptrAndLongRep;
} Tcl_ObjInternalRep;

 * One of the following structures exists for each object in the Tcl system.
 * An object stores a value as either a string, some internal representation,
 * or both.

typedef struct Tcl_Obj {
    Tcl_Size refCount;		/* When 0 the object will be freed. */
    char *bytes;		/* This points to the first byte of the
				 * object's string representation. The array
				 * must be followed by a null byte (i.e., at
				 * offset length) but may also contain
				 * embedded null characters. The array's
				 * storage is allocated by Tcl_Alloc. NULL means
				 * the string rep is invalid and must be
				 * regenerated from the internal rep.  Clients
				 * should use Tcl_GetStringFromObj or
				 * Tcl_GetString to get a pointer to the byte
				 * array as a readonly value. */
    Tcl_Size length;		/* The number of bytes at *bytes, not
				 * including the terminating null. */
    const Tcl_ObjType *typePtr;	/* Denotes the object's type. Always
				 * corresponds to the type of the object's
				 * internal rep. NULL indicates the object has
				 * no internal rep (has no type). */
    Tcl_ObjInternalRep internalRep;
				/* The internal representation: */
} Tcl_Obj;
 * The following definitions support Tcl's namespace facility. Note: the first
 * five fields must match exactly the fields in a Namespace structure (see
 * tclInt.h).

typedef struct Tcl_Namespace {
    char *name;			/* The namespace's name within its parent
				 * namespace. This contains no ::'s. The name
				 * of the global namespace is "" although "::"
				 * is an synonym. */
    char *fullName;		/* The namespace's fully qualified name. This
				 * starts with ::. */
    void *clientData;		/* Arbitrary value associated with this
				 * namespace. */
    Tcl_NamespaceDeleteProc *deleteProc;
				/* Function invoked when deleting the
				 * namespace to, e.g., free clientData. */
    struct Tcl_Namespace *parentPtr;
				/* Points to the namespace that contains this
				 * one. NULL if this is the global
				 * namespace. */
} Tcl_Namespace;

 * The following structure represents a call frame, or activation record. A
 * call frame defines a naming context for a procedure call: its local scope
 * (for local variables) and its namespace scope (used for non-local
 * variables; often the global :: namespace). A call frame can also define the
 * naming context for a namespace eval or namespace inscope command: the
 * namespace in which the command's code should execute. The Tcl_CallFrame
 * structures exist only while procedures or namespace eval/inscope's are
 * being executed, and provide a Tcl call stack.
 * A call frame is initialized and pushed using Tcl_PushCallFrame and popped
 * using Tcl_PopCallFrame. Storage for a Tcl_CallFrame must be provided by the
 * Tcl_PushCallFrame caller, and callers typically allocate them on the C call
 * stack for efficiency. For this reason, Tcl_CallFrame is defined as a
 * structure and not as an opaque token. However, most Tcl_CallFrame fields
 * are hidden since applications should not access them directly; others are
 * declared as "dummyX".
 * WARNING!! The structure definition must be kept consistent with the
 * CallFrame structure in tclInt.h. If you change one, change the other.

typedef struct Tcl_CallFrame {
    Tcl_Namespace *nsPtr;	/* Current namespace for the call frame. */
    int dummy1;
    Tcl_Size dummy2;
    void *dummy3;
    void *dummy4;
    void *dummy5;
    Tcl_Size dummy6;
    void *dummy7;
    void *dummy8;
    Tcl_Size dummy9;
    void *dummy10;
    void *dummy11;
    void *dummy12;
    void *dummy13;
} Tcl_CallFrame;

 * Information about commands that is returned by Tcl_GetCommandInfo and
 * passed to Tcl_SetCommandInfo. objProc is an objc/objv object-based command
 * function while proc is a traditional Tcl argc/argv string-based function.
 * Tcl_CreateObjCommand and Tcl_CreateCommand ensure that both objProc and
 * proc are non-NULL and can be called to execute the command. However, it may
 * be faster to call one instead of the other. The member isNativeObjectProc
 * is set to 1 if an object-based function was registered by
 * Tcl_CreateObjCommand, and to 0 if a string-based function was registered by
 * Tcl_CreateCommand. The other function is typically set to a compatibility
 * wrapper that does string-to-object or object-to-string argument conversions
 * then calls the other function.

typedef struct {
    int isNativeObjectProc;	/* 1 if objProc was registered by a call to
				 * Tcl_CreateObjCommand; 2 if objProc was registered by
				 * a call to Tcl_CreateObjCommand2; 0 otherwise.
				 * Tcl_SetCmdInfo does not modify this field. */
    Tcl_ObjCmdProc *objProc;	/* Command's object-based function. */
    void *objClientData;	/* ClientData for object proc. */
    Tcl_CmdProc *proc;		/* Command's string-based function. */
    void *clientData;		/* ClientData for string proc. */
    Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *deleteProc;
				/* Function to call when command is
				 * deleted. */
    void *deleteData;		/* Value to pass to deleteProc (usually the
				 * same as clientData). */
    Tcl_Namespace *namespacePtr;/* Points to the namespace that contains this
				 * command. Note that Tcl_SetCmdInfo will not
				 * change a command's namespace; use
				 * TclRenameCommand or Tcl_Eval (of 'rename')
				 * to do that. */
    Tcl_ObjCmdProc2 *objProc2;	/* Command's object2-based function. */
    void *objClientData2;	/* ClientData for object2 proc. */
} Tcl_CmdInfo;

 * The structure defined below is used to hold dynamic strings. The only
 * fields that clients should use are string and length, accessible via the
 * macros Tcl_DStringValue and Tcl_DStringLength.

typedef struct Tcl_DString {
    char *string;		/* Points to beginning of string: either
				 * staticSpace below or a malloced array. */
    Tcl_Size length;		/* Number of bytes in string excluding
				 * terminating nul */
    Tcl_Size spaceAvl;		/* Total number of bytes available for the
				 * string and its terminating NULL char. */
    char staticSpace[TCL_DSTRING_STATIC_SIZE];
				/* Space to use in common case where string is
				 * small. */
} Tcl_DString;

#define Tcl_DStringLength(dsPtr) ((dsPtr)->length)
#define Tcl_DStringValue(dsPtr) ((dsPtr)->string)

 * Definitions for the maximum number of digits of precision that may be
 * produced by Tcl_PrintDouble, and the number of bytes of buffer space
 * required by Tcl_PrintDouble.

#define TCL_MAX_PREC		17

 * Definition for a number of bytes of buffer space sufficient to hold the
 * string representation of an integer in base 10 (assuming the existence of
 * 64-bit integers).

#define TCL_INTEGER_SPACE	(3*(int)sizeof(Tcl_WideInt))

 * Type values returned by Tcl_GetNumberFromObj
 *	TCL_NUMBER_INT		Representation is a Tcl_WideInt
 *	TCL_NUMBER_BIG		Representation is an mp_int
 *	TCL_NUMBER_DOUBLE	Representation is a double
 *	TCL_NUMBER_NAN		Value is NaN.

#define TCL_NUMBER_INT          2
#define TCL_NUMBER_BIG          3
#define TCL_NUMBER_DOUBLE       4
#define TCL_NUMBER_NAN          5

 * Flag values passed to Tcl_ConvertElement.
 * TCL_DONT_USE_BRACES forces it not to enclose the element in braces, but to
 *	use backslash quoting instead.
 * TCL_DONT_QUOTE_HASH disables the default quoting of the '#' character. It
 *	is safe to leave the hash unquoted when the element is not the first
 *	element of a list, and this flag can be used by the caller to indicate
 *	that condition.


 * Flags that may be passed to Tcl_GetIndexFromObj.
 * TCL_EXACT disallows abbreviated strings.
 * TCL_NULL_OK allows the empty string or NULL to return TCL_OK.
 *      The returned value will be -1;
 * TCL_INDEX_TEMP_TABLE disallows caching of lookups. A possible use case is
 *      a table that will not live long enough to make it worthwhile.

