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Ticket UUID: 2798450
Title: uri::split provides no user and pwd without (default) scheme
Type: Bug Version: None
Submitter: martinlemburg Created on: 2009-05-29 15:05:12
Subsystem: uri Assigned To: nobody
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Deleted Last Modified: 2013-07-04 17:49:27
Resolution: Not Applicable Here Closed By:
    Closed on:

following code shows the bug:

    % info patchlevel
    % package require uri
    % uri::split host.td
    port {} path host.td scheme http host {} query {}
    % uri::split host.td http
    port {} path host.td scheme http host {} query {}
    % uri::split http://host.td
    port {} path {} scheme http host host.td query {} pwd {} user {}
    % uri::split host.td ftp
    port {} path host.td scheme ftp host {} type {} user {} pwd {}
    % uri::split ftp://host.td
    port {} path {} scheme ftp host host.td type {} user {} pwd {}

So, the more common summary must be narrowed a bit, that a missing "http" scheme in the url with or without the default scheme "http" causes "uri::split" to do not return a user and pwd result list element.

Best regards,

Martin Lemburg