Itcl - the [incr Tcl] extension

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Ticket Hash: 82f8d1c0d899793a953bbc2ae3d418b20b8e4ffa
Title: Itcl commit 0d11f378d8 breaks iwidgets
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Severe Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2014-11-17 18:06:17
Version Found In: 0d11f378d8
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2014-11-12 15:49:47: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
Itcl commit 0d11f378d8 breaks iwidgets:

% package require iwidgets
cannot inherit from "itk::Widget" (cannot inherit from "itk::Archetype" (can only handle options on class level))

After backing this changeset out of the Tcl 8.6.3 release tarball iwidgets works fine.

dgp added on 2014-11-12 17:12:55: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Good that you have a fix that you can apply locally while
this gets sorted out (even if it means keeping memleaks).

Any idea how it is that Itk or Iwidgets relies on the removed
hash table?  I could see no sign that the table was used
anywhere by anything.  Still cannot find it, so I must be looking

dgp added on 2014-11-13 19:33:21: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Any chance that reverting just the change to itclInt.h will
also restore proper functioning?

anonymous added on 2014-11-17 15:03:31: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Yes, just reverting itclInt.h is enough.

dgp added on 2014-11-17 18:06:17: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Fix committed.