#define TCL_EXACT		1
#define TCL_NULL_OK		32

 * Flags that may be passed to Tcl_UniCharToUtf.
 * TCL_COMBINE Combine surrogates

#    define TCL_COMBINE		0x1000000
#    define TCL_COMBINE		0
 * Flag values passed to Tcl_RecordAndEval, Tcl_EvalObj, Tcl_EvalObjv.
 * WARNING: these bit choices must not conflict with the bit choices for
 * evalFlag bits in tclInt.h!
 * Meanings:
 *	TCL_NO_EVAL:		Just record this command
 *	TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL:	Execute script in global namespace
 *	TCL_EVAL_DIRECT:	Do not compile this script
 *	TCL_EVAL_INVOKE:	Magical Tcl_EvalObjv mode for aliases/ensembles
 *				o Run in iPtr->lookupNsPtr or global namespace
 *				o Cut out of error traces
 *				o Don't reset the flags controlling ensemble
 *				  error message rewriting.
 *	TCL_CANCEL_UNWIND:	Magical Tcl_CancelEval mode that causes the
 *				stack for the script in progress to be
 *				completely unwound.
 *	TCL_EVAL_NOERR:		Do no exception reporting at all, just return
 *				as the caller will report.

#define TCL_NO_EVAL		0x010000
#define TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL		0x020000
#define TCL_EVAL_DIRECT		0x040000
#define TCL_EVAL_INVOKE		0x080000
#define TCL_CANCEL_UNWIND	0x100000
#define TCL_EVAL_NOERR          0x200000

 * Special freeProc values that may be passed to Tcl_SetResult (see the man
 * page for details):

#define TCL_VOLATILE		((Tcl_FreeProc *) 1)
#define TCL_STATIC		((Tcl_FreeProc *) 0)
#define TCL_DYNAMIC		((Tcl_FreeProc *) 3)

 * Flag values passed to variable-related functions.
 * WARNING: these bit choices must not conflict with the bit choice for

#define TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY		 1
#define TCL_TRACE_READS		 0x10
#define TCL_TRACE_WRITES	 0x20
#define TCL_TRACE_UNSETS	 0x40

#define TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG	 0x200
#define TCL_TRACE_ARRAY		 0x800
/* Indicate the semantics of the result of a trace. */
#define TCL_TRACE_RESULT_OBJECT  0x10000

 * Flag values for ensemble commands.

#define TCL_ENSEMBLE_PREFIX 0x02/* Flag value to say whether to allow
				 * unambiguous prefixes of commands or to
				 * require exact matches for command names. */

 * Flag values passed to command-related functions.

#define TCL_TRACE_RENAME	0x2000
#define TCL_TRACE_DELETE	0x4000


 * Types for linked variables:

#define TCL_LINK_INT		1
#define TCL_LINK_DOUBLE		2
#define TCL_LINK_STRING		4
#define TCL_LINK_CHAR		6
#define TCL_LINK_UCHAR		7
#define TCL_LINK_SHORT		8
#define TCL_LINK_USHORT		9
#define TCL_LINK_UINT		10
#define TCL_LINK_LONG		((sizeof(long) != sizeof(int)) ? TCL_LINK_WIDE_INT : TCL_LINK_INT)
#define TCL_LINK_ULONG		((sizeof(long) != sizeof(int)) ? TCL_LINK_WIDE_UINT : TCL_LINK_UINT)
#define TCL_LINK_FLOAT		13
#define TCL_LINK_CHARS		15
#define TCL_LINK_BINARY		16
#define TCL_LINK_READ_ONLY	0x80

 * Forward declarations of Tcl_HashTable and related types.

#  define TCL_HASH_TYPE size_t
#  define TCL_HASH_TYPE unsigned

typedef struct Tcl_HashKeyType Tcl_HashKeyType;
typedef struct Tcl_HashTable Tcl_HashTable;
typedef struct Tcl_HashEntry Tcl_HashEntry;

typedef TCL_HASH_TYPE (Tcl_HashKeyProc) (Tcl_HashTable *tablePtr, void *keyPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_CompareHashKeysProc) (void *keyPtr, Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr);
typedef Tcl_HashEntry * (Tcl_AllocHashEntryProc) (Tcl_HashTable *tablePtr,
	void *keyPtr);
typedef void (Tcl_FreeHashEntryProc) (Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr);

 * Structure definition for an entry in a hash table. No-one outside Tcl
 * should access any of these fields directly; use the macros defined below.

struct Tcl_HashEntry {
    Tcl_HashEntry *nextPtr;	/* Pointer to next entry in this hash bucket,
				 * or NULL for end of chain. */
    Tcl_HashTable *tablePtr;	/* Pointer to table containing entry. */
    size_t hash;		/* Hash value. */
    void *clientData;		/* Application stores something here with
				 * Tcl_SetHashValue. */
    union {			/* Key has one of these forms: */
	char *oneWordValue;	/* One-word value for key. */
	Tcl_Obj *objPtr;	/* Tcl_Obj * key value. */
	int words[1];		/* Multiple integer words for key. The actual
				 * size will be as large as necessary for this
				 * table's keys. */
	char string[1];		/* String for key. The actual size will be as
				 * large as needed to hold the key. */
    } key;			/* MUST BE LAST FIELD IN RECORD!! */

 * Flags used in Tcl_HashKeyType.
 *				There are some things, pointers for example
 *				which don't hash well because they do not use
 *				the lower bits. If this flag is set then the
 *				hash table will attempt to rectify this by
 *				randomising the bits and then using the upper
 *				N bits as the index into the table.
 * TCL_HASH_KEY_SYSTEM_HASH -	If this flag is set then all memory internally
 *                              allocated for the hash table that is not for an
 *                              entry will use the system heap.
 *	                        Allows fast comparison for hash keys directly
 *                              by compare of their key.oneWordValue values,
 *                              before call of compareKeysProc (much slower
 *                              than a direct compare, so it is speed-up only
 *                              flag). Don't use it if keys contain values rather
 *                              than pointers.


 * Structure definition for the methods associated with a hash table key type.

struct Tcl_HashKeyType {
    int version;		/* Version of the table. If this structure is
				 * extended in future then the version can be
				 * used to distinguish between different
				 * structures. */
    int flags;			/* Flags, see above for details. */
    Tcl_HashKeyProc *hashKeyProc;
				/* Calculates a hash value for the key. If
				 * this is NULL then the pointer itself is
				 * used as a hash value. */
    Tcl_CompareHashKeysProc *compareKeysProc;
				/* Compares two keys and returns zero if they
				 * do not match, and non-zero if they do. If
				 * this is NULL then the pointers are
				 * compared. */
    Tcl_AllocHashEntryProc *allocEntryProc;
				/* Called to allocate memory for a new entry,
				 * i.e. if the key is a string then this could
				 * allocate a single block which contains
				 * enough space for both the entry and the
				 * string. Only the key field of the allocated
				 * Tcl_HashEntry structure needs to be filled
				 * in. If something else needs to be done to
				 * the key, i.e. incrementing a reference
				 * count then that should be done by this
				 * function. If this is NULL then Tcl_Alloc is
				 * used to allocate enough space for a
				 * Tcl_HashEntry and the key pointer is
				 * assigned to key.oneWordValue. */
    Tcl_FreeHashEntryProc *freeEntryProc;
				/* Called to free memory associated with an
				 * entry. If something else needs to be done
				 * to the key, i.e. decrementing a reference
				 * count then that should be done by this
				 * function. If this is NULL then Tcl_Free is
				 * used to free the Tcl_HashEntry. */

 * Structure definition for a hash table.  Must be in tcl.h so clients can
 * allocate space for these structures, but clients should never access any
 * fields in this structure.

struct Tcl_HashTable {
    Tcl_HashEntry **buckets;	/* Pointer to bucket array. Each element
				 * points to first entry in bucket's hash
				 * chain, or NULL. */
    Tcl_HashEntry *staticBuckets[TCL_SMALL_HASH_TABLE];
				/* Bucket array used for small tables (to
				 * avoid mallocs and frees). */
    Tcl_Size numBuckets;	/* Total number of buckets allocated at
				 * **bucketPtr. */
    Tcl_Size numEntries;	/* Total number of entries present in
				 * table. */
    Tcl_Size rebuildSize;	/* Enlarge table when numEntries gets to be
				 * this large. */
    size_t mask;		/* Mask value used in hashing function. */
    int downShift;		/* Shift count used in hashing function.
				 * Designed to use high-order bits of
				 * randomized keys. */
    int mask;			/* Mask value used in hashing function. */
    int keyType;		/* Type of keys used in this table. It's
				 * TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS, or an integer giving the
				 * number of ints that is the size of the
				 * key. */
    Tcl_HashEntry *(*findProc) (Tcl_HashTable *tablePtr, const char *key);
    Tcl_HashEntry *(*createProc) (Tcl_HashTable *tablePtr, const char *key,
	    int *newPtr);
    const Tcl_HashKeyType *typePtr;
				/* Type of the keys used in the
				 * Tcl_HashTable. */

 * Structure definition for information used to keep track of searches through
 * hash tables:

typedef struct Tcl_HashSearch {
    Tcl_HashTable *tablePtr;	/* Table being searched. */
    Tcl_Size nextIndex;		/* Index of next bucket to be enumerated after
				 * present one. */
    Tcl_HashEntry *nextEntryPtr;/* Next entry to be enumerated in the current
				 * bucket. */
} Tcl_HashSearch;

 * Acceptable key types for hash tables:
 * TCL_STRING_KEYS:		The keys are strings, they are copied into the
 *				entry.
 * TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS:		The keys are pointers, the pointer is stored
 *				in the entry.
 * TCL_CUSTOM_TYPE_KEYS:	The keys are arbitrary types which are copied
 *				into the entry.
 * TCL_CUSTOM_PTR_KEYS:		The keys are pointers to arbitrary types, the
 *				pointer is stored in the entry.
 * While maintaining binary compatibility the above have to be distinct values
 * as they are used to differentiate between old versions of the hash table
 * which don't have a typePtr and new ones which do. Once binary compatibility
 * is discarded in favour of making more wide spread changes TCL_STRING_KEYS
 * can be the same as TCL_CUSTOM_TYPE_KEYS, and TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS can be the
 * same as TCL_CUSTOM_PTR_KEYS because they simply determine how the key is
 * accessed from the entry and not the behaviour.

#define TCL_STRING_KEYS		(0)
#define TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS	(1)
#define TCL_CUSTOM_PTR_KEYS	(-1)

 * Structure definition for information used to keep track of searches through
 * dictionaries. These fields should not be accessed by code outside
 * tclDictObj.c

typedef struct {
    void *next;			/* Search position for underlying hash
				 * table. */
    TCL_HASH_TYPE epoch;	/* Epoch marker for dictionary being searched,
				 * or 0 if search has terminated. */
    Tcl_Dict dictionaryPtr;	/* Reference to dictionary being searched. */
} Tcl_DictSearch;
 * Flag values to pass to Tcl_DoOneEvent to disable searches for some kinds of
 * events:

#define TCL_DONT_WAIT		(1<<1)
#define TCL_WINDOW_EVENTS	(1<<2)
#define TCL_FILE_EVENTS		(1<<3)
#define TCL_TIMER_EVENTS	(1<<4)
#define TCL_IDLE_EVENTS		(1<<5)	/* WAS 0x10 ???? */

 * The following structure defines a generic event for the Tcl event system.
 * These are the things that are queued in calls to Tcl_QueueEvent and
 * serviced later by Tcl_DoOneEvent. There can be many different kinds of
 * events with different fields, corresponding to window events, timer events,
 * etc. The structure for a particular event consists of a Tcl_Event header
 * followed by additional information specific to that event.

struct Tcl_Event {
    Tcl_EventProc *proc;	/* Function to call to service this event. */
    struct Tcl_Event *nextPtr;	/* Next in list of pending events, or NULL. */

 * Positions to pass to Tcl_QueueEvent/Tcl_ThreadQueueEvent:

typedef enum {
} Tcl_QueuePosition;

 * Values to pass to Tcl_SetServiceMode to specify the behavior of notifier
 * event routines.


 * The following structure keeps is used to hold a time value, either as an
 * absolute time (the number of seconds from the epoch) or as an elapsed time.
 * On Unix systems the epoch is Midnight Jan 1, 1970 GMT.

typedef struct Tcl_Time {
    long long sec;		/* Seconds. */
    long sec;			/* Seconds. */
#if defined(_CYGWIN_) && TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8
    int usec;			/* Microseconds. */
    long usec;			/* Microseconds. */
} Tcl_Time;

typedef void (Tcl_SetTimerProc) (const Tcl_Time *timePtr);
typedef int (Tcl_WaitForEventProc) (const Tcl_Time *timePtr);

 * TIP #233 (Virtualized Time)

typedef void (Tcl_GetTimeProc)   (Tcl_Time *timebuf, void *clientData);
typedef void (Tcl_ScaleTimeProc) (Tcl_Time *timebuf, void *clientData);

 * Bits to pass to Tcl_CreateFileHandler and Tcl_CreateChannelHandler to
 * indicate what sorts of events are of interest:

#define TCL_READABLE		(1<<1)
#define TCL_WRITABLE		(1<<2)
#define TCL_EXCEPTION		(1<<3)

 * Flag values to pass to Tcl_OpenCommandChannel to indicate the disposition
 * of the stdio handles. TCL_STDIN, TCL_STDOUT, TCL_STDERR, are also used in
 * Tcl_GetStdChannel.

#define TCL_STDIN		(1<<1)
#define TCL_STDOUT		(1<<2)
#define TCL_STDERR		(1<<3)
#define TCL_ENFORCE_MODE	(1<<4)

 * Bits passed to Tcl_DriverClose2Proc to indicate which side of a channel
 * should be closed.

#define TCL_CLOSE_READ		(1<<1)
#define TCL_CLOSE_WRITE		(1<<2)

 * Value to use as the closeProc for a channel that supports the close2Proc
 * interface.

#   define TCL_CLOSE2PROC		((void *) 1)

 * Channel version tag. This was introduced in 8.3.2/8.4.

#define TCL_CHANNEL_VERSION_5	((Tcl_ChannelTypeVersion) 0x5)

 * TIP #218: Channel Actions, Ids for Tcl_DriverThreadActionProc.


 * Typedefs for the various operations in a channel type:

typedef int	(Tcl_DriverBlockModeProc) (void *instanceData, int mode);
typedef void Tcl_DriverCloseProc;
typedef int	(Tcl_DriverClose2Proc) (void *instanceData,
			Tcl_Interp *interp, int flags);
typedef int	(Tcl_DriverInputProc) (void *instanceData, char *buf,
			int toRead, int *errorCodePtr);
typedef int	(Tcl_DriverOutputProc) (void *instanceData,
			const char *buf, int toWrite, int *errorCodePtr);
typedef void Tcl_DriverSeekProc;
typedef int	(Tcl_DriverSetOptionProc) (void *instanceData,
			Tcl_Interp *interp, const char *optionName,
			const char *value);
typedef int	(Tcl_DriverGetOptionProc) (void *instanceData,
			Tcl_Interp *interp, const char *optionName,
			Tcl_DString *dsPtr);
typedef void	(Tcl_DriverWatchProc) (void *instanceData, int mask);
typedef int	(Tcl_DriverGetHandleProc) (void *instanceData,
			int direction, void **handlePtr);
typedef int	(Tcl_DriverFlushProc) (void *instanceData);
typedef int	(Tcl_DriverHandlerProc) (void *instanceData,
			int interestMask);
typedef long long (Tcl_DriverWideSeekProc) (void *instanceData,
			long long offset, int mode, int *errorCodePtr);
 * TIP #218, Channel Thread Actions
typedef void	(Tcl_DriverThreadActionProc) (void *instanceData,
			int action);
 * TIP #208, File Truncation (etc.)
typedef int	(Tcl_DriverTruncateProc) (void *instanceData,
			long long length);

 * struct Tcl_ChannelType:
 * One such structure exists for each type (kind) of channel. It collects
 * together in one place all the functions that are part of the specific
 * channel type.
 * It is recommend that the Tcl_Channel* functions are used to access elements
 * of this structure, instead of direct accessing.

typedef struct Tcl_ChannelType {
    const char *typeName;	/* The name of the channel type in Tcl
				 * commands. This storage is owned by channel
				 * type. */
    Tcl_ChannelTypeVersion version;
				/* Version of the channel type. */
    void *closeProc;		/* Not used any more. */
    Tcl_DriverInputProc *inputProc;
				/* Function to call for input on channel. */
    Tcl_DriverOutputProc *outputProc;
				/* Function to call for output on channel. */
    void *seekProc;		/* Not used any more. */
    Tcl_DriverSetOptionProc *setOptionProc;
				/* Set an option on a channel. */
    Tcl_DriverGetOptionProc *getOptionProc;
				/* Get an option from a channel. */
    Tcl_DriverWatchProc *watchProc;
				/* Set up the notifier to watch for events on
				 * this channel. */
    Tcl_DriverGetHandleProc *getHandleProc;
				/* Get an OS handle from the channel or NULL
				 * if not supported. */
    Tcl_DriverClose2Proc *close2Proc;
				/* Function to call to close the channel if
				 * the device supports closing the read &
				 * write sides independently. */
    Tcl_DriverBlockModeProc *blockModeProc;
				/* Set blocking mode for the raw channel. May
				 * be NULL. */
    Tcl_DriverFlushProc *flushProc;
				/* Function to call to flush a channel. May be
				 * NULL. */
    Tcl_DriverHandlerProc *handlerProc;
				/* Function to call to handle a channel event.
				 * This will be passed up the stacked channel
				 * chain. */
    Tcl_DriverWideSeekProc *wideSeekProc;
				/* Function to call to seek on the channel
				 * which can handle 64-bit offsets. May be
				 * NULL, and must be NULL if seekProc is
				 * NULL. */
    Tcl_DriverThreadActionProc *threadActionProc;
				/* Function to call to notify the driver of
				 * thread specific activity for a channel. May
				 * be NULL. */
    Tcl_DriverTruncateProc *truncateProc;
				/* Function to call to truncate the underlying
				 * file to a particular length. May be NULL if
				 * the channel does not support truncation. */
} Tcl_ChannelType;

 * The following flags determine whether the blockModeProc above should set
 * the channel into blocking or nonblocking mode. They are passed as arguments
 * to the blockModeProc function in the above structure.

#define TCL_MODE_BLOCKING	0	/* Put channel into blocking mode. */
#define TCL_MODE_NONBLOCKING	1	/* Put channel into nonblocking
					 * mode. */

 * Enum for different types of file paths.

typedef enum Tcl_PathType {
} Tcl_PathType;

 * The following structure is used to pass glob type data amongst the various
 * glob routines and Tcl_FSMatchInDirectory.

typedef struct Tcl_GlobTypeData {
    int type;			/* Corresponds to bcdpfls as in 'find -t'. */
    int perm;			/* Corresponds to file permissions. */
    Tcl_Obj *macType;		/* Acceptable Mac type. */
    Tcl_Obj *macCreator;	/* Acceptable Mac creator. */
} Tcl_GlobTypeData;

 * Type and permission definitions for glob command.

#define TCL_GLOB_TYPE_BLOCK		(1<<0)
#define TCL_GLOB_TYPE_CHAR		(1<<1)
#define TCL_GLOB_TYPE_DIR		(1<<2)
#define TCL_GLOB_TYPE_PIPE		(1<<3)
#define TCL_GLOB_TYPE_FILE		(1<<4)
#define TCL_GLOB_TYPE_LINK		(1<<5)
#define TCL_GLOB_TYPE_SOCK		(1<<6)
#define TCL_GLOB_TYPE_MOUNT		(1<<7)

#define TCL_GLOB_PERM_RONLY		(1<<0)
#define TCL_GLOB_PERM_HIDDEN		(1<<1)
#define TCL_GLOB_PERM_R			(1<<2)
#define TCL_GLOB_PERM_W			(1<<3)
#define TCL_GLOB_PERM_X			(1<<4)

 * Flags for the unload callback function.


 * Typedefs for the various filesystem operations:

typedef int (Tcl_FSStatProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr, Tcl_StatBuf *buf);
typedef int (Tcl_FSAccessProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr, int mode);
typedef Tcl_Channel (Tcl_FSOpenFileChannelProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp,
	Tcl_Obj *pathPtr, int mode, int permissions);
typedef int (Tcl_FSMatchInDirectoryProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *result,
	Tcl_Obj *pathPtr, const char *pattern, Tcl_GlobTypeData *types);
typedef Tcl_Obj * (Tcl_FSGetCwdProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp);
typedef int (Tcl_FSChdirProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_FSLstatProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr, Tcl_StatBuf *buf);
typedef int (Tcl_FSCreateDirectoryProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_FSDeleteFileProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_FSCopyDirectoryProc) (Tcl_Obj *srcPathPtr,
	Tcl_Obj *destPathPtr, Tcl_Obj **errorPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_FSCopyFileProc) (Tcl_Obj *srcPathPtr, Tcl_Obj *destPathPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_FSRemoveDirectoryProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr, int recursive,
	Tcl_Obj **errorPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_FSRenameFileProc) (Tcl_Obj *srcPathPtr, Tcl_Obj *destPathPtr);
typedef void (Tcl_FSUnloadFileProc) (Tcl_LoadHandle loadHandle);
typedef Tcl_Obj * (Tcl_FSListVolumesProc) (void);
/* We have to declare the utime structure here. */
struct utimbuf;
typedef int (Tcl_FSUtimeProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr, struct utimbuf *tval);
typedef int (Tcl_FSNormalizePathProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *pathPtr,
	int nextCheckpoint);
typedef int (Tcl_FSFileAttrsGetProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp, int index,
	Tcl_Obj *pathPtr, Tcl_Obj **objPtrRef);
typedef const char *const * (Tcl_FSFileAttrStringsProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr,
	Tcl_Obj **objPtrRef);
typedef int (Tcl_FSFileAttrsSetProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp, int index,
	Tcl_Obj *pathPtr, Tcl_Obj *objPtr);
typedef Tcl_Obj * (Tcl_FSLinkProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr, Tcl_Obj *toPtr,
	int linkType);
typedef int (Tcl_FSLoadFileProc) (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *pathPtr,
	Tcl_LoadHandle *handlePtr, Tcl_FSUnloadFileProc **unloadProcPtr);
typedef int (Tcl_FSPathInFilesystemProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr,
	void **clientDataPtr);
typedef Tcl_Obj * (Tcl_FSFilesystemPathTypeProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr);
typedef Tcl_Obj * (Tcl_FSFilesystemSeparatorProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr);
#define Tcl_FSFreeInternalRepProc Tcl_FreeProc
typedef void *(Tcl_FSDupInternalRepProc) (void *clientData);
typedef Tcl_Obj * (Tcl_FSInternalToNormalizedProc) (void *clientData);
typedef void *(Tcl_FSCreateInternalRepProc) (Tcl_Obj *pathPtr);

typedef struct Tcl_FSVersion_ *Tcl_FSVersion;

 * Data structures related to hooking into the filesystem

 * Filesystem version tag.  This was introduced in 8.4.

#define TCL_FILESYSTEM_VERSION_1	((Tcl_FSVersion) 0x1)

 * struct Tcl_Filesystem:
 * One such structure exists for each type (kind) of filesystem. It collects
 * together the functions that form the interface for a particulr the
 * filesystem. Tcl always accesses the filesystem through one of these
 * structures.
 * Not all entries need be non-NULL; any which are NULL are simply ignored.
 * However, a complete filesystem should provide all of these functions. The
 * explanations in the structure show the importance of each function.

typedef struct Tcl_Filesystem {
    const char *typeName;	/* The name of the filesystem. */
    Tcl_Size structureLength;	/* Length of this structure, so future binary
				 * compatibility can be assured. */
    Tcl_FSVersion version;	/* Version of the filesystem type. */
    Tcl_FSPathInFilesystemProc *pathInFilesystemProc;
				/* Determines whether the pathname is in this
				 * filesystem. This is the most important
				 * filesystem function. */
    Tcl_FSDupInternalRepProc *dupInternalRepProc;
				/* Duplicates the internal handle of the node.
				 * If it is NULL, the filesystem is less
				 * performant. */
    Tcl_FSFreeInternalRepProc *freeInternalRepProc;
				/* Frees the internal handle of the node.  NULL
				 * only if there is no need to free resources
				 * used for the internal handle. */
    Tcl_FSInternalToNormalizedProc *internalToNormalizedProc;
				/* Converts the internal handle to a normalized
				 * path.  NULL if the filesystem creates nodes
				 * having no pathname. */
    Tcl_FSCreateInternalRepProc *createInternalRepProc;
				/* Creates an internal handle for a pathname.
				 * May be NULL if pathnames have no internal
				 * handle or if pathInFilesystemProc always
				 * immediately creates an internal
				 * representation for pathnames in the
				 * filesystem. */
    Tcl_FSNormalizePathProc *normalizePathProc;
				/* Normalizes a path.  Should be implemented if
				 * the filesystems supports multiple paths to
				 * the same node. */
    Tcl_FSFilesystemPathTypeProc *filesystemPathTypeProc;
				/* Determines the type of a path in this
				 * filesystem. May be NULL. */
    Tcl_FSFilesystemSeparatorProc *filesystemSeparatorProc;
				/* Produces the separator character(s) for this
				 * filesystem. Must not be NULL. */
    Tcl_FSStatProc *statProc;	/* Called by 'Tcl_FSStat()'.  Provided by any
				 * reasonable filesystem. */
    Tcl_FSAccessProc *accessProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSAccess()'.  Implemented by
				 * any reasonable filesystem. */
    Tcl_FSOpenFileChannelProc *openFileChannelProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSOpenFileChannel()'.
				 * Provided by any reasonable filesystem. */
    Tcl_FSMatchInDirectoryProc *matchInDirectoryProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSMatchInDirectory()'.  NULL
				 * if the filesystem does not support glob or
				 * recursive copy. */
    Tcl_FSUtimeProc *utimeProc;	/* Called by 'Tcl_FSUtime()', by 'file
				 *  mtime' to set (not read) times, 'file
				 *  atime', and the open-r/open-w/fcopy variant
				 *  of 'file copy'. */
    Tcl_FSLinkProc *linkProc;	/* Called by 'Tcl_FSLink()'. NULL if reading or
				 *  creating links is not supported. */
    Tcl_FSListVolumesProc *listVolumesProc;
				/* Lists filesystem volumes added by this
				 * filesystem. NULL if the filesystem does not
				 * use volumes. */
    Tcl_FSFileAttrStringsProc *fileAttrStringsProc;
				/* List all valid attributes strings.  NULL if
				 * the filesystem does not support the 'file
				 * attributes' command.  Can be used to attach
				 * arbitrary additional data to files in a
				 * filesystem. */
    Tcl_FSFileAttrsGetProc *fileAttrsGetProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSFileAttrsGet()' and by
				 * 'file attributes'. */
    Tcl_FSFileAttrsSetProc *fileAttrsSetProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSFileAttrsSet()' and by
				 * 'file attributes'. */
    Tcl_FSCreateDirectoryProc *createDirectoryProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSCreateDirectory()'.  May be
				 * NULL if the filesystem is read-only. */
    Tcl_FSRemoveDirectoryProc *removeDirectoryProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSRemoveDirectory()'.  May be
				 * NULL if the filesystem is read-only. */
    Tcl_FSDeleteFileProc *deleteFileProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSDeleteFile()' May be NULL
				 * if the filesystem is is read-only. */
    Tcl_FSCopyFileProc *copyFileProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSCopyFile()'.  If NULL, for
				 * a copy operation at the script level (not
				 * C) Tcl uses open-r, open-w and fcopy. */
    Tcl_FSRenameFileProc *renameFileProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSRenameFile()'. If NULL, for
				 * a rename operation at the script level (not
				 * C) Tcl performs a copy operation followed
				 * by a delete operation. */
    Tcl_FSCopyDirectoryProc *copyDirectoryProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSCopyDirectory()'. If NULL,
				 * for a copy operation at the script level
				 * (not C) Tcl recursively creates directories
				 * and copies files. */
    Tcl_FSLstatProc *lstatProc;	/* Called by 'Tcl_FSLstat()'. If NULL, Tcl
				 * attempts to use 'statProc' instead. */
    Tcl_FSLoadFileProc *loadFileProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSLoadFile()'. If NULL, Tcl
				 * performs a copy to a temporary file in the
				 * native filesystem and then calls
				 * Tcl_FSLoadFile() on that temporary copy. */
    Tcl_FSGetCwdProc *getCwdProc;
				/* Called by 'Tcl_FSGetCwd()'.  Normally NULL.
				 * Usually only called once:  If 'getcwd' is
				 * called before 'chdir' is ever called. */
    Tcl_FSChdirProc *chdirProc;	/* Called by 'Tcl_FSChdir()'.  For a virtual
				 * filesystem, chdirProc just returns zero
				 * (success) if the pathname is a valid
				 * directory, and some other value otherwise.
				 * For A real filesystem, chdirProc performs
				 * the correct action, e.g.  calls the system
				 * 'chdir' function. If not implemented, then
				 * 'cd' and 'pwd' fail for a pathname in this
				 * filesystem. On success Tcl stores the
				 * pathname for use by GetCwd.  If NULL, Tcl
				 * performs records the pathname as the new
				 * current directory if it passes a series of
				 * directory access checks. */
} Tcl_Filesystem;

 * The following definitions are used as values for the 'linkAction' flag to
 * Tcl_FSLink, or the linkProc of any filesystem. Any combination of flags can
 * be given. For link creation, the linkProc should create a link which
 * matches any of the types given.
 * TCL_CREATE_SYMBOLIC_LINK -	Create a symbolic or soft link.
 * TCL_CREATE_HARD_LINK -	Create a hard link.

#define TCL_CREATE_HARD_LINK		0x02

 * The following structure represents the Notifier functions that you can
 * override with the Tcl_SetNotifier call.

typedef struct Tcl_NotifierProcs {
    Tcl_SetTimerProc *setTimerProc;
    Tcl_WaitForEventProc *waitForEventProc;
    Tcl_CreateFileHandlerProc *createFileHandlerProc;
    Tcl_DeleteFileHandlerProc *deleteFileHandlerProc;
    Tcl_InitNotifierProc *initNotifierProc;
    Tcl_FinalizeNotifierProc *finalizeNotifierProc;
    Tcl_AlertNotifierProc *alertNotifierProc;
    Tcl_ServiceModeHookProc *serviceModeHookProc;
} Tcl_NotifierProcs;
 * The following data structures and declarations are for the new Tcl parser.
 * For each word of a command, and for each piece of a word such as a variable
 * reference, one of the following structures is created to describe the
 * token.

typedef struct Tcl_Token {
    int type;			/* Type of token, such as TCL_TOKEN_WORD; see
				 * below for valid types. */
    const char *start;		/* First character in token. */
    Tcl_Size size;		/* Number of bytes in token. */
    Tcl_Size numComponents;	/* If this token is composed of other tokens,
				 * this field tells how many of them there are
				 * (including components of components, etc.).
				 * The component tokens immediately follow
				 * this one. */
} Tcl_Token;

 * Type values defined for Tcl_Token structures. These values are defined as
 * mask bits so that it's easy to check for collections of types.
 * TCL_TOKEN_WORD -		The token describes one word of a command,
 *				from the first non-blank character of the word
 *				(which may be " or {) up to but not including
 *				the space, semicolon, or bracket that
 *				terminates the word. NumComponents counts the
 *				total number of sub-tokens that make up the
 *				word. This includes, for example, sub-tokens
 *				of TCL_TOKEN_VARIABLE tokens.
 * TCL_TOKEN_SIMPLE_WORD -	This token is just like TCL_TOKEN_WORD except
 *				that the word is guaranteed to consist of a
 *				single TCL_TOKEN_TEXT sub-token.
 * TCL_TOKEN_TEXT -		The token describes a range of literal text
 *				that is part of a word. NumComponents is
 *				always 0.
 * TCL_TOKEN_BS -		The token describes a backslash sequence that
 *				must be collapsed. NumComponents is always 0.
 * TCL_TOKEN_COMMAND -		The token describes a command whose result
 *				must be substituted into the word. The token
 *				includes the enclosing brackets. NumComponents
 *				is always 0.
 * TCL_TOKEN_VARIABLE -		The token describes a variable substitution,
 *				including the dollar sign, variable name, and
 *				array index (if there is one) up through the
 *				right parentheses. NumComponents tells how
 *				many additional tokens follow to represent the
 *				variable name. The first token will be a
 *				TCL_TOKEN_TEXT token that describes the
 *				variable name. If the variable is an array
 *				reference then there will be one or more
 *				additional tokens, of type TCL_TOKEN_TEXT,
 *				TCL_TOKEN_VARIABLE, that describe the array
 *				index; numComponents counts the total number
 *				of nested tokens that make up the variable
 *				reference, including sub-tokens of
 *				TCL_TOKEN_VARIABLE tokens.
 * TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR -		The token describes one subexpression of an
 *				expression, from the first non-blank character
 *				of the subexpression up to but not including
 *				the space, brace, or bracket that terminates
 *				the subexpression. NumComponents counts the
 *				total number of following subtokens that make
 *				up the subexpression; this includes all
 *				subtokens for any nested TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR
 *				tokens. For example, a numeric value used as a
 *				primitive operand is described by a
 *				TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR token followed by a
 *				TCL_TOKEN_TEXT token. A binary subexpression
 *				is described by a TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR token
 *				followed by the TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token for
 *				the operator, then TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR tokens
 *				for the left then the right operands.
 * TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR -		The token describes one expression operator.
 *				An operator might be the name of a math
 *				function such as "abs". A TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR
 *				token is always preceded by one
 *				TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR token for the operator's
 *				subexpression, and is followed by zero or more
 *				TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR tokens for the operator's
 *				operands. NumComponents is always 0.
 * TCL_TOKEN_EXPAND_WORD -	This token is just like TCL_TOKEN_WORD except
 *				that it marks a word that began with the
 *				literal character prefix "{*}". This word is
 *				marked to be expanded - that is, broken into
 *				words after substitution is complete.

#define TCL_TOKEN_WORD		1
#define TCL_TOKEN_TEXT		4
#define TCL_TOKEN_BS		8

 * Parsing error types. On any parsing error, one of these values will be
 * stored in the error field of the Tcl_Parse structure defined below.


 * A structure of the following type is filled in by Tcl_ParseCommand. It
 * describes a single command parsed from an input string.


typedef struct Tcl_Parse {
    const char *commentStart;	/* Pointer to # that begins the first of one
				 * or more comments preceding the command. */
    Tcl_Size commentSize;	/* Number of bytes in comments (up through
				 * newline character that terminates the last
				 * comment). If there were no comments, this
				 * field is 0. */
    const char *commandStart;	/* First character in first word of
				 * command. */
    Tcl_Size commandSize;	/* Number of bytes in command, including first
				 * character of first word, up through the
				 * terminating newline, close bracket, or
				 * semicolon. */
    Tcl_Size numWords;		/* Total number of words in command. May be
				 * 0. */
    Tcl_Token *tokenPtr;	/* Pointer to first token representing the
				 * words of the command. Initially points to
				 * staticTokens, but may change to point to
				 * malloc-ed space if command exceeds space in
				 * staticTokens. */
    Tcl_Size numTokens;		/* Total number of tokens in command. */
    Tcl_Size tokensAvailable;	/* Total number of tokens available at
				 * *tokenPtr. */
    int errorType;		/* One of the parsing error types defined
				 * above. */
    int incomplete;		/* This field is set to 1 by Tcl_ParseCommand
				 * if the command appears to be incomplete.
				 * This information is used by
				 * Tcl_CommandComplete. */

     * The fields below are intended only for the private use of the parser.
     * They should not be used by functions that invoke Tcl_ParseCommand.

    const char *string;		/* The original command string passed to
				 * Tcl_ParseCommand. */
    const char *end;		/* Points to the character just after the last
				 * one in the command string. */
    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Interpreter to use for error reporting, or
				 * NULL. */
    const char *term;		/* Points to character in string that
				 * terminated most recent token. Filled in by
				 * ParseTokens. If an error occurs, points to
				 * beginning of region where the error
				 * occurred (e.g. the open brace if the close
				 * brace is missing). */
    int incomplete;
    Tcl_Token staticTokens[NUM_STATIC_TOKENS];
				/* Initial space for tokens for command. This
				 * space should be large enough to accommodate
				 * most commands; dynamic space is allocated
				 * for very large commands that don't fit
				 * here. */
} Tcl_Parse;
 * The following structure represents a user-defined encoding. It collects
 * together all the functions that are used by the specific encoding.

typedef struct Tcl_EncodingType {
    const char *encodingName;	/* The name of the encoding, e.g. "euc-jp".
				 * This name is the unique key for this
				 * encoding type. */
    Tcl_EncodingConvertProc *toUtfProc;
				/* Function to convert from external encoding
				 * into UTF-8. */
    Tcl_EncodingConvertProc *fromUtfProc;
				/* Function to convert from UTF-8 into
				 * external encoding. */
    Tcl_FreeProc *freeProc;	/* If non-NULL, function to call when this
				 * encoding is deleted. */
    void *clientData;		/* Arbitrary value associated with encoding
				 * type. Passed to conversion functions. */
    Tcl_Size nullSize;		/* Number of zero bytes that signify
				 * end-of-string in this encoding. This number
				 * is used to determine the source string
				 * length when the srcLen argument is
				 * negative. Must be 1, 2, or 4. */
} Tcl_EncodingType;

 * The following definitions are used as values for the conversion control
 * flags argument when converting text from one character set to another:
 * TCL_ENCODING_START -		Signifies that the source buffer is the first
 *				block in a (potentially multi-block) input
 *				stream. Tells the conversion function to reset
 *				to an initial state and perform any
 *				initialization that needs to occur before the
 *				first byte is converted. If the source buffer
 *				contains the entire input stream to be
 *				converted, this flag should be set.
 * TCL_ENCODING_END -		Signifies that the source buffer is the last
 *				block in a (potentially multi-block) input
 *				stream. Tells the conversion routine to
 *				perform any finalization that needs to occur
 *				after the last byte is converted and then to
 *				reset to an initial state. If the source
 *				buffer contains the entire input stream to be
 *				converted, this flag should be set.
 * TCL_ENCODING_STOPONERROR -	Not used any more.
 * TCL_ENCODING_NO_TERMINATE -	If set, Tcl_ExternalToUtf does not append a
 *				terminating NUL byte.  Since it does not need
 *				an extra byte for a terminating NUL, it fills
 *				all dstLen bytes with encoded UTF-8 content if
 *				needed.  If clear, a byte is reserved in the
 *				dst space for NUL termination, and a
 *				terminating NUL is appended.
 * TCL_ENCODING_CHAR_LIMIT -	If set and dstCharsPtr is not NULL, then
 *				Tcl_ExternalToUtf takes the initial value of
 *				*dstCharsPtr as a limit of the maximum number
 *				of chars to produce in the encoded UTF-8
 *				content.  Otherwise, the number of chars
 *				produced is controlled only by other limiting
 *				factors.
 * TCL_ENCODING_PROFILE_* -	Mutually exclusive encoding profile ids. Note
 *				these are bit masks.
 * DEFINED IN tclEncoding.c (ENCODING_INPUT et al). Be cognizant of this
 * when adding bits.

#define TCL_ENCODING_START		0x01
#define TCL_ENCODING_END		0x02
#   define TCL_ENCODING_STOPONERROR	0x0 /* Not used any more */
/* Internal use bits, do not define bits in this space. See above comment */
 * Reserve top byte for profile values (disjoint, not a mask). In case of
 * changes, ensure ENCODING_PROFILE_* macros in tclInt.h are modified if
 * necessary.
#define TCL_ENCODING_PROFILE_TCL8     0x01000000

 * The following definitions are the error codes returned by the conversion
 * routines:
 * TCL_OK -			All characters were converted.
 * TCL_CONVERT_NOSPACE -	The output buffer would not have been large
 *				enough for all of the converted data; as many
 *				characters as could fit were converted though.
 * TCL_CONVERT_MULTIBYTE -	The last few bytes in the source string were
 *				the beginning of a multibyte sequence, but
 *				more bytes were needed to complete this
 *				sequence. A subsequent call to the conversion
 *				routine should pass the beginning of this
 *				unconverted sequence plus additional bytes
 *				from the source stream to properly convert the
 *				formerly split-up multibyte sequence.
 * TCL_CONVERT_SYNTAX -		The source stream contained an invalid
 *				character sequence. This may occur if the
 *				input stream has been damaged or if the input
 *				encoding method was misidentified.
 * TCL_CONVERT_UNKNOWN -	The source string contained a character that
 *				could not be represented in the target
 *				encoding.


 * The maximum number of bytes that are necessary to represent a single
 * Unicode character in UTF-8. The valid values are 3 and 4. If > 3,
 * then Tcl_UniChar must be 4-bytes in size (UCS-4) (the default). If == 3,
 * then Tcl_UniChar must be 2-bytes in size (UTF-16). Since Tcl 9.0, UCS-4
 * mode is the default and recommended mode.

#ifndef TCL_UTF_MAX
#	define TCL_UTF_MAX		4
#   else
#	define TCL_UTF_MAX		3
#   endif

 * This represents a Unicode character. Any changes to this should also be
 * reflected in regcustom.h.

#if TCL_UTF_MAX == 4
     * int isn't 100% accurate as it should be a strict 4-byte value
     * (perhaps int32_t). ILP64/SILP64 systems may have troubles. The
     * size of this value must be reflected correctly in regcustom.h.
typedef int Tcl_UniChar;
#elif TCL_UTF_MAX == 3 && !defined(BUILD_tcl)
typedef unsigned short Tcl_UniChar;
#   error "This TCL_UTF_MAX value is not supported"
 * TIP #59: The following structure is used in calls 'Tcl_RegisterConfig' to
 * provide the system with the embedded configuration data.

typedef struct Tcl_Config {
    const char *key;		/* Configuration key to register. ASCII
				 * encoded, thus UTF-8. */
    const char *value;		/* The value associated with the key. System
				 * encoding. */
} Tcl_Config;

 * Flags for TIP#143 limits, detailing which limits are active in an
 * interpreter. Used for Tcl_{Add,Remove}LimitHandler type argument.

#define TCL_LIMIT_TIME		0x02

 * Structure containing information about a limit handler to be called when a
 * command- or time-limit is exceeded by an interpreter.

typedef void (Tcl_LimitHandlerProc) (void *clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp);
#define Tcl_LimitHandlerDeleteProc Tcl_FreeProc
typedef void (Tcl_LimitHandlerDeleteProc) (void *clientData);

#if 0
 * We would like to provide an anonymous structure "mp_int" here, which is
 * compatible with libtommath's "mp_int", but without duplicating anything
 * from <tommath.h> or including <tommath.h> here. But the libtommath project
 * didn't honor our request. See: <>
 * That's why this part is commented out, and we are using (void *) in
 * various API's in stead of the more correct (mp_int *).

typedef struct mp_int mp_int;


 * Definitions needed for Tcl_ParseArgvObj routines.
 * Based on tkArgv.c.
 * Modifications from the original are copyright (c) Sam Bromley 2006

typedef struct {
    int type;			/* Indicates the option type; see below. */
    const char *keyStr;		/* The key string that flags the option in the
				 * argv array. */
    void *srcPtr;		/* Value to be used in setting dst; usage
				 * depends on type.*/
    void *dstPtr;		/* Address of value to be modified; usage
				 * depends on type.*/
    const char *helpStr;	/* Documentation message describing this
				 * option. */
    void *clientData;		/* Word to pass to function callbacks. */
} Tcl_ArgvInfo;

 * Legal values for the type field of a Tcl_ArgInfo: see the user
 * documentation for details.

#define TCL_ARGV_INT		16
#define TCL_ARGV_STRING		17
#define TCL_ARGV_REST		18
#define TCL_ARGV_FLOAT		19
#define TCL_ARGV_FUNC		20
#define TCL_ARGV_HELP		22
#define TCL_ARGV_END		23

 * Types of callback functions for the TCL_ARGV_FUNC and TCL_ARGV_GENFUNC
 * argument types:

typedef int (Tcl_ArgvFuncProc)(void *clientData, Tcl_Obj *objPtr,
	void *dstPtr);
typedef Tcl_Size (Tcl_ArgvGenFuncProc)(void *clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
	Tcl_Size objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv, void *dstPtr);

 * Shorthand for commonly used argTable entries.

    {TCL_ARGV_HELP,	"-help",	NULL,	NULL, \
	    "Print summary of command-line options and abort", NULL}
    {TCL_ARGV_REST,	"--",		NULL,	NULL, \
	    "Marks the end of the options", NULL}

 * Definitions needed for Tcl_Zlib routines. [TIP #234]
 * Constants for the format flags describing what sort of data format is
 * desired/expected for the Tcl_ZlibDeflate, Tcl_ZlibInflate and
 * Tcl_ZlibStreamInit functions.


 * Constants that describe whether the stream is to operate in compressing or
 * decompressing mode.


 * Constants giving compression levels. Use of TCL_ZLIB_COMPRESS_DEFAULT is
 * recommended.


 * Constants for types of flushing, used with Tcl_ZlibFlush.

#define TCL_ZLIB_FLUSH		2

 * Definitions needed for the Tcl_LoadFile function. [TIP #416]

#define TCL_LOAD_LAZY 2

 * Definitions needed for the Tcl_OpenTcpServerEx function. [TIP #456]

 * Constants for special Tcl_Size-typed values, see TIP #494

#define TCL_IO_FAILURE	((Tcl_Size)-1)
#define TCL_AUTO_LENGTH	((Tcl_Size)-1)
#define TCL_INDEX_NONE  ((Tcl_Size)-1)

 * Single public declaration for NRE.

typedef int (Tcl_NRPostProc) (void *data[], Tcl_Interp *interp,
				int result);

 * The following constant is used to test for older versions of Tcl in the
 * stubs tables.

#   define TCL_STUB_MAGIC	((int) 0xFCA3BACB + (int) sizeof(void *))
#   define TCL_STUB_MAGIC	((int) 0xFCA3BACF)

 * The following function is required to be defined in all stubs aware
 * extensions. The function is actually implemented in the stub library, not
 * the main Tcl library, although there is a trivial implementation in the
 * main library in case an extension is statically linked into an application.

const char *		Tcl_InitStubs(Tcl_Interp *interp, const char *version,
			    int exact, int magic);
const char *		TclTomMathInitializeStubs(Tcl_Interp *interp,
			    const char *version, int epoch, int revision);
const char *		TclInitStubTable(const char *version);
void *			TclStubCall(void *arg);
#if defined(_WIN32)
    TCL_NORETURN void	Tcl_ConsolePanic(const char *format, ...);
#   define Tcl_ConsolePanic ((Tcl_PanicProc *)NULL)

# if TCL_UTF_MAX < 4
#   define Tcl_InitStubs(interp, version, exact) \
	(Tcl_InitStubs)(interp, version, \
	    (exact)|(TCL_MAJOR_VERSION<<8)|(0xFF<<16), \
# else
#   define Tcl_InitStubs(interp, version, exact) \
	(Tcl_InitStubs)(interp, "8.7b1", \
	    (exact)|(TCL_MAJOR_VERSION<<8)|(0xFF<<16), \
# endif
#   define Tcl_InitStubs(interp, version, exact) \
	(Tcl_InitStubs)(interp, version, \
	    (exact)|(TCL_MAJOR_VERSION<<8)|(TCL_MINOR_VERSION<<16), \
#   define Tcl_InitStubs(interp, version, exact) \
	(Tcl_InitStubs)(interp, (((exact)&1) ? (version) : "9.0.0"), \
	    (exact)|(TCL_MAJOR_VERSION<<8)|(TCL_MINOR_VERSION<<16), \
#   define Tcl_InitStubs(interp, version, exact) \
	Tcl_Panic(((void)interp, (void)version, \
		(void)exact, "Please define -DUSE_TCL_STUBS"))
#   define Tcl_InitStubs(interp, version, exact) \
	Tcl_PkgInitStubsCheck(interp, version, \
#   define Tcl_InitStubs(interp, version, exact) \
	Tcl_PkgInitStubsCheck(interp, TCL_PATCH_LEVEL, \

 * Public functions that are not accessible via the stubs table.
 * Tcl_GetMemoryInfo is needed for AOLserver. [Bug 1868171]

#define Tcl_Main(argc, argv, proc) \
	Tcl_MainEx(argc, argv, proc, \
	    ((Tcl_SetPanicProc(Tcl_ConsolePanic), Tcl_CreateInterp())))
EXTERN TCL_NORETURN void Tcl_MainEx(Tcl_Size argc, char **argv,
			    Tcl_AppInitProc *appInitProc, Tcl_Interp *interp);
EXTERN const char *	Tcl_PkgInitStubsCheck(Tcl_Interp *interp,
			    const char *version, int exact);
EXTERN const char *	Tcl_InitSubsystems(void);
EXTERN void		Tcl_GetMemoryInfo(Tcl_DString *dsPtr);
EXTERN const char *	Tcl_FindExecutable(const char *argv0);
EXTERN const char *	Tcl_SetPreInitScript(const char *string);
EXTERN const char *	Tcl_SetPanicProc(
			    Tcl_PanicProc *panicProc);
EXTERN void		Tcl_StaticLibrary(Tcl_Interp *interp,
			    const char *prefix,
			    Tcl_LibraryInitProc *initProc,
			    Tcl_LibraryInitProc *safeInitProc);
#   define Tcl_StaticPackage Tcl_StaticLibrary
EXTERN Tcl_ExitProc *	Tcl_SetExitProc(Tcl_ExitProc *proc);
#ifdef _WIN32
EXTERN const char *	TclZipfs_AppHook(int *argc, wchar_t ***argv);
EXTERN const char *TclZipfs_AppHook(int *argc, char ***argv);
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
#   define Tcl_FindExecutable(arg) ((Tcl_FindExecutable)((const char *)(arg)))
#   define Tcl_MainEx Tcl_MainExW
    EXTERN TCL_NORETURN void Tcl_MainExW(Tcl_Size argc, wchar_t **argv,
	    Tcl_AppInitProc *appInitProc, Tcl_Interp *interp);
#if defined(USE_TCL_STUBS) && (TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8)
#define Tcl_SetPanicProc(panicProc) \
    TclInitStubTable(((const char *(*)(Tcl_PanicProc *))TclStubCall((void *)panicProc))(panicProc))
#define Tcl_InitSubsystems() \
    TclInitStubTable(((const char *(*)(void))TclStubCall((void *)1))())
#define Tcl_FindExecutable(argv0) \
    TclInitStubTable(((const char *(*)(const char *))TclStubCall((void *)2))(argv0))
#define TclZipfs_AppHook(argcp, argvp) \
	TclInitStubTable(((const char *(*)(int *, void *))TclStubCall((void *)3))(argcp, argvp))
#define Tcl_MainExW(argc, argv, appInitProc, interp) \
	(void)((const char *(*)(Tcl_Size, const void *, Tcl_AppInitProc *, Tcl_Interp *)) \
	TclStubCall((void *)4))(argc, argv, appInitProc, interp)
#if !defined(_WIN32) || !defined(UNICODE)
#define Tcl_MainEx(argc, argv, appInitProc, interp) \
	(void)((const char *(*)(Tcl_Size, const void *, Tcl_AppInitProc *, Tcl_Interp *)) \
	TclStubCall((void *)5))(argc, argv, appInitProc, interp)
#define Tcl_StaticLibrary(interp, pkgName, initProc, safeInitProc) \
	(void)((const char *(*)(Tcl_Interp *, const char *, Tcl_LibraryInitProc *, Tcl_LibraryInitProc *)) \
	TclStubCall((void *)6))(interp, pkgName, initProc, safeInitProc)
#define Tcl_SetExitProc(proc) \
	((Tcl_ExitProc *(*)(Tcl_ExitProc *))TclStubCall((void *)7))(proc)
#define Tcl_GetMemoryInfo(dsPtr) \
	(void)((const char *(*)(Tcl_DString *))TclStubCall((void *)8))(dsPtr)
#define Tcl_SetPreInitScript(string) \
	((const char *(*)(const char *))TclStubCall((void *)9))(string)
 * Include the public function declarations that are accessible via the stubs
 * table.

#include "tclDecls.h"

 * Include platform specific public function declarations that are accessible
 * via the stubs table. Make all TclOO symbols MODULE_SCOPE (which only
 * has effect on building it as a shared library). See ticket [3010352].

#if defined(BUILD_tcl)
#   undef TCLAPI

#include "tclPlatDecls.h"

 * The following declarations map ckalloc and ckfree to Tcl_Alloc and
 * Tcl_Free for use in Tcl-8.x-compatible extensions.

#ifndef BUILD_tcl
#   define ckalloc Tcl_Alloc
#   define attemptckalloc Tcl_AttemptAlloc
#   ifdef _MSC_VER
	/* Silence invalid C4090 warnings */
#	define ckfree(a) Tcl_Free((void *)(a))
#	define ckrealloc(a,b) Tcl_Realloc((void *)(a),(b))
#	define attemptckrealloc(a,b) Tcl_AttemptRealloc((void *)(a),(b))
#   else
#	define ckfree Tcl_Free
#	define ckrealloc Tcl_Realloc
#	define attemptckrealloc Tcl_AttemptRealloc
#   endif


 * If we are not using the debugging allocator, we should call the Tcl_Alloc,
 * et al. routines in order to guarantee that every module is using the same
 * memory allocator both inside and outside of the Tcl library.

#   undef  Tcl_InitMemory
#   define Tcl_InitMemory(x)
#   undef  Tcl_DumpActiveMemory
#   define Tcl_DumpActiveMemory(x)
#   undef  Tcl_ValidateAllMemory
#   define Tcl_ValidateAllMemory(x,y)

#endif /* !TCL_MEM_DEBUG */

#   undef Tcl_IncrRefCount
#   define Tcl_IncrRefCount(objPtr) \
	Tcl_DbIncrRefCount(objPtr, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#   undef Tcl_DecrRefCount
#   define Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr) \
	Tcl_DbDecrRefCount(objPtr, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#   undef Tcl_IsShared
#   define Tcl_IsShared(objPtr) \
	Tcl_DbIsShared(objPtr, __FILE__, __LINE__)
 * Free the Obj by effectively doing:
 *   Tcl_IncrRefCount(objPtr);
 *   Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr);
 * This will free the obj if there are no references to the obj.
#   define Tcl_BounceRefCount(objPtr) \
    TclBounceRefCount(objPtr, __FILE__, __LINE__)

static inline void
    Tcl_Obj* objPtr,
    const char* fn,
    int line)
    if (objPtr) {
	if ((objPtr)->refCount == 0) {
	    Tcl_DbDecrRefCount(objPtr, fn, line);
#   undef Tcl_IncrRefCount
#   define Tcl_IncrRefCount(objPtr) \
     * Use do/while0 idiom for optimum correctness without compiler warnings.
#   undef Tcl_DecrRefCount
#   define Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr) \
	do {								\
	    Tcl_Obj *_objPtr = (objPtr);				\
	    if (_objPtr->refCount-- <= 1) {				\
		TclFreeObj(_objPtr);					\
	    }								\
	} while(0)
#   undef Tcl_IsShared
#   define Tcl_IsShared(objPtr) \
	((objPtr)->refCount > 1)

 * Declare that obj will no longer be used or referenced.
 * This will free the obj if there are no references to the obj.
#   define Tcl_BounceRefCount(objPtr) \

static inline void
    Tcl_Obj* objPtr)
    if (objPtr) {
	if ((objPtr)->refCount == 0) {


 * Macros and definitions that help to debug the use of Tcl objects. When
 * TCL_MEM_DEBUG is defined, the Tcl_New declarations are overridden to call
 * debugging versions of the object creation functions.

#  undef  Tcl_NewBignumObj
#  define Tcl_NewBignumObj(val) \
     Tcl_DbNewBignumObj(val, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#  undef  Tcl_NewBooleanObj
#  define Tcl_NewBooleanObj(val) \
     Tcl_DbNewWideIntObj((val)!=0, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#  undef  Tcl_NewByteArrayObj
#  define Tcl_NewByteArrayObj(bytes, len) \
     Tcl_DbNewByteArrayObj(bytes, len, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#  undef  Tcl_NewDoubleObj
#  define Tcl_NewDoubleObj(val) \
     Tcl_DbNewDoubleObj(val, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#  undef  Tcl_NewListObj
#  define Tcl_NewListObj(objc, objv) \
     Tcl_DbNewListObj(objc, objv, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#  undef  Tcl_NewObj
#  define Tcl_NewObj() \
     Tcl_DbNewObj(__FILE__, __LINE__)
#  undef  Tcl_NewStringObj
#  define Tcl_NewStringObj(bytes, len) \
     Tcl_DbNewStringObj(bytes, len, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#  undef  Tcl_NewWideIntObj
#  define Tcl_NewWideIntObj(val) \
     Tcl_DbNewWideIntObj(val, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#endif /* TCL_MEM_DEBUG */

 * Macros for clients to use to access fields of hash entries:

#define Tcl_GetHashValue(h) ((h)->clientData)
#define Tcl_SetHashValue(h, value) ((h)->clientData = (void *)(value))
#define Tcl_GetHashKey(tablePtr, h) \
	((void *) (((tablePtr)->keyType == TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS ||		\
		    (tablePtr)->keyType == TCL_CUSTOM_PTR_KEYS)		\
		? (h)->key.oneWordValue					\
		: (h)->key.string))

 * Macros to use for clients to use to invoke find and create functions for
 * hash tables:

#undef  Tcl_FindHashEntry
#define Tcl_FindHashEntry(tablePtr, key) \
	(*((tablePtr)->findProc))(tablePtr, (const char *)(key))
#undef  Tcl_CreateHashEntry
#define Tcl_CreateHashEntry(tablePtr, key, newPtr) \
	(*((tablePtr)->createProc))(tablePtr, (const char *)(key), newPtr)

#endif /* RC_INVOKED */

 * end block for C++

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _TCL */
 * Local Variables:
 * mode: c
 * c-basic-offset: 4
 * fill-column: 78
 * End